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Ego and Athiesm.

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Jul 23, 2016
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Allah created man in his own image and it is due to that very fact that mankind has striven for dominance over all creation and it is that very lust and basic human instinct for subjugation of nature that leads some of us to deny the existance of Allah despite it bieng the most logical conclusion to the mystery of our existance.

We are egoistic beings and the presence of an entity in control of our matters does not sit well with some of us.

The advent of modern science and industrial age has seen man disconnect from nature and the wisdom it instills. In the process of moving closer to each other we moved away from Allah. Man moved to metropolitans and it is there surrounded by his own concrete creations that he declared himself a supreme bieng and closed his mind to the factual existance of Allah.

Human's who cant even make clothes to cover thier bodies without the crops that grow by the grace of Allah, deny his existance, thier ego's inflates by science which has no foundation without the elements already present in nature. We are not creators, merely innovators.

Humans are instinctive creatures and our basic instincts are to satisfy our needs, needs which have no boundries or limits, needs that defy the subjugation of arithimetic. These needs lead us to act like ferocious predators bent upon destruction, rape and pillage and if a supreme entity limits those needs and orders fortitude, sacrifice and patience than the weakest among us defy that supreme entity and find refuge in athiesm because to control one's basic instincts is what the ultimate test is all about.

This is the pedestal upon which Allah's ultimate plan for us all rests. This is what Islam means when it introduces the concept of momin, a man who masters controll over his instincts and hence in the process finds his creator. This is what Nietzsche meant when he put forth his superman concept. This is why all the greatest thinkers looked with distain upon the essence of humanity.
Nietzsche was what ?

Learn the scientific method,

It looks like your post is a product of ego itself.
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