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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

And what's more scary is that Democrats were suppose to be less radical than these types, but now Genocidal Joe and his Democrat party has came out to be supporters of Genocide and ethnic cleansing, so what should a Muslim voter do ? vote republic who has congresswomen like MTG and Bobert and others, who are racists and Islamophobe, but voting Democrats means another free reign to Israel's barbarism which will continue in future, I can't vote in USA election because I am not yet citizen but if could I would not have voted for anyone.

For Muslims and Russians, voting for Trump and MAGA cults would provide you temporarily more breathing room.

Because they wanna focus their WWIII crusade against China whom they deem as their primary threat.

In their eyes, Russia could be at least their potential white christian ally amidst China threat. And the Muslims are considered as a lesser threat in comparison to China.

But regardless of that, if Trump 2.0 has ignited the front theater of the world war 3 with China in Asia-Pacific, the outbreak will also occur in Europe and Middle East.

We are on the eve of the WWIII, so regardless of Biden or Trump, this looks inevitable right now.
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This psychopath looks like an orc or troll that lives under a bridge.

More 🤪derp🤪 from the usual "useful idiots" brigade.

A classic yoga position known as the "Phul sapport saar" star.🤪

This is to be expected from Pajeet filth. These cockroaches only look for one thing, that is white pussy. The moment they discovered that Isra"el" is in a proverbial pickle after October 7th, they streamed like gushing water into every major online outlet, loudly proclaiming their support for the Ashkenazi enclave in their pitiful broken English with typos that are characteristically Indian, in hopes that Ashkenazi women reading said outlets would see what steadfast, protective men they are and send them DMs. And yet typical and indicative of a country with poor educational standards, these Pajeet sex-fiends did not calculate that they offer nothing of worth to white Jewish women, that they date amongst themselves, that even a Pajeet with Gigachad features will only be a fetish for them, that they mostly do not even have money to emigrate to Isra"el" to "protect" them.

Everything a Pajeet does is pitiful, pathetic, and underwritten by a severe hatred for both themselves and Muslims. A man cannot pray to ten different deities and be of functioning, singular mind. The best thing for India is for the majority of their white supremacists to move to the UK and Canada where they can get their masochistic desires fulfilled, and the remainder to split into five different countries- for Punjabis, Tamils, Gujuratis, Bengalis, and other Pajeet species- and invite Pakistan to colonize them and control their governments. To rid one's body of a disease, one must take drastic measures.
Well, again, this is different.......

We need to go in to Iraq because we are taking the country, we tried to flank it thru Karbala gap, but that wouldn't work alone because we have objective like Baghdad, Nasiriyah, Al Kut, and Fallujah, we need to take can control those objective, which mean you can't just flank and cut them off and try to limit their supply, because we want to gain control of Iraq in 2003, not 2023. Which mean we are going to get in and go in deep.

On the other hand, the Israeli objective in Gaza is vague at best, as I said before, I don't even consider they have any objective at all, I mean, what really do take out Hamas mean? I mean sure, if they were going in and take Gaza City and hold it, yes, that could be an objective, but they already said they are not interested in controlling Gaza, now, either that's a blatant lie and they really want to re-occupy Gaza and telling people they are not, or they really don't want to do that, and given the planning at this stage, it looks a lot more like latter than former, I mean, Israeli hasn't have any pre-occupation plan, no large scale Law Enforcement/Intel op (we had 5 weeks from 9-11 to actual boots on the ground in Afghan, they had 12 days), they didn't even have a provisional government selected, now if their objective is really re-occupying Gaza, then I can say either this is one idiotic ops I have ever seen after US went to Iraq without getting a provisional government first (which borne power vacuum and the entire Iraqi insurgency) or this is not very thought out plan there are in military history.....

So, my guess is, they aren't going to go in and clear out the entire city, what they will do is what they are already doing and we are seeing from the last week, stay outside the city limit, and get drone or SF in, and then once they have any solid intel on any target information at all, they send a battle group in and kick the hornet nest Battle of Mogadishu style. Quick in and Quick out using QRF or even recon in force (Which we had already seen them using tank to loop the city) that way they will minimise their casualty which exert maximum effect.

Effectively, they are doing the Scenario 1 I wrote 3 weeks ago, just at this point, they are doing it in lite mode.
Who are you kidding "the Israeli objective in Gaza is vague?". The material destruction and the systemic genocide, ethnic cleansing and imposing their Nazi perversion is their objective, but those darn Palestinian won't leave and won't die.
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‘Dead man walking’: How Yahya Sinwar deceived Israel for decades​

The Hebrew-speaking Hamas leader in Gaza is the man Israel holds most responsible for the October 7 attacks

Decades before he orchestrated the October 7 attacks by Hamas on Israel, Yahya Sinwar was jailed by an Israeli military tribunal for multiple murders. His response: to study Hebrew.“

Vladimir Jabotinsky and [Menachem] Begin and [Yitzhak] Rabin — he read all the books that came out about prominent Israeli figures,” said Micha Kobi, who interrogated Sinwar for the Shin Bet intelligence service.

