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Extraterrestrial Etiquette: How Should Humanity Interact with Alien Life?

Well they say OM is universally understood.In short sound waves of different frequencies,should work.But then you might not know which frequency is to be used to which race.
So sign language.....JMHO.

The universal language should be "mathematics". But how talk using mathematics is the problem....in my opinion....according to Carl Sagan.
The universal language should be "mathematics". But how talk using mathematics is the problem....in my opinion....according to Carl Sagan.


You've heard of Tesla??
Well Tesla's resonator could be used for communication with the so called extra terrestrials.

And about i still feel pictorial messages have some scope.
Then i found this on net about mathematical language.
Communication with extraterrestrial intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pasting a part of it here.

Mathematical and scientific languages

Published in 1953 by Lancelot Hogbendescribes a system for combining numbers and operators in a series of short and long pulses. In Hogben's system, short pulses represent numbers, while trains of long pulses represent symbols for addition, subtraction, etc.[5]

Lincos (Lingua cosmica)
Main article: Lincos (artificial language)
Lincos: Design of a Language for Cosmic Intercourse, published in 1960 by Hans Freudenthal, expands upon Astraglossa to create a general-purpose language derived from basic mathematics and logic symbols.[6]Several researchers have further expanded upon Freudenthal's work. A Lincos-like dictionary was featured in the Carl Sagan novel Contact and film adaptation.

Carl Sagan
The science fiction novel Contact by Carl Sagan explored in some depth how a message might be constructed to allow communication with an alien civilization, using the prime numbers as a starting point, followed by various universal principles and facts of mathematics and science. Sagan also edited a non-fiction book on the subject,[7]which has recently been updated.[8]

A language based on the fundamental facts of science
Published in 1992 by Carl Devito and Richard Oehrle, is similar in syntax to Astraglossa and Lincos but builds its vocabulary around known physical properties.[9]
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You've heard of Tesla??
Well Tesla's resonator could be used for communication with the so called extra terrestrials.

And about i still feel pictorial messages have some scope.
Then i found this on net about mathematical language.
Communication with extraterrestrial intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pasting a part of it here.

Mathematical and scientific languages

Published in 1953 by Lancelot Hogbendescribes a system for combining numbers and operators in a series of short and long pulses. In Hogben's system, short pulses represent numbers, while trains of long pulses represent symbols for addition, subtraction, etc.[5]

Lincos (Lingua cosmica)
Main article: Lincos (artificial language)
Lincos: Design of a Language for Cosmic Intercourse, published in 1960 by Hans Freudenthal, expands upon Astraglossa to create a general-purpose language derived from basic mathematics and logic symbols.[6]Several researchers have further expanded upon Freudenthal's work. A Lincos-like dictionary was featured in the Carl Sagan novel Contact and film adaptation.

Carl Sagan
The science fiction novel Contact by Carl Sagan explored in some depth how a message might be constructed to allow communication with an alien civilization, using the prime numbers as a starting point, followed by various universal principles and facts of mathematics and science. Sagan also edited a non-fiction book on the subject,[7]which has recently been updated.[8]

A language based on the fundamental facts of science
Published in 1992 by Carl Devito and Richard Oehrle, is similar in syntax to Astraglossa and Lincos but builds its vocabulary around known physical properties.[9]

The only signal till now the humans have got from outer space and still we are clue less was on August 15 1977 better known as "WOW" signal...basing on which the movie "The Contact" was made.
What a waste of time man. Planning how to interact with alien life forms.

When 9 out of 10 men and women do not have a clue how to interact with humans.

Get a grip on that first. Practice on humans. Then maybe you wouldn't look like such a species of losers when those from Krypton come a-calling.

Lets spread love on our own planet first.

@levina coffee, tea, me?
Considering how most humans interact with each on planet Earth they will just mess up big time any kind of interaction with ET's.
@levina coffee, tea, me?
If coffee was option 1,Tea-2,you -3....then i would take option 2 Tea first,
If option 2 wasnt available i'll choose option-1 coffee.
And if coffee was also not available and i am left with you then i better :suicide:

On topic:
Yes it looks like a waste of money when our governments invest the tax paid by the citizens on ET space missions. Because we dont know if they exist,and if they exist ,will they communicate or not.
If ETs had to contact humans then by now we would have received dozens of WOW signals.
Or its a possibilty that they are trying to contact us and we cant detect their signals???
So whats the harm in trying??.JMHO.
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Humanity should start thinking about how to interact with alien species long before coming into contact with extraterrestrial life, experts say.

Coming up with a strict set of guidelines that govern the way people on future interstellar space missions study and interact with aliens is imperative before anyone blasts off to a distant world, according to attendees at Starship Congress in August.

While a "prime directive" — the rule that prevented Star Fleet officers from interfering with the business of alien life-forms on TV's "Star Trek" — might be a little extreme, such a rule could help govern interactions between aliens and humans.
Screw the "Prime Directive". I say start interbreeding immediately (if they are anything like the Twi'leks or that blond Cylon from BG, Kara Zor-el aka Supergirl, that green alien girl from Star Trek, the Na'vi females, the Vulcan T'pol, taht check from Fifth Element or even from Species), anywho that's what's going to happen ultimately. All other 'etiquettes' will automatically fall into place, once "relationship" issues start rising! ;)
Screw the "Prime Directive". I say start interbreeding immediately (if they are anything like the Twi'leks or that blond Cylon from BG, Kara Zor-el aka Supergirl, that green alien girl from Star Trek, the Na'vi females, the Vulcan T'pol, taht check from Fifth Element or even from Species), anywho that's what's going to happen ultimately. All other 'etiquettes' will automatically fall into place, once "relationship" issues start rising! ;)

A man after my own heart. Bold and underlined.

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