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Egypt Elevates an Official Hostile to U.S.


Feb 22, 2012
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CAIRO — President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is appointing a national security adviser who two years ago spearheaded criminal charges that nonprofit groups were acting as agents of an American conspiracy to weaken and destabilize Egypt.

The new adviser, Fayza Abul Naga, provoked one of the biggest crises in Cairo’s 35-year-old alliance with Washington. The case forced the son of an American cabinet secretary to hide in the United States Embassy for weeks for fear of arrest. It elicited personal threats and appeals by President Obama to Egypt’s top generals. And it culminated in the reported payment of as much as $4.6 million in forfeited bail and the secretive flight of a half dozen United States citizens on a charter jet to Cyprus.

Analysts said Ms. Abul Naga’s return underscored the Sisi government’s persistent disregard for its alliance with Washington, as well as a darkly suspicious view of civil organizations.

“The fact that she is such a recognizable face clearly makes this an obvious slap in the face to the United States, but it is in keeping with the way that this government has handled the bilateral relationship,” said Michael Wahid Hanna, an Egyptian-American researcher at the Century Foundation, based in New York.

And domestically, he said, “this is just confirmation of what we already know about the government: Its approach to civil society is unbridled hostility, and there is a real possibility that the sector is going to be squelched and shut down completely in the coming months.”

Ms. Abul Naga served for many years as minister in charge of international cooperation under President Hosni Mubarak, who relied on her to haggle with Washington for control of the roughly $250 million in annual nonmilitary American aid. After Mr. Mubarak was ousted in February 2011, she was one of the few of his cabinet ministers retained in the military-led transitional government.

It was at the end of that year that Ms. Abul Naga led the criminal case against three American nonprofit groups chartered by Congress to promote democracy: the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute and Freedom House. The police raided their offices, seized computers and documents, and placed travel bans on their employees — including Sam LaHood of the International Republican Institute, the son of Ray LaHood, then secretary of transportation. To avoid arrest, Sam LaHood and at least two other Americans camped out in the offices of the American Embassy.

Prosecutors accused the organizations’ employees, including dozens of Egyptians, of violating a strict but seldom-enforced ban on receiving unauthorized financing from abroad, charges punishable by prison time. But in court papers and the state news media, Ms. Abul Naga further accused the organizations of participating in a scheme by the American government to stir unrest in the streets.

“The United States and Israel could not directly create and sustain a state of chaos, so they used direct funding, especially American, as the means to reach those goals,” Ms. Abul Naga told investigators before the raids, in testimony later reported in the state news media.

“Evidence shows the existence of a clear and determined wish to abort any chance for Egypt to rise as a modern and democratic state with a strong economy,” she continued, “since that will pose the biggest threat to American and Israeli interests, not only in Egypt but across the whole region.” The International Republican Institute, she said, served the “right wing” agenda of the Republican Party. And she called Freedom House a tool of the “Jewish lobby.”

Sixteen American defendants were out of the country when the case came to trial; all, including Mr. LaHood, were convicted in absentia. Dozens of Egyptian staff members were convicted and given suspended sentences.

Ms. Abul Naga disappeared from the public eye with the election in 2012 of President Mohamed Morsi, an Islamist later deposed by the military.

Her return as national security adviser coincides with new signs that the government may be cracking down again on nonprofit groups. Most rights groups and many other nonprofits here have operated for years in a kind of legal twilight, more or less openly violating the unenforced prohibition on receiving foreign financing without government authorization and oversight.

But the government recently announced a deadline of Nov. 10 for full compliance with the old laws. Several rights advocates have left the country for fear of arrest. Many who remain say they fear their organizations may soon be shuttered.

In many ways, “the rest of the government has caught up with her,” Mr. Hanna said. With the Egyptian press “awash in conspiracy-addled discourse” like her charges two years ago, he said, “she is not even an outlier.”

Scott Mastic, regional director for the International Republican Institute, said, “Beyond the outrageous nature of her actions, how should we take it seriously that they are turning a page when they are returning to personalities from the past that have been so damaging to U.S.-Egypt strategic relations?”
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Everyone knows the West/Israel want to deny the right of self determination of all Arabs. It's no special case for Egypt.

And the new establishment and its supporters are claiming that they are threat to Israeli/American interests. Which is funny to say the least, US already looked past the coup. Because a human rights organization documented the Rabaa Massacre has nothing to do with the US. Those are independent human rights organizations which condemn US/Israeli policies plenty.

And if Sisi's adminstration claims they are anti-Israel to extent taking us back to 60/70 like era then why are they cooperating with Israel in security/conspiracy against Gaza? And did you forget your ministers coming to Washington to meet with American Jewish Lobbyist groups to ensure support irregardless of illegal coup?
Everyone knows the West/Israel want to deny the right of self determination of all Arabs. It's no special case for Egypt.

And the new establishment and its supporters are claiming that they are threat to Israeli/American interests. Which is funny to say the least, US already looked past the coup. Because a human rights organization documented the Rabaa Massacre has nothing to do with the US. Those are independent human rights organizations which condemn US/Israeli policies plenty.

