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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Alright, you get into the shoes of Hamas and make the case for their 'Strategy'.

Step 1: Kill 1,400 Israelis (I will not quibble about civilian vs. military)
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Success

Please give the best you can for Step 2.
Jews were murdering men , women and children every day, infact Jewish government had encouraged settlers to increase the murders and attack Al Aqsa mosque as part of their ethnic cleansing and pretext to Genocide. What did you expect the Palestinians to do? I predicted did this the momet the US Zions started a massive ordnance supply to Israel, I knew they were preparing for something big. I thought it would be Lebanon but it was part of their agenda to take over Palestine. What people forget is that that racist supremacy Nazi religio-ideology is a cancer which will spread militarily from one Arab sate to another no matter how much the Arabs hope it wouldn't. This extreme ideology has alreay spread to India and it has manifested itself in the Mulsim massacres in Gujerat,Delhi and East India.

Arabs and the Muslim world must stand united now and dismantle this Nazi sate at whatever the cost.
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They will never directly bomb it as then the spineless muslim states will be forced to act, but they still can't because as someone else said on this forum, they're all stooges or larpers including napak whiskey army. It will shift narrative on the civilian side though as pressure to act will be immense.
If you beleive that the ZionoNazis won't bomb Mecca then you don't know them. They will apply the same strategy and model for Mecca as they have applied to Al-Aqsa. Divide , rule , bribe and bomb.

Iranian Revolutionary Guard spokesman:

The situation in the region has reached an explosive stage against the backdrop of the ongoing aggression against Gaza.

If the crimes do not stop quickly, an explosion will occur in the region in the face of the Zionist entity and its protectors

Serious opening of new fronts against the Zionist occupation is only a matter of time.
Before 7 of October and after
Rare based Elon lol

US has settled its "intervention objectives" in Afghanistan as pointed out in previous responses. Afghan Taliban have called on the US to release funds for Afghanistan and invest in Afghanistan but US have raised the issue of women rights in the present. China does not bother with these sentiments in comparison. USAID is working in Afghanistan but all else is frozen.

US wants to reduce its reliance on China for its manufacturing needs and build new partnerships in Asia to serve its interests. US will not attack OBOR projects, this is bad press and of little value. US will want to engage with China on some matters, keep the door open. How Elon Musk was able to open factories in China? American administration approved it because China is a big country and market in the end. There is posturing for public consumption in large part. US might check China in a conflict like it has done to Russia in Ukraine at most. Cold War is fought in a very calculative manner.
Mode did you see twitter bos tweet about iran map and us flags. Legend you need to see that tweet again.
The Israeli Minister of Communications, in response to Musk’s announcement of his willingness to connect organizations in #Gaza to the Internet: We will use all means to fight this

He told musk the only way Israel will aloud it if all the hostages are freed otherwise Israel can block starling also. Furthermore we have the backing of both the democrat's and republicans and they will not accept this ( musk is dengers itself and the FBI can arrest him if he will help hamas)
You know what is the meaning of Jihad?

Struggling i read the Qur'an
But unfortunately there are lots of people that use the Qur'an and twist it
Where in the Qur'an it shows that it's ok to kill elderly woman's and babys and taking them as a hostage. So yes today jihad have been twist by radicals like hamas and Isis buke harm and more.
I didn't see many protest when hizbullah massacre poor Syrian civilians.
He told musk the only way Israel will aloud it if all the hostages are freed otherwise Israel can block starling also. Furthermore we have the backing of both the democrat's and republicans and they will not accept this ( musk is dengers itself and the FBI can arrest him if he will help hamas)

Lol, no they won't. We are all behind Musk.

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