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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

USA and Europe have been arming up Ukraine and fueling in money and donations because it is against Russia

Even in your online banking you see "Advertisement to Donate for Ukraine and Guerilla war in Ukraine"
  • Same banks that say don't send money to Muslim Countries

Everywhere , they post "Advertisement" in west Donate for Ukraine

On Social media they run ads , join the war in Ukraine

But Palestine is called Terrorist because want statehood

What is difference between Palestinians resisting Occupation vs Ukranians the difference is it does not suits Western Crusade war agenda

If you review history you will realize that Ukraine for most part of history was part of Russia
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In South Lebanon, Israel killed a Reuters journalist

His death was described by Reuters as a "mystery" using passive language.

That's disgusting. The truth is too controversial to report because it upsets Israel, so they are afraid to report it
This is how you fight Hamas in Gaza.

You are not fighting Hamas, you are just killing unarmed defenseless innocent Palestinians to clench your thirst and lust for Muslim blood.

Time to fight Hamas and to show bravado was when they entered territory under your occupation and engaged in close quarter combats. Now you are just on a killing spree because you can aerial bomb defenseless innocent people without any accountability.

Your urge to post and boast your bravado on an online forum, when the people you are busy massacring have no one to support and defend them, shows how brave you are.

If you were making these posts in a scenario where you were fighting your equivalents, I would understand, but in this case, you are piece of shit coward.

I believe same thing is about to happen with Israelis in upcoming days :)

They won't be able to sustain and will lose lot lot more.

Palestinians need to mobilize their men. New recruits....

I do believe Israeli cover is blown and no amount of bravado is going to help them now.

Also, Hamas needs to stop throwing cheap rockets.

Get a precised one with larger warheads.

- Given Israeli carpet bombing of Gaza, with no regards to civilians and infrastructure...Israeli civilians, critical infrastructure are also a fair game now.
I just watched a live broadcast by Fulya Öztürk, one of the Turkish journalists in the area. The IDF is absolutely not allowing journalists to get out of their vehicles today. As soon as they get out and start filming, they are immediately warned and removed from the area. Nevertheless, she took footage of 2 main tank units. A few kilometers from the northern border of Gaza, tank units are standing at the ready. In addition, buses continue to transport troops to the area. The atmosphere is such that a ground operation could start at any moment.

On the other hand, said that they have not heard from their friends some Arab journalists inside Gaza. There is an expectation that the internet will be completely shut down in Gaza in the coming hours, thus preventing the journalists inside as well as the Palestinians who are reporting the developments on social media.
The are accepting Ukrainian immigrats Just ones from Syria and Muslim were not allowed
when Syria was being destroyed in 2011 and before Afghanistan/Iraq/Libya

First groups allowed in were Christians and later some Muslims migrated

But anyone from Ukraine was fast tracked into Banks and Other high places

Mean while USA on the border was denying immigrants from South America

What is the difference ?
Between Migrants from Ukraine - South America/Central America- Syria

Why don't any wealthy European country or US take all the Ukrainians! The answer to this question is exactly the answer of your question.
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