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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

"A senior Hamas official has confirmed earlier reports by the Israeli embassy that more than 100 people were captured during the militants' assault.

The figure is in addition to more than 30 people said to be held by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant group."

>130 Israelis arrested and held in the Gaza Strip
I suspect some of you Greeks did that too during your War of Independence against the Turks before the First World War.
That was 200 years ago. Greeks had been infighting for ages,but that was 200 years ago.

Look at the situation in Gaza in 2008. Palestine was barely surviving. They needed unity. And what did Hamas do? They wanted to take power and attacked the Palestinian Authority and Fatah in the Gaza Strip. And executed some of them. And imprisoned others. And then launched a persecution of political adversaries. Hamas doesn't like others "challenging" their authority. They turned the Gaza Strip into their own Emirate.
The thing is, if Hamas did not do that and Israeli did what I just said, then yes, Arab world would probably going to jump in and we probably have another 1947 war.

But if after what Hamas did now and Arab world jump in? Do you think that is a wise decision if Israeli go all out?

I don't see any Arab country would want to touch Palestinian issue now, you don't make progress by launching attack like this, and this is just giving the israeli excuses to do what they want to do now, and nobody will say a god damn word about it. Not after yesterday. So are you going to try risk losing them all, even more so now Russia can't do shit outside Russia and the world probably have no other counter balance to the West? That is too much of a risk to take for Arab world to have them associate with Hamas and the like.

This is going to be bloody from both side, and there are going to be asymmetrical casualty between Palestinian and Israel, and then they are going to ham on Hamas from the air, sea and on the ground. This is how this war is going to play out, unless Israel did a Russian on Gaza, chances are there, but it's not big
Saudis said something; MBS blamed israel for the whole thing. Therefore, the Arabs states may not want to intervene but are being forced to act.
Isn't it funny when people have selective memory when it comes to their own history. :agree:

The one thing all this has shown is that the IDF isn't as disciplined as we all thought it was.
Sometimes I'm very provocative and I should have say sorry for this/that.
But it's very annoying to talk to people who like cherry picking and never admit own cruelty in history and/or have only black/white view on things.
That is something I like and respect so much about you and LEGEND as mods/member, you have your own, objective view.
Not that your view is with everyones compatible or always flawless, by the almighty that is just not possible but you always try to be fair and objectivly.
Sadly many forum members are not matured enough to have a realistic world view on subjects, they are ideological blinded.
I would be the first who would remember an American of fighting against the natives, but this doesn't make the natives "innocent" people who did smoke the whole day peace-pipes and sang kumba-ya.
The same with the modern Israelis, they were, from the beginning in the situation (from a human perspective) that they are unwished foreigners.
I understand the historical approach, Jewish kingdoms were there, Jews are different compared to Christians/Muslims.
Culturally/Religious, it's a closed group mostly.
This area was Jewish culture, Jewish art, Jewish lifestyle, Jewish religion.
But after FOREIGN intervention (British) and some miscalculation (Ottomans) who sold hard working Jews areas/land there and these communities matured and after WW2 and the Holocaust they declared independence with own state, the ARABS declared war(s) against them.
Again, from THEIR (Arab) view, understandable, I wouldn't like it either if Turks in Berlin say Berlin is now TURKISH land.
Arabs lost everytime, Jews got nearly nothing from other states as support in the first CRITICAL years, they had to use jewish influence and even then they got old stuff from European scrapyards and took everything they got.
Later they got weapons from Belgium and much French stuff, especially planes.
It was not until 1967 that the Americans got interest in the Jews because of the Cold War.
Soviets used Arabs as their tool.
Pajeet's being Pajeet's.
men, children and unarmed , anyone advocating for killing civillian de

Too bad Hindus are afraid to help their cousin Israel
Don't say hindus but BJP thugs and blind modi *** kissers.

Hindu intellectuals both in India and abroad are anti-india and have supported the palestinian struggle for decades.
What can I say,maybe our cultures are really that different. Maybe you people think it's fine,it's ok. No problem. Children and women and elderly people are game. Maybe in your culture,I don't know,it's ok? You find that normal? You're ok with it? As a human,it's ok,it's good? I'm trying to understand you.

So...if let's say a Hindutva militant group invades your town and takes your grandmother,sister,brother,parents as hostages and claims you did them wrong,because you are occupiers,because this land was their before the partition,you're fine with it.

You tell me "but international law says..." and they tell you "We'll treat you like you treated us during the migration",no problem,you're ok.

So going by your logic my old grandmother can come to your home, kick you out of your home and then start living in it and you would be fine with it since she is old age and all that

Obviously no. And same is the case with Palestinians too

These fighters are doing the right thing by taking this lady as POW and later using her for prisoner swap

If they would have tortured her or killed her then that would have been condemnable. But I don't find anything wrong in that video. It is what it is.

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