And if Sisi's adminstration claims they are anti-Israel to extent taking us back to 60/70 like era then why are they cooperating with Israel in security/conspiracy against Gaza? And did you forget your ministers coming to Washington to meet with American Jewish Lobbyist groups to ensure support irregardless of illegal coup?
this is not about being a threat it is about being independent and make your own policy not have the west tell you what you can and cant do these organizations are a toy in the US hands
no country in the world dont want relations with the US not even russia after ukraine crisis there is still talks and diplomatic relations but they have to live with the fact that we run our own country not them and not anyone else
Egyptian media and politicians keep claiming that the US put the Muslim Brotherhood in power even though they were much less close to the US than Mubarak and even refused to protect the US embassy in 2012 during the Innocence of Muslims riots. After Israel invaded Gaza shortly afterwards Morsi called for a boycott of American goods. And he is supposed to be one of their puppets while the current Egyptian government who supported Israel's attack on Gaza in the summer are supposed to be challenging American interests? It's nonsense.
Egyptian media and politicians keep claiming that the US put the Muslim Brotherhood in power even though they were much less close to the US than Mubarak and even refused to protect the US embassy in 2012 during the Innocence of Muslims riots. After Israel invaded Gaza shortly afterwards Morsi called for a boycott of American goods. And he is supposed to be one of their puppets while the current Egyptian government who supported Israel's attack on Gaza in the summer are supposed to be challenging American interests? It's nonsense.
morsi never called for a boycott and the embassy was protected all what happened in Egypt is peaceful protest outside it brotherhood members speeches in English was full of licking west boots
all the west actions led to islamists rule in the so called arab spring
morsi never called for a boycott and the embassy was protected all what happened in Egypt is peaceful protest outside it brotherhood members speeches in English was full of licking west boots
all the west actions led to islamists rule in the so called arab spring
Muslim Brotherhood’s President Morsi in 2010: Israelis Are ‘Descendants of Apes and Pigs’, Boycott U.S. Goods | Video | TheBlaze.com
They wanted to remain on good terms with the US in order to receive military aid. But they were much less pro American than Mubarak was.
BBC News - Obama: Egypt is not US ally, nor an enemy
The overthrow of Mubarak was supported by the army themselves because they didn't want Mubarak to put his son in power. The US would never have called for Mubarak to step down if they were not aware of this.
If the US wants Islamists in power then why are they currently supporting Israel in its conflict with Hamas and recognising the House of Representatives instead of the General National Congress in Libya? Why haven't they said anything about the protests in Bahrain? Why are they on good terms with the new secular government in Tunisia? And why have they restored aid to Egypt despite the army still being in power?
Nobody outside of Egypt believes the US supports the Brotherhood.
As for "the West" as a whole.
Downing Street set to crack down on the Muslim Brotherhood - Telegraph
Canada Considers Blacklisting Muslim Brotherhood - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
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this is not about being a threat it is about being independent and make your own policy not have the west tell you what you can and cant do these organizations are a toy in the US hands
no country in the world dont want relations with the US not even russia after ukraine crisis there is still talks and diplomatic relations but they have to live with the fact that we run our own country not them and not anyone else

Respond to my post, your post didn't address it. Your OP post inidicates Israel/US are having trouble with Egypt even while your ministers went to Washington to make deal with Jewish Lobbyist groups.

It's not about being independent it's about self determination and self-sufficieny which Egypt doesn't have and will never have anytime soon.
morsi never called for a boycott and the embassy was protected all what happened in Egypt is peaceful protest outside it brotherhood members speeches in English was full of licking west boots
all the west actions led to islamists rule in the so called arab spring

بعود عليك الله

“Evidence shows the existence of a clear and determined wish to abort any chance for Egypt to rise as a modern and democratic state with a strong economy,” she continued
So under Mubarik Egypt was on its way to becoming a democratic state...are you kidding me???
good move, NGOs and non profit organizations are what the US uses to destabilize other countries.

how exactly?? you telling me in these NGOs U.S training and arming people to stir up the country?
Egypt isn't stable whether u.s has a part to play or not.
wouldn't be surprised if another Arab Spring pops up in a few years.
So under Mubarik Egypt was on its way to becoming a democratic state...are you kidding me???

He is lost, under Sisi cooperation with Israel went off the roofs. It was nowhere near that with Morsi. Sisi's adminstration has met Jewish Lobbyist groups in the US, they built buffer zone on Gaza border. They cooperated with Israel against Hamas. There are many Israeli officials who pointed out that Sisi and Israel had a deal to close Gaza Borders to get Hamas very desperate. Now Sisi's adminstration has taken new actions in Al-Arish as well all in name of weakening Palestinian Resistance.


You need to wake up, I hope you don't actually believe this nonsense. Your leaders have some of strongest relations with US/Israel.
how exactly?? you telling me in these NGOs U.S training and arming people to stir up the country?
Egypt isn't stable whether u.s has a part to play or not.
wouldn't be surprised if another Arab Spring pops up in a few years.
lol no, it's a bit more subtle than that but for sure NGOs are a stealth weapon in the US state department's hands

good move by Sisi :agree:
President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is appointing a national security adviser who two years ago spearheaded criminal charges that nonprofit groups were acting as agents of an American conspiracy to weaken and destabilize Egypt.

well, no nobel "peace" prize for general sisi or ms. fayza... but maybe morsi will get one...

three American nonprofit groups chartered by Congress to promote democracy: the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute and Freedom House.

yes... look at the wonderful "democracy" those have promoted in iraq, libya, venezueula, ukraine and syria...
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