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Egypt, the UAE, Tunisia and Morocco participate, along with 28 other countries, in the "Sea breeze" maneuvers

You insult Algeria , a country hated by Arab traitors such as yourself. You're not even man enough to show your native nationality. Shame and dishonor for your types.

Prior to his murder, Jamal Khashoggi offered to help 9/11 victims suing Saudi Arabia

Running around in circles: How Saudi Arabia is losing its war in Yemen to Iran https://www.mei.edu/publications/running-around-circles-how-saudi-arabia-losing-its-war-yemen-iran
No one needs to do anything bad to Algeria.. you are doing it yourselves..With total corruption..

Algeria: 30 generals in prison... The "Badisia Novambria" network has been dimanteled




Facebook removes fake accounts and pages originating from Algeria


Accusations of corruption are expanding.. What is happening in Algeria among the ruling hawks?

Accusations of corruption in Algeria even reached the vicinity of the late General Ahmed Gaid Salah, who oversaw the transition process between the era of former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika and the era of current President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, by publishing the newspaper “Al-Watan” about the enormous fortunes of the two sons of the General, Adel and Boumediene, stressing However, the two are prohibited from leaving the country.

Tebboune himself is in the circle of accusations!

And accusing the vicinity of Gaid Salah, almost no current or former party in power in Algeria remained without being pursued by accusations of corruption. Even President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, who pledged to fight corruption, is part of the old regime, and he was appointed prime minister in 2017 before he was quickly dismissed after 84 days have passed since he took office.

At the time, this exemption was explained by Tebboune entering into a confrontation with businessmen, specifically with Ali Haddad, who was one of the first to be arrested in the series of arrests that followed the end of the Bouteflika era.

The president's son, Khaled Tebboune, was also accused of several charges, including money laundering, abuse of influence, and forming a gang. Khaled was arrested in 2018 after confiscating quantities of drugs. But the judiciary acquitted him last February, that is, 3 months after his father reached the presidency, while another defendant in the same file, Kamal Sheikhi, was sentenced to eight years.


This should be enough for you to go meditate on .. and shut your big mouth about Arabs..

And anyway..you have derailed the topic of the thread way too much.. all your posts are off topic..
Saudi Arabia has lost the war in Yemen

Saudis couldn’t stop attack on oil facilities, even with top US defenses

Saudi Arabia has no excuse for its military failures

Running around in circles: How Saudi Arabia is losing its war in Yemen to Iran
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I'm telling you the truth.. you are sick big time.. and you are ignoring forum rules here..by trolling and being off topic all the time..
If you come here insulting the Great Algeria and its people, you gotta be man enough to stand the heat, little guy. Saudi Arabia is the numero uno ally of Israel in the region.
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Respect Philip, he was a Arab emperor of Rome.

Is there a Berber emperor of a rock?

Respect Philip, he was a Arab emperor of Rome.

Is there a Berber emperor of a rock?

