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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

No I am not derailing, I am focusing on a very important topic of why countries aren't supporting Palestine and Muslim Unity. But enemies of Unity are nefariously at work undermining Muslim strength. The biggest question in terms of Islam is why large Countries like Egypt, Pakistan and Turkey aren't helping to militarily settle the matter. They have the logistics , they have the weapons technology and the manufacturing base, the people support Palestinians but the will of the people is being blocked by the corrupts.
Then for God's sake take a look at my last 50 posts before calling me a bastard. You may disagree with the strange things a person writes, and I don't either. But please don't go beyond that person's individual boundaries when expressing this. In Istanbul people are protesting on the streets every day. The inaction of the states is so internalized that the current lethargy is unforgivable. To hell with every country that does not stand up today, I have shouted this many times here, on other social media channels and on the street, without separating my own country. Don't think that it is only the Islamic community that shouts about this, the ones you marginalize by calling them Ataturkists do it more harshly. For example, search for Nihat Genç etc. or VeryansınTV, Aydınlık etc. on twitter and you will find many things.
If your purpose for coming to Istanbul was spiritual serenity and Islamic enrichment, you could have a wonderful experience. On the other side who seeks shit finds shit.

Most of my life, 32 years of it, has been spent in Istanbul. As I am writing this now, I am also residing in Istanbul. I know every nook and cranny of Istanbul well. All its filth and all its beauty. I was in the nightlife for about 10 years because my main profession and academic background is sound engineering. I didn't continue that life because I believe that life is not for me, but I continue the acoustic design business. Half of my family is a Balkan immigrant and the other half is from Black Sea, these parts are usually the regions of Istanbul where mafia families belong, and my family has been in the maritime sector in Istanbul for 4 generations. Anyway, when someone tries to tell me about Istanbul, I can't help but laugh involuntarily.

You can write anything you want about me. Even if they are childish reactions, it doesn't matter, I laugh it off.

BUT It is unacceptable to call a nation a b*stard, this is the same type with Zionist racism. A mental illness that understands everything you encounters in life on racial grounds. I see such posters as pathetic people who have failed to become individuals and I report them regardless of their nationality, you can also ask the moderators for confirmation.

By the way, I have not used any bad words against your precious family or your nation, which I respect very much. Although I have been provoked by many people here, the expressions I have used against them have remained within individual limits. Therefore, my above post is not the product of any racism or a sick world of thought. I wrote directly and clearly, you are a cunt, and a hopeless one at that. May God give patience to your family and relatives.
Ignore this idiot bro
Shut up you son of Ataturk, when I was there the mosques were empty because alot of you prefered the belly dancing clubs instead-"Istanbul was spiritual serenity and Islamic enrichment, you could have a wonderful experience."
Stop with the stupid posts and generalisations, its not the time

Because of traitor Arabs during WW1

Arabs including Palestinians were allies with the British to fight against the TURKS ( Ottoman Empire )

and now British supports Israel to kill Arabs in GAZA-Palestine
enjoy with your MASTER ( British )

after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire
USA,The UK,France,Israel,Russia killed millions of Arabs in Algeria , Iraq , Syria , Libya , Palestine , etc

We TURKS are not stupid to fight Israel for traitor Arabs
Their MASTER USA and The UK should save Palestine from Israel

shut up and go to fight Israel you ugly smelly bastard
Shameless donkey
I think there is some misunderstanding. Cambodia duplicated Chinese (Mao) Cultural Revolution with assistance and co-operation from PRC/CCP. U.S. had no role to play. If U.S. had not gone anywhere near Southeast Asia, there would be 'Cultural Revolutions' in all of Southeast Asia. Part of the reason for U.S. intervention in Vietnam was for precisely this reason: it was called domino theory.
Some people here ignore that the domino theory was correct. After South Vietnam fell,Cambodia fell and then Laos fell.
Yes go ahead and refer to fabricated atrocity propaganda created by guess who? The same people facilitating propaganda enabling a real genocide. An age old tactic used by western governments to damage or attack their geopolitical rivals.

It is funny that the western media spent years fabricating a genocide against Uyghurs with nothing to show for it except for weird grainy images of supposed camps and testimonials set up by CIA linked organizations. While the west is cheering on an actual genocide where we are being flooded by videos of actual Palestinian children getting blown up every day.

I wonder why you’re so invested in protecting Israel. I suspect you’re not being upfront about your own background.
Ahahah....so your governments actions in Xijiang is all propaganda yeah. So why should we believe you and not believe Israel who says exactly the same thing your government says as well? Lol If you claim your Chinese government repression of Uygurs is all propaganda then we should also believe Israel saying their actions against Palestinians are justified and those claiming otherwise are just doing Propaganda. 😉 Israel claims self defence and blames Hamas for using Palestinain as human shields(which to be honest they often do since they can't afford to fight Israels military face to face), your government also claims to be merely trying to re-educate and deradicalise the Muslim Uygurs with the harsh laws they have applied to them.
As I said before, I guess we have to believe you and Israel as well. 😆 Those muslim who claim you ans Israel are oppressing their brothers are just doing propaganda. To each his own as they say. 😆
Truth hurts doesn't it? I haven't generalised it is a third person singular term. Glad that you have accepted there are bad Turks and it reflects in your foreign policy , but this isn't a time for petty squabling , but time to refrain from watching cheap belly dancing and cheap beer, and to do what Allah has ordained and an opportunity for the Turkish people to undo their past failings. Palestine was part of the Turkish Empire until you gave it up/lost it and failed in your duties to uphold Islamic values. There is nothing racist in my post but then it could be because you guys have a lot of Mongol blood within you.
They lost it fighting, interestingly enough the people who like to talk about Islamic values haven't been able to do a single thing ever. By the way. I know your type of people, by your talk I recognise you, if you can become white, you would eat pork in a day.
Sorry, us the Bosnians failed you. Unfortunately as the Ottomans we didn't do well in all those hundreds of battles in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Caucasus, Balkans, North Africa and God's know where. We failed in our duty so on behalf of my Grandfather ( Ottoman and German officer) my Dad KIA as doctor and me a medal form my president, I am deeply apologising to you.
You filthy scumbag. You are nothing but a barking illiterate hypocrite.
You only connection to Islam is barking about what you don't like and thinking that by that you elevate yourself to some level
I know the psychology of you. I have met hundreds like you.
If you can be white like me.you would have sex with your own sister
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