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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

If abducting women and children is not terrorism, then I do not know what is.

Let's see how things go.

I wonder if bombing them in their homes indiscriminately while some maybe sleeping, playing, watching TV, or being cared for by their parents also fits your definition. Pretty sure it's a matter of which blood you feel is more expensive, who are you kidding here, Saar?



The aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean Sea is intended for Iran.
Yes it is unique aircraft carrier, designed by toilet cleaners hence it has the wheels and Chinese fake Goodyears. So near Iraqi border the tractors gonna tow it to the Abduls garage.
It's only Muslims, who do that.

Just go attend to your cows seriously you aren't adding anything to this discussion besides the Jews don't want anything with your kind please kindly step down. This is to complex for your to comprehend,,

I really wish they did tho but unfortunately 95% of the muslims are secular today
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Israel is absolutely paralyzed right now

Just put yourself in their shoes:

Their army was absolutely humiliated… their top commanders killed and captured in their underwear…

They still aren’t fully sure if they have secured their south….

They have 0 good ground options right now. Hamas+allies have created an absolute death trap in gaza and the zionists know it…

Their usual tactic of using american planes to kill women and children with terror attacks wont be as effective, as with each strike captive zionists will also die.

The only thing they can do right now is some terror airstrikes, and crying and ripping their a holes out in anger on tv…

They still dont know what really hit them….. multiple coordinates attacks absolutely anahited zionist forces in the border…..

How does this happen in such a media age where everyone has a phones, gaza is tinyyyy, and under the most advanced siege on earth?

The zionists are absolutely shattered.. their sense of safety is gone…. Their absolute trust in their army/government has been shattered. Generations will have this scar, and many will likely move to bacl to wherever they came from

The zionist image of power has been shattered.. and there is nothing they can do about it in the near to change that
The 1600-year-old Church of St. Porphyrius was blown up by the Israeli air force.

Those who think that Zionism targets only Muslims are grossly ignorant. Zionism is the enemy even of Jews who do not share its distorted worldview.
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