Very interesting how yesterday's Arab was submissive to Rome, while today's Arab is fully obedient to My Country, Tears of Thee, Sweet Land Of Liberty. lol
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When middasterners talk about corruption…Corruption is institutionalized in the Middleast, there is not one country, not one institution that is not corrupt…The whole Egypt should be called , République of the corrupt…At least Algeria is doing something about it..Newspapers and media are talking about it….some thing you will never see in any Mena country..Hell Egypt just gave away to Islands to the Saud, there not one voice of dissension was heard, and the news media did everything to defend Sissi’s action…
Algeria is probably wounded by the action of Bouteflika’s goverment who was bent no only to destroy Algeria as a state, but its national fiber due to the hate , he harbored against the country who gave him everything, after Chadli was chosen to succeed Boumediene. Although he fathered the corruption that he brought back from his years of self exile in the Gulf. His reign with all excesses and the destruction that his government was known for, he did not succeed in destroying the country, but it did certainly weakened Algeria and weakened the army to the point where Qatar, not bigger than a nat bullied her without any reply from his government.
Algeria is in a deep cleaning phase and all the Bouteflika’s remnants will be removed judged, sentenced, and jailed. When will Egypt starts cleaning its swamp?
You just can’t resist the urge developed from the utmost level of butthurt to mention Egypt can you?
The U.S.-trained Egyptian Armed Forces performed miserably in 1991 during Operation Desert Storm. If anything, they did somewhat better under Soviet tutelage in the 1973 October War.
Egypt’s operating Sky Guard ground based AIM-7s were clearly successful in intercepting Iraqi missiles wherever the western sides failed. Egypt’s Anti Mine modified Vehicles were used to punch holes into the Iraqi mine fields to secure pathways for the allied land forces and a Saudi Royal personally stated in his book that the Egyptian Air Force wasn’t deployed because the Saudi Bases couldn’t host further fighters despite the Egyptian F-4s capability of deploying stealth Scarab drones that were to be used for reconnaissance within Iraqi controlled airspace.
One thing I’m sure of is that Egypt performed better than the Soviets themselves against the Israelis. Back when the Soviets would call the Egyptians as incompetent only to fall into aerial Ambushes already declared deadly by the Egyptian Military because of the Soviet Weapons Capabilities and have Soviet manned SAMs in Egypt be wiped out by Israeli F-4s. All despite Israel’s efforts to target soviet free targets.
You just can’t resist the urge developed from the utmost level of butthurt to mention Egypt can you?
Butthurt..please 😂😂😂 Algeria came and saved your arses twice from Israel’s tukhas that was deeply anchored in it, and made them set with Egypt to sign a truce while your second and 3rd army were surrounded and about to starve to death..That what ”US” the Berbers, the ones that ruled Rome and spread Islam to Europe were and are still capable of! but a six street dwellers will always be a 6st dwellers…just like a dog any t(d)ick will do…Your country is a joke, that the reason I used an example for countries to avoid to mimic.
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Egypt’s operating Sky Guard ground based AIM-7s were clearly successful in intercepting Iraqi missiles wherever the western sides failed. Egypt’s Anti Mine modified Vehicles were used to punch holes into the Iraqi mine fields to secure pathways for the allied land forces and a Saudi Royal personally stated in his book that the Egyptian Air Force wasn’t deployed because the Saudi Bases couldn’t host further fighters despite the Egyptian F-4s capability of deploying stealth Scarab drones that were to be used for reconnaissance within Iraqi controlled airspace.
One thing I’m sure of is that Egypt performed better than the Soviets themselves against the Israelis. Back when the Soviets would call the Egyptians as incompetent only to fall into aerial Ambushes already declared deadly by the Egyptian Military because of the Soviet Weapons Capabilities and have Soviet manned SAMs in Egypt be wiped out by Israeli F-4s. All despite Israel’s efforts to target soviet free targets.
