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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The word now has become taboo, but fundamentally, it is what nationhood is. Incompatible people living apart. Whether it is "Two-State solution", "Two-Nation theory", dissolution of USSR, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Pakistan (1971), they all represent separate nations for different peoples.
No it's not. Apartheid is about subjugation and virtual enslavement of people based on who they are. Israel is far worse than apartheid in South Africa.
In this case I believe aps worked. Hence explosion not directly on the the tank. I think they are more successful when they are close and hit from side and back door. But everytime they hit the front its above engine. There is less armour there. But they have to be really close to beat aps.
The two tanks need to be hit twice at the same spot, once for the active armour to explode and the second to destroy the tank.
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And why was he held hostage for over a mounth ? what has he got to do with it ?

And why are 25 Thai hostages beng Held by Hamas , why 35 where murdered ? what have they got to do with it ?

34 Thai nationals were murdered by Hamas militants on October 7, and 25 members of the Thai community were kidnapped.






Tanzanian student taken hostage by Hamas confirmed dead


The Tanzanian government has confirmed the death of a student taken hostage in the Hamas attack on Israel.

Clemence Felix Mtenga, 22, was one of two Tanzanians taken by the group on 7 October. It is unclear how he died.

The country's foreign ministry said it was in touch with Israel over the other Tanzanian hostage, Joshua Mollel.

More than 240 hostages were taken in the assault by Hamas, and at least 1400 people killed.

The hostages - which were taken from Israel to the Gaza Strip - come from 25 countries, including one South African who is yet to be identified.

Approximately 260 Tanzanians study agriculture in Israel, and both Mr Mtenga and Mr Mollel had been in the country as part of an agricultural internship programme, Israel's foreign ministry said on X.

The pair had only landed in Israel in September, and were due to study there for 11 months.

Mr Mtenga had been living on Kibbutz Nir Oz and working at a dairy farm in the afternoons, a friend and fellow student told the BBC.

When news of his kidnapping broke last month, his sister said his whole family were worried about him, but remained hopeful he would be rescued.

She said: "He should be courageous where he is, know that we love him and that we pray for him day and night, hoping that he will be back soon."

Tanzania's foreign ministry said Mr Mtenga's family had been informed, and that officials were liaising with the Israeli government to send his body home.

Mr Mollel's situation is currently unclear.

Before it was confirmed that he had been taken hostage, his father told the BBC he could not eat or sleep because he was desperate to know what had happened to him.

The last words he said to his son before he disappeared were: "Be on your best behaviour because you're somewhere new, and make the most of the internship you're there to do."

A total of four hostages have been released so far, with another freed by Israeli forces.

Hamas - considered a terrorist organisation by the UK, the US and some other countries - says it has hidden the hostages in "safe places and tunnels" within Gaza.

It wasn’t hamas
Al Qassam Brigades Published the video, including the weapons and equipment in which they shot the armored vehicles of the invading ( #Gaza #İsrail soldiers who entered the #Gaza lane, killed the invading soldiers and took the loot. Allahu Akber walillahill Hamd


These men are freaking build different, I've never see a man running to a Tank in a active warzone to put a bomb under the turret, that's just bravery pro MAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Saudi Foreign Minister: We call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an increase in humanitarian aid

Saudi Foreign Minister: We aspire to cooperate with our friends in China and other countries to stop the war in Gaza

Saudi Foreign Minister: We are still facing serious developments that require international action

Saudi Foreign Minister: The international community must bear responsibility to stop what Israel is doing
Chinese Foreign Ministry: The international community must take immediate and effective measures to end the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza

Chinese Foreign Ministry: The international community must unite to stop Israel

Chinese Foreign Minister: China will work to restore peace in the Middle East

Chinese Foreign Ministry: Beijing supports the call issued by the Riyadh summit for a two-state solution
After 50 days or so of Zionist animals genocide of Gaza, the bastards are not faring well either militarily or politically. Their child killing military despite billions in new US weapons is having a hard time coping with a few hundred superhuman courageous Palestinian youth. The Zionists have just lost a RORO ship to the Ansarallah in Yemen and it may be carrying South Korean weapons. The aerial heliborne capture of the Zionist ship is a testament to Ansarallah courage and professionalism. On the global front the Zionist savages are turning even western populations against them. In the US 85% of Jews support the genocide of Gaza while only 32% of general population. It again confirms that all Jews are Zionist child killers. BTW, Hamas has been capturing a lot of Zionist weapons and can continue the resistance for a long time.

🇺🇸 Jews in the United States strongly support America's policy of blanket support for Israel. 85% supported sending aircraft carriers to the Mediterranean to defend Israel.

In contrast, only 32% of the American public said "The US should support Israel" when polled by Reuters.

Successful Al YASIN hits on the Merkava tank in Gaza @0.20.
Like the time when the rebels attacked tanks using similar RPG29 with a Tandem warhead.
@ 7:08

Successful indeed. I call that a demon steel obliteration lmmmaaaaooo! That infamously invincible Mercrapa got sent to smithereens hell wow. Last time we've seen a tank get pummeled like that was way back in WW2 in ironically a Nazi Panther II for goodness' sake lol. Not even the Russian T-72s & T-80BVs in Ukraine and Syria were obliterated like that, and everyone knows the record for the longest turret flight was set in Ukraine and still that tank didn't go to demon hell like this one lol. Let's hope the Mujahideen either got out of the building fast enough before the trailing Mercrapa fired that shell, or they just fired at a random building that wasn't the source before they retreated probably with soiled pants after seeing the demonic obliteration that just happened in front of their demon eyes lol. Great video and good spot.

The Israeli soldier “Anne Lenvi” came a week ago with her husband, Major/Eron Balkhach, to participate in the fight against “Hamas.”

Today she received the news of the killing of her husband, Eron, and her brother, Colonel Shalvat Yaman.

Anne appeared crying over the killing of her husband and brother.
..which affected the Israeli interior.

Israelis complaining about the dead soldiers in Gaza who happened to be women. 🔥🔥
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