“He learned us from the bottom all the way to the top.” Then, fifteen years into his sentence, he deployed his pitch perfect Hebrew in an Israeli television interview.

Rather than war, he urged the Israeli public to support a hudna, or truce, with the Hamas militant group.“We understand that Israel sits on 200 nuclear warheads and it has the most advanced . . . air force in the region.

We know that we don’t have the ability to dismantle Israel,” said the Palestinian, wearing a crimson jumper.Yet for all that, Sinwar, 61, is today Israel’s most wanted man; Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, refers to him as a “dead man walking”. The leader of the Hamas militant group in Gaza is deemed the single figure most responsible for the surprise attack on October 7 that killed more than 1,400 Israelis, including women, children and the elderly.His elimination is the primary objective of the escalating Israeli campaign to “destroy” Hamas.

Palestinian officials say some 9,770 people have been killed in Gaza since Israel began its retaliation for the assault, destroying large areas of the Hamas-controlled territory in attacks from land, air and sea.Yahya Sinwar has become an almost mythical figure for Palestinians, particularly within Gaza

Ahead of the Hamas incursion, Israel had close to 40 years of experience dealing with Sinwar, an intense and violent man with a wiry frame and close-cropped hair. Yet that accumulated knowledge, in recent years, only lulled Israel’s security chiefs into a false sense of complacency.

On the eve of war, Israel viewed Sinwar as a dangerous extremist who was nevertheless biddable, more concerned with solidifying Hamas rule in Gaza and extracting economic concessions than the group’s professed aim of destroying the Jewish state.That misreading of Sinwar’s character would be the prelude to Israel’s biggest intelligence failure.

To some, Sinwar had managed the ultimate deception.“We didn’t understand him at all, in an insane way. Zero,” said Michael Milstein, a former Israeli military intelligence officer and expert on Palestinian affairs.

The portrait of Sinwar given by several people who have spent time with him, stretching back decades, is of a charismatic man of few words, a quick temper and commanding presence.Kobi recounts interrogating Sinwar back in 1989 when he confessed to a murder.

It was the height of the first Palestinian intifada, or uprising, and Kobi was a Shin Bet officer pursuing members of Hamas, which was then a small Islamist militant group coming to the fore in Gaza.Sinwar, widely known as Abu Ibrahim, had helped build Hamas’s military wing, the Qassam Brigades, from its early days.

But when he was detained in the late 1980s, it was for his special role within Hamas: hunting down Palestinians suspected of collaborating with Israel.Hamas’s leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar, right, pictured in 2017 with Hamas’s political leader Ismail Haniyeh © Khalil Hamra/APKobi said Sinwar boasted — whether accurately or as a piece of bravado — about a punishment meted out to one suspected informer from a rival faction. Sinwar summoned the man’s brother, a Hamas member, and “made him bury his own brother alive”, handing him a spoon to finish the job. “He made the brother pour and pour and pour.

That’s Yahya Sinwar,” said Kobi.Sinwar was convicted by a secret Israeli military tribunal for the murder of 12 Palestinians, including the man buried alive, according to two people familiar with the case.He rose to become the leader of all the Hamas prisoners in Israeli jails, an influential post within the group’s hierarchy.

At one point, in 2004, Israeli doctors removed an abscess lodged next to his brain, saving his life, according to Israeli authorities.An Israeli intelligence assessment of Sinwar during his time in prison attempted to capture his character: “cruel . . . authoritative, influential, accepted by his friends and with unusual abilities of endurance, cunning and manipulative, content with little . . . keeps secrets even inside prison amongst other prisoners . . . has the ability to carry crowds.”Raised in a slum in Khan Younis in southern Gaza, Sinwar first came on to the political scene in Gaza during the early 1980s as a “whisperer” advising Hamas’s wheelchair-bound founder, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, who was revered within the movement.Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, founder of Hamas Sinwar’s neighbour in Khan Younis was Mohammed Deif, now Hamas’s shadowy military chief.

In addition to helping establish the group’s military wing, Sinwar was put in charge of its feared internal security apparatus, the Majd (Glory) Force, charged with eliminating suspected collaborators. It earned him the nickname “the butcher of Khan Younis”, which some Palestinians use to this day.Sinwar has become an almost mythical figure for Palestinians, particularly within Gaza. “Many Palestinians feel pride, and Sinwar is very popular on the Palestinian street,” said one prominent Palestinian activist in East Jerusalem. “But moderate Palestinians understand that he has sent us back to the stone age [because of October 7 and its aftermath].”Above all, those who know him say his rise within Hamas has relied on cultivating a reputation for ruthlessness and violence, which holds sway even among the top ranks of Hamas.“It’s the difference between how [Hamas officials] act when they’re alone and when they’re with him,” said one non-Israeli who has years of experience dealing with Sinwar directly.