WAW, what a pile of fava beans! You were there for a crumbs of bread, you haven’t even fire one bullet..you just replaced the Americans after each area was cleared of Iraqis..The F4 that Egypt got after Sadat gave the US the store, weren’t even in flying shape, you couldn’t fly them to Saudi Arabia, the only thing you had left were the MiG 21, which is still flying in country to this day and is the fly able aircraft that your air force can train with. The only Arab force that was eager to fight in Iraq was the Qataris..another army of mercenaries at best…All the remaining Arab forces were for show, in order to get some crumbs from the Sauds..Read the book Shwarskoff instead, it’s all there…
Loosers always find a source to blame..You blame the Russian military equipment that was inferior..maybe inferior in the Egyptian soldier or the Egyptian officier..Same equipment that travelled from North Africa to Sinai and demolished Ariel tank brigade, the same aircraft that Algeria bought for Egypt after your 67 shallakee, went toe to toe with the Israeli Air Force, where we lost one aircraft, sorry two, the first one was downed by the Égyptien while en route to the front. Algerian even shot down an American C5 galaxy and damaged a 2nd one , that were supplying the Israelis…In fact , worthless, we won the war for you!
That what berbers are made of!
Butthurt..please 😂😂😂 Algeria came and saved your arses twice from Israel’s tukhas that was deeply anchored in it, and made them set with Egypt to sign a truce while your second and 3rd army were surrounded and about to starve to death..That what ”US” the Berbers, the ones that ruled Rome and spread Islam to Europe. That what we were are still capable of! but a six street dwellers will always be a 6st dwellers…just like a dog any t(d)ick will do…Your country is a joke, that the reason I used an example for countries to avoid to mimic.
You’ve just expressed you’re complete unawareness of Egypt’s situations throughout the War. Only one army was surrounded yet defeated the Israelis in Ismailia. Perhaps Israel’s targeting of Egyptian choppers post the ceasefire would make you guess how Egypt was capable of supplying its “surrounded” army. Minding that Egypt’s “surrounded” army was infact only cut off from land supply route yet already superior to the Israeli forces in the Sinai for Israel misjudged the number of troops crossing west of the Canal. Explaining why the Israelis never attacked this army from the east. You simply ignore the Suez Gulf in which the Israelis had no superior naval assets in hence allowed Egypt to supply its troops via sea and air. Algeria’s contributions to the War against Israel were namely providing Egypt with MiGs after the 6 days war. Totally flown by Egyptians and sending ground troops to Egypt which actually never engaged in combat and were kept aside (close to the National Guard) from attacking the Israelis with their back to the Canal and the “surrounded” Egyptian forces to boost ceasefire efforts. This country had to witness the French lay the foundation for Israel’s jet age and defend the skies of Israel with the start of the Suez Crisis only because Egypt supported your independence against them.
Yet this country despite all the Wars and Dictatorships witnesses superior academic records and research papers publish per Capita than Algeria... even when it comes to the COVID Pandemic. Perhaps it would be more useful if that t(d)ick dives into numbers and how the Algerian currency has been performing against the USD since 2017 - compared to Egypt’s pounds.
you haven’t even fire one bullet
Didn’t risk losing soldiers on ground that would’ve fueled the Arab nationalism of the population back then.
The F4 that Egypt got after Sadat gave the US the store, weren’t even in flying shape, you couldn’t fly them to Saudi Arabia, the only thing you had left were the MiG 21, which is still flying in country to this day and is the fly able aircraft that your air force can train with.
F-4s were operational well into the 2000s, their spares were required by other operators too which allowed Egypt to find a rich spare market and at least the first 4 were operational by 1981.
Tell that to the Egyptian Mirage Vs who carried out EW missions during the Iran-Iraq War (this time on Iraq’s side) here:

You’ve missed on Egypt locally produced Alpha Jets who recently carried out training missions close to the Mediterranean shores. Along with Egypt’s K-8Es forming the Aerobatic team and operating in bases in South and Mid Egypt. But again I understand how determined you are to force “inferiority” as a matter of fact on me.

Read the book Shwarskoff instead, it’s all there…
Loosers always find a source to blame..You blame the Russian military equipment that was inferior..maybe inferior in the Egyptian soldier or the Egyptian officier..Same equipment that travelled from North Africa to Sinai and demolished Ariel tank brigade, the same aircraft that Algeria bought for Egypt after your 67 shallakee, went toe to toe with the Israeli Air Force, where we lost one aircraft, sorry two, the first one was downed by the Égyptien while en route to the front. Algerian even shot down an American C5 galaxy and damaged a 2nd one , that were supplying the Israelis…In fact , worthless, we won the war for you!
That what berbers are made of!
Since you started with the Soviet sources: the Soviet instructors who were sent to Egypt were found by the Egyptians to be arrogant, ones who fail to understand Egypt’s disadvantages with the whole air combat planning inherited with the Soviet fighters. They’d fail to understand that the Israelis are nearly undetectable by the Egyptian radars while the Sinai’s territory gave them the advantage with Air combat planning. Failing to understand Egypt’s problems, not only with the Soviet Fighters but with their lack of good weapons radars and efficient communication systems would lead the Soviet instructors into Operation Rimon 20 which in fact (to the Egyptian Sources) is the usual Israeli aerial engagement tactic which would lead to the loss of several Soviet instructors manned MiG-21s while 1-2 Israeli fighters would only be damaged because of the almighty Atolls. Hence Soviet “instructors” were merely as qualified as an Egyptian 21 y.o. pilot back then.
By mentioning the Soviet sources I’d like to notify you that
“Soviet sources cited Egypt fighting 120 air combats and having shot down 76 Israeli fighters in exchange for 54 of their own losses.” - Arab MiGs Volume 6 (October 1973 War: Part 2) by Tom Cooper, David Nicolle, Albert Grandolini, Lon Norden and Martin Smisek.
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Just two non Algerian childish trolls
Guess who came to the rescue of a waste basket ? A stone aged brainiac Saudi, another larvae that abounds in the Middle East…
Egypt army is no better than a tit on wild boar…useless..just for show…like the big majority ofArab armies…Egypt participated in Sandstorm…the only fight the she conducted was to remove the sand deeply inbeded where the sun does‘t shine…
You’ve just expressed you’re complete unawareness of Egypt’s situations throughout the War. Only one army was surrounded yet defeated the Israelis in Ismailia. Perhaps Israel’s targeting of Egyptian choppers post the ceasefire would make you guess how Egypt was capable of supplying its “surrounded” army. Minding that Egypt’s “surrounded” army was infact only cut off from land supply route yet already superior to the Israeli forces in the Sinai for Israel misjudged the number of troops crossing west of the Canal. Explaining why the Israelis never attacked this army from the east. You simply ignore the Suez Gulf in which the Israelis had no superior naval assets in hence allowed Egypt to supply its troops via sea and air. Algeria’s contributions to the War against Israel were namely providing Egypt with MiGs after the 6 days war. Totally flown by Egyptians and sending ground troops to Egypt which actually never engaged in combat and were kept aside (close to the National Guard) from attacking the Israelis with their back to the Canal and the “surrounded” Egyptian forces to boost ceasefire efforts. This country had to witness the French lay the foundation for Israel’s jet age and defend the skies of Israel with the start of the Suez Crisis only because Egypt supported your independence against them.
Yet this country despite all the Wars and Dictatorships witnesses superior academic records and research papers publish per Capita than Algeria... even when it comes to the COVID Pandemic. Perhaps it would be more useful if that t(d)ick dives into numbers and how the Algerian currency has been performing against the USD since 2017 - compared to Egypt’s pounds.

Didn’t risk losing soldiers on ground that would’ve fueled the Arab nationalism of the population back then.

F-4s were operational well into the 2000s, their spares were required by other operators too which allowed Egypt to find a rich spare market and at least the first 4 were operational by 1981.
Tell that to the Egyptian Mirage Vs who carried out EW missions during the Iran-Iraq War (this time on Iraq’s side) here:
View attachment 762918
You’ve missed on Egypt locally produced Alpha Jets who recently carried out training missions close to the Mediterranean shores. Along with Egypt’s K-8Es forming the Aerobatic team and operating in bases in South and Mid Egypt. But again I understand how determined you are to force “inferiority” as a matter of fact on me.

Since you started with the Soviet sources: the Soviet instructors who were sent to Egypt were found by the Egyptians to be arrogant, ones who fail to understand Egypt’s disadvantages with the whole air combat planning inherited with the Soviet fighters. They’d fail to understand that the Israelis are nearly undetectable by the Egyptian radars while the Sinai’s territory gave them the advantage with Air combat planning. Failing to understand Egypt’s problems, not only with the Soviet Fighters but with their lack of good weapons radars and efficient communication systems would lead the Soviet instructors into Operation Rimon 20 which in fact (to the Egyptian Sources) is the usual Israeli aerial engagement tactic which would lead to the loss of several Soviet instructors manned MiG-21s while 1-2 Israeli fighters would only be damaged because of the almighty Atolls. Hence Soviet “instructors” were merely as qualified as an Egyptian 21 y.o. pilot back then.
By mentioning the Soviet sources I’d like to notify you that
“Soviet sources cited Egypt fighting 120 air combats and having shot down 76 Israeli fighters in exchange for 54 of their own losses.” - Arab MiGs Volume 6 (October 1973 War: Part 2) by Tom Cooper, David Nicolle, Albert Grandolini, Lon Norden and Martin Smisek.
Welcome back bro , i used to read your informative posts .
Welcome back bro , i used to read your informative posts .
Because of my studies I wasn’t active lately,
I believe your contributions to Egypt’s Armed Forces threads are always welcomed. Feel free to ask me about anything else should any question rise to your mind.

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