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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Even Indian mainstream government controlled media has started admiring the courage of PALESTINIAN FREEDOM FIGHTERS. Look at the names of the dead Zionist scum, they are all eastern European trash Khazar bastards.

Resistance forces Israeli forces to withdraw from east Gaza​

  • ByAl Mayadeen English
  • Source: Agencies
  • 19 Nov 2023

The Palestinian resistance has continuously repelled attacks from the Israeli occupation forces in several parts of Gaza.

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The Israeli army has published footage of the destruction of a Hamas outpost in the northern Gaza Strip, where Badr-3 missiles were stored. The Badr-3 missile was developed in Iran, Hamas produces them itself at its bases in the Gaza Strip, presumably some of the missiles were previously received from Iran. The Badr-3 missile is equipped with a warhead weighing 250 kg and has an estimated range of 160 km. There are no exact data on the missiles' flight range. The Badr-3 missile explodes 20 meters above the target and upon explosion forms a cloud of 1,400 fragments, the missile’s damage radius is about 350 meters.

Egyptian Foreign Minister: Israel’s policy of obstructing the entry of aid into Gaza is systematic and aims to push the Palestinians to leave the Strip

Egyptian Foreign Minister: The displacement of Palestinians will threaten peace, security and stability in the region and the world

Egyptian Foreign Minister: The strong Egyptian and Arab position rejecting the displacement of Palestinians from Gaza was a red line

You know, bro, there's a lot of pressure on Sisi in Egypt as much as the people can do without getting punished including administration level personnel. It might be time that MBS & Sisi put "something" together that is strong enough without starting WW3 to force the needed aid into Ghaza. I put 'something' in quotation marks because the demonic entity is using the excuse of obstructing the entry of aid under the disguise that there would be contraband getting through and not necessarily all just needed aid. There's a strong possibility that could happen, of course, but as we saw in so many tweets that all the aid is well packaged from several great & reputable countries and inspected by the UN too, not just Egyptian border guards. So the excuse is completely bogus and the intent is crystal clear and it's really time for Sisi to push the issue in a strong manner. Use the help of MBS as he holds tremendous clout and bring in others. It's really disheartening that the demonic entity is getting its way like this.

BTW, you don't have to answer this of course, but I have been wondering for several years now if you have family there, and InshaAllah they're safe.

Ya Basha, Merkrapa, indeed, all of these war toy are nothing by shelling indiscriminately when they don’t encourage combat on foot face-to-face. Israeli tanks are being ambushed with hand implanted explosive devices and Al Yassin RPG. I think the IDF are Israeli diaper army. Also the footage of destroyed turret in Anna clip by Jaish al Hurr East Ghoute

Yes sir. But I actually am not convinced that they're not using infantry support with their armor in any of these video clips, you know why? Because demons are invisible. They're like ghosts and don't even leave footprints lol and we know there's a body count, we have and see the evidence. :D

The Israeli army has published footage of the destruction of a Hamas outpost in the northern Gaza Strip, where Badr-3 missiles were stored. The Badr-3 missile was developed in Iran, Hamas produces them itself at its bases in the Gaza Strip, presumably some of the missiles were previously received from Iran. The Badr-3 missile is equipped with a warhead weighing 250 kg and has an estimated range of 160 km. There are no exact data on the missiles' flight range. The Badr-3 missile explodes 20 meters above the target and upon explosion forms a cloud of 1,400 fragments, the missile’s damage radius is about 350 meters.

These are display rockets. And that rocket is for the Quds Brigades and not Hamas.

You know, bro, there's a lot of pressure on Sisi in Egypt as much as the people can do without getting punished including administration level personnel. It might be time that MBS & Sisi put "something" together that is strong enough without starting WW3 to force the needed aid into Ghaza. I put 'something' in quotation marks because the demonic entity is using the excuse of obstructing the entry of aid under the disguise that there would be contraband getting through and not necessarily all just necessary aid. There's a strong possibility that could happen, of course, but as we saw in so many tweets that all the aid is well packaged from several great & reputable countries and inspected by the UN too, not just Egyptian border guards. So the excuse is completely bogus and the intent is crystal clear and it's really time for Sisi to push the issue in a strong manner. Use the help of MBS as he holds tremendous clout and bring in others. It's really disheartening that the demonic entity is getting its way like this.

BTW, you don't have to answer this of course, but I have been wondering for several years now if you have family there, and InshaAllah they're safe.
Yeah contrary to what people may believe. This situation could get serious depending on the actions of Israel. I do have family there and they are doing well alhamdillah. Situation is tough but they're making it.
There was never ever any intention from the Zionists to go for a 2 state solution. You need to understand that to understand the desperate situation the Palestinians are in. It's all smoke and mirrors, buying time and the zionazis boast about it to the Palestinians all the time. Their jibber jabber to the rest of the world is just that. The west bank basically capitulated in the hopes of stopping the settlements and it didn't do jack shit, to the contrary the settlements policy accelerated at an unprecedented pace. It's now a series of small enclaves surrounded by rabid extremist settlers and IDF gestapo fascists where every aspect of life is controlled by the occupation. And Gaza is under an illegal medieval siege. When political treaties are ignored, when peaceful protests are met with snipers and tanks, when vital infrastructure is bombed every couple of years for no reason, what is left to do?

Humans are willing to die for their dignity. That doesn't make them stupid. Millions died to achieve it, does it make them stupid too? The solution is a 1 state solution where the settlers let go of any claim to superiority and their ethno-fascist project. Hopefully the international pressure will push them to do so one day. It's inhuman, and frankly disgusting, to ask the valiant Palestinian people to keep dying and suffering in silence.

And please I am trying to be civil. Don't make me say things I haven't said regarding the miscalculation of Hamas. I never said they didn't expect retaliation, but I doubt they expected the Israelis to flatten everything putting the lives of the hostages in jeopardy.
Well said!
Saudi Foreign Minister: We call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an increase in humanitarian aid

Saudi Foreign Minister: We aspire to cooperate with our friends in China and other countries to stop the war in Gaza

Saudi Foreign Minister: We are still facing serious developments that require international action

Saudi Foreign Minister: The international community must bear responsibility to stop what Israel is doing

Bullshit Saudis. Stop pumping oil. Everything will stop in a second.


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