“It’s fear, they’re afraid of him.”“None of them stood up to him before he decided to execute this barbarity [on October 7]. It was the perfect military operation, but the consequences will be biblical.”Sinwar was released in 2011 after serving 22 years in an Israeli prison. He was part of an exchange in which more than 1,000 Palestinians were released for one Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, held by Hamas in Gaza.By 2017, he was elected leader of the group for all of Gaza, replacing Ismail Haniyeh, who was, according to multiple people familiar with relations between the two men, “demoted upwards” to become Hamas’s political leader and then outwards to Qatar.

Now clad in a politician’s uniform of slacks and button-down shirts, Sinwar hosted foreign diplomats and held fiery rallies.Under his leadership, Hamas calibrated its use of force — border protests, incendiary balloons, and especially rocket fire — to prod Israel into further indirect talks via Egyptian, Qatari and UN mediators.“The rockets are their ability to hold a conversation with me,” said one senior Israeli security official earlier this year. Israel in recent years granted concessions to Gaza unthinkable just a few years ago, including more Qatari financial support and thousands of Israeli work permits.Sinwar’s motives for his explosive turn on October 7 remain something of a riddle.“He’s not a humble person. He has an enormous ego and sees himself as if on some sort of mission in this world,” said the non-Israeli with long experience with Sinwar. “He’s a sociopath. I don’t mean this as an insult.”“He would think nothing of sacrificing tens of thousands of lives, and more, to achieve his goals,” he added.

In 2021, Sinwar needed a run-off ballot in Hamas’s opaque internal elections against an old rival to retain his post, which some analysts see as a potential turning point. A few months later Israel and Hamas fought an 11-day war, after which Sinwar — perched on a chair in the rubble of what had been his home — claimed “victory”.Over the past year, one Palestinian official with close ties to Gaza travelled to the territory several times, in a bid to negotiate a wider national compact with Hamas. He met with Sinwar often, insisting there was “mutual respect”

.But on the official’s last visit to Gaza earlier this year Sinwar “disappeared completely”. “There were signals we should have read,” he said. “The camouflage of a diplomatic track for the military track.”Yet Israel’s official assessment was that the Sinwar-led Hamas was both deterred from fighting another war and interested in a broader agreement with Israel.According to Israeli intelligence, Hamas’s assault required at least a year of planning. Sinwar’s outwardly pragmatic facade, Israeli officials and analysts now maintain, was pure deception meant to buy time.

“We need to face it: he’s motivated by hatred, carnage, and the destruction of Israel,” Milstein, the Israeli military intelligence officer, said.Gaza may now be facing a devastating onslaught, with Sinwar the principal target. But Israel is humbled and the fate of the region hangs in the balance. That alone may be victory enough for Sinwar. “He won’t surrender. He will die there in Gaza,” said Kobi.
Imagine if Ukrainian soldiers went into a Russian border city. Massacred and kidnapped more than 1000 civilians while filming this on cameras.
How would Putin react?
Most of what you hearing are from Israeli mouth pieces are are a mix of fact and fiction. Isrealis have been doing the Murders of Palestinian civilians every week before Oct 7th, so Palestinian resistance action wasn't a surprise. What is a surprise is why the US would send forces to support the Israelis and trigger what could be a WW3. Are we witnessing the surrender of the Muslim world to a small Zionist state and a larger Zionist controlled state or are we witnessing a long term strategic sacrifice of a pious people. Only time will tell where this is leading to. A collective assault by a united Europe on behest of a Nazi occupation army could well instigate collective military unity of Muslim states. At present no Muslim country wants to take leadership and China is strategically watching.
There was a giant exodus in 1948, and they can't return to their homeland since. 1948 is nothing compared to the tyranny and terror unleashed on Palestinians by Israel since. How long are they supposed to stay silent? Israel does not believe in international law. Netanyahu referred to Old Testament verses which call for the literal genocide of the Amalekites.
We have to first agree on the problem Mr. Taha is addressing. He is not denying all the injustice and suffering Palestinians are suffering. The issue is how best to agitate for their cause. He is of the opinion the path of militancy has not borne fruit. He is specifically bitter about the October 7th attack that he feels is a tragedy for Gaza, Palestinians and the cause of better Palestine. He is critical of Hamas and its methods, not the need to pressure Israel for fairness.
If Hussein King of Jordan could just drop few crates generously, May God bless
What happened to their Iron Dome is it Iron Done now?
Possibly mortars instead of rockets, although I read they were Grad/Arash rockets. Noticeable that there were no visible Iron Dome interception attempts.

Iron Dome was on strike today:

Hezbollah could probe with more rockets on the north, see where the Iron Dome batteries are and how many interceptors they have left.
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A collective assault by a united Europe on behest of a Nazi occupation army could well instigate collective military unity of Muslim states.
Won't happen, they buy American/Western weapons. Also, historically Crusades, Mongols, and Western imperialism/colonialism didn't unite them.
Isn't it time to start arresting Nazis who abet crimes against humanity?

US’ Blinken makes unannounced visit to Iraq amid fears of regional conflict​

Top US diplomat’s visit comes after Lebanon accuses Israel of killing four civilians in air raid.


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is on a tour of the Middle East aimed at preventing escalation in the Israel-Hamas war [Jonathan Ernst/Reuters]
Published On 6 Nov 20236 Nov 2023
United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken has made a surprise visit to Iraq amid growing fears the Israel-Hamas war could escalate into a broader regional conflict.
Blinken, who is on a multi-country tour of the Middle East, held talks with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani on Sunday as Washington seeks Baghdad’s help in cracking down on attacks on US forces that it has blamed on Iran-backed groups.


list of 3 itemslist 1 of 3

‘True massacre’: Gaza children death toll crosses 4,000 as raids intensify

list 2 of 3

Family, including three children, killed by Israeli attack in south Lebanon

list 3 of 3

‘Intense bombings’ by Israeli forces around Gaza hospitals amid blackout

end of list
Speaking to reporters after their meeting, Blinken said the talks with al-Sudani were “productive” and his Iraqi counterpart was working with his security forces to “take necessary action” to deal with the attacks.
“This is a matter of Iraqi sovereignty,” Blinken said. “No country wants to have militia groups engaged in violent activity.”
“We have a shared purpose and commitment in trying to make sure that these attacks don’t happen,” the top US diplomat added.
Al-Sudani, whose government has close ties with Iran but has publicly condemned attacks on US forces in his country, reiterated calls for a ceasefire in Gaza and pointed to “the urgency of containing the crisis and preventing its spread”, his office said in a statement.
The US Pentagon says that rocket and drone attacks on US forces in Iraq and Syria – most of which have been claimed by a group calling itself the “Islamic Resistance in Iraq” – have increased significantly since the outbreak of fighting between Israel and Hamas.
Washington has stepped up its diplomacy in the Middle East as Arab countries and armed groups in the region grow increasingly angry over the mounting death toll from Israel’s war on the Palestinian armed group Hamas.
Blinken’s visit, following stops in Israel and Jordan, came after Lebanese officials said an Israeli air raid killed four civilians, including three children, in the latest escalation in fighting along the tense Lebanon-Israel border.
The Lebanon-based armed group Hezbollah on Sunday warned that “the enemy will pay the price” for the attacks.

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Israel’s military and Hezbollah, which like Hamas is backed by Iran, have engaged in regular cross-border clashes since Hamas’s October 7 attacks on Israel, which Israeli officials say killed at least 1,430 people, mostly civilians.
On Friday, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah warned that a broader regional conflict could not be ruled out and “all scenarios are open” as long as Israel continues its bombardment of Gaza, which officials in the Hamas-governed enclave say has killed at least 9,770 people.
Blinken on Sunday night arrived in Turkey where he is expected to hold talks with his Turkish counterpart Hakan Fidan, amid warnings by the Iran-backed group Kataib Hezbollah that the diplomat’s visit would be met with “an unprecedented escalation”.
Al-Sudani is on Monday expected to begin a regional tour to Iran and the Persian Gulf nations.
Before escalating with Israel, Hezbollah needs:

- Huge numbers of FPV drones (1000+)
- Huge numbers of rockets, including large numbers of heavy rockets and rockets fitted with guidance kits i.e. Zelzal (100,000+)
- Large numbers of Fateh-110 SRBMs (200+)
- Large numbers of ASCM/ASBM (50+)
- Huge numbers of 2x Kornet launchers (1000+)
- Huge numbers of 358 SAM (500+) + some larger systems for ambushes

Other capabilities: thermobaric weapons and cluster munitions. Israel will use these liberally and with glee; Hezbollah must be able to reciprocate.

They use Kornet ATGMs like candy and possessed large numbers of them in 2006 already, so we can assume they are in a good position there. We have seen some footage of their ASCM inventory which also seems healthy. No ASBMs seen as of yet. We have seen SA-6 AD system but AD situation remains very unclear. We know they have a massive rocket inventory that can easily overwhelm the Iron Dome, but it is less clear how many heavy or guided rockets (such as Zelzal/Fajr-5 etc) they have. Drone inventory seems healthy. How many SRBMs they have is the million $ question. Hopefully most of these supplies are already being produced locally in underground workshops.

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