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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

An official statement by Hamas regarding the terms of the truce:

A ceasefire from both sides, a cessation of all military actions by the occupation army in all areas of the Gaza Strip, and a cessation of the movement of its military vehicles penetrating into the Gaza Strip.

- Bringing hundreds of trucks of humanitarian, relief, medical and fuel aid into all areas of the Gaza Strip, without exception, in the north and south.

- The release of 50 women and children of the occupation detainees under the age of 19 years, in exchange for the release of 150 women and children of our people from the occupation prisons under the age of 19 years, all according to seniority.

- Stopping air traffic in the south for four days.- Stopping air traffic in the North for 6 hours a day, from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm.During the truce period, the occupation is committed not to attack or arrest anyone in all areas of the Gaza Strip.

- Ensuring freedom of movement of people (from north to south) along Salah El-Din Street.

An official statement by Hamas regarding the terms of the truce:

A ceasefire from both sides, a cessation of all military actions by the occupation army in all areas of the Gaza Strip, and a cessation of the movement of its military vehicles penetrating into the Gaza Strip.

- Bringing hundreds of trucks of humanitarian, relief, medical and fuel aid into all areas of the Gaza Strip, without exception, in the north and south.

- The release of 50 women and children of the occupation detainees under the age of 19 years, in exchange for the release of 150 women and children of our people from the occupation prisons under the age of 19 years, all according to seniority.

- Stopping air traffic in the south for four days.- Stopping air traffic in the North for 6 hours a day, from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm.During the truce period, the occupation is committed not to attack or arrest anyone in all areas of the Gaza Strip.

- Ensuring freedom of movement of people (from north to south) along Salah El-Din Street.

As I suspected, Israel and US are pushing this to try displacing as many people possible from northern Gaza. While Israel gets it's prisoners of war back.

The aid is nowhere near enough at all. The hospitals are still being attacked. Israel refuses to allow the hospitals to operate. No guarantee aid will reach northern Gaza. Israel will not honor the agreement. Hamas simply doesn't have leverage due to Egypt refusing to take the risk to allow aid into Gaza without Israeli approval. And due to US backing of war crimes and destruction of the health system in Gaza and more.

I would have executed the 'hostages' and stated they were killed in Israeli strikes. Israel, with US backing, will resume targeting civilians on a massive scale and targeting the health system within a few days. It thinks it can get the soldier POWs this way. Freeing prisoners is impossible if Palestinian Authority won't help with the process nor Arab and Islamic nations which aren't enabling Hamas to have any leverage of any sort. This is why I believe it's better to execute all the 'hostages'. And say they were killed in airstrikes.

We will see what happens in coming days. The situation on the ground. And also look at the Lebanese front. If it calms down or does Israel continue it's attacks. Ideally, pressure needs to remain and even increase on Israel during this ceasefire for Israel to not feel safe resuming what it's doing.

Hamas forces on ground will prepare to capture Israeli soldiers on the ground to make up for this loss.
What is the point of swap of prisoners without permanent peace?

Slaughter will restart afterward.

Also Palestinian prisoners can be poisoned with late onset effects.
which is why neither want to release prisoners
A slight shift away from Israel even in Col. Macgregor's narrative. Here is a personal note about 'the but narrative'! If you follow the '... but ...' way people appear 'balanced' for 'ratings' or not to be 'cancelled' reasons, then you'd notice there is now more of 'the but narrative' about supporting Israel even by Col. Macgregor.

The more the people find resonance of their views in the growing, global anti-Israel narratives, the more they would use the 'but' way to present their views. On October 6, people were too afraid to use the 'Zionist' word, let alone the 'J' word, but no more the fear of using those words--except in MSM--and not much fear left of 'Anti-semitism'. And, again, the pro-Israel, fake crocodile tears 'balanced' voices in this thread are also less now --no one wants to be on the losing side of a war, even if in a war of narratives!

This video by Col. Macgregor again mentions the role of Pakistan's nukes--as help to Turkey. He and some Western analysts keep bringing up Pakistani nukes in this very global conflict--a conflict which, unlike the Russia-Ukraine conflict, has riled up countries and their politicians in all continents of the world in mostly pro-Palestinian ways.

Fascinating stuff and this is one of those ones where he actually nails everything. This is truly a scary time because of this demonic entity is out of control and the region will erupt and his assumption that Erdogan is the leader of the Muslim world is accurate to a certain extent but mostly because Turkey is just a super powerful nation, militarily especially, but politically, culturally and in manpower like he said 60% of the population is in its 30s or something like that and it can mobilize 3 million men in 30 days I mean yeah, that's certainly more than any other country in the region with maybe the exception of Pakistan but Turkey is stronger in term of equipment but Pakistan has the nukes and it has clearly stated it shields Turkey. He's really spot on with all of that.

The only problem is he didn't talk about 2 critical things that are essential for Turkey and particularly Erdogan to lead the Muslim world into saving the Palestinian cause and the first is what about the risks with NATO? And 2nd what about the risks with the major element that affects all Muslim countries ATM including Iran and that is the United States? All the US presence in Turkey? The strategic cooperation alliance between Turkey and the US? These are essentially handcuff on Erdogan and the same applies to Sisi and everyone else.

So as bad as the situation is and the danger that he's talking about Netanyahu's objective to essentially clear out Gaza comes close to fruition, what the hell is going to happen in the region and who is going to step up? It's absolutely frightening when you look at it from this larger perspective.

temporary reprieve to allow more aid in and fighters / commanders to regroup

Hamas will only release c. 50 prisoners (elderly and young / families - should be released anyway), still keeping c. 150 other prisoners as leverage

That's a great point and most likely what Hamas is pondering and probably going to go with, but I guarantee you they know that there will not be an actual ceasefire. It'll help with the aid and some relief for the people and minor regrouping for them but it's almost as dangerous as the continuing the fighting because you can bet the demons will be flying drones and using all their high-tech surveillance on the ground and underground and by dolphins wearing cameras in the sea etc., gathering all sorts of intel and even going as far as seizing any opportunity to break the ceasefire if they have a good chance at maybe killing 50 or more Hamas members and they will time it so that the hostages are released first and then pull it off and blame Hamas for breaking the ceasefire. We know these demons very well from fighting them for many years and their so called ceasefire tactics.

Man, what the hell is wrong with this world and what the hell is the US doing there and why? It doesn't make any sense there is absolutely no reason for the US to be involved in anything in Iraq nor Syria.

Bent el labwa sharmouta m3afena! Kuss2omen oma7a bent el metnaka el m3arassa! Yekhrebetha w'bet abouha!

It's very likely Israel will even violate this temporary ceasefire one way or another.

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and that's the minimum Turkey can do!!! All talk and no action Erdogan, all the right words and never the right oil pipeline supplying Israel to shut off.
I don't think anyone should have expected Turkey to start a war against Israel; Turkey has risen from the lowest of its lows from just about exactly a century ago to be a regional power and can't squander it all, especially if the GCC rich Arabs aren't willing to $$ contribute. But then Erdogan could have toned down his rhetoric a bit. By cutting oil supplies through Turkey, while a bit costly to the Turkish economy, wouldn't be too harsh a measure. It is not good to talk too tough, for so long, when one can't even take a few relatively manageable economic measures. "Speak softly but carry a big stick".

An official statement by Hamas regarding the terms of the truce:
A ceasefire from both sides, a cessation of all military actions by the occupation army in all areas of the Gaza Strip, and a cessation of the movement of its military vehicles penetrating into the Gaza Strip.
- Bringing hundreds of trucks of humanitarian, relief, medical and fuel aid into all areas of the Gaza Strip, without exception, in the north and south.
- The release of 50 women and children of the occupation detainees under the age of 19 years, in exchange for the release of 150 women and children of our people from the occupation prisons under the age of 19 years, all according to seniority.
- Stopping air traffic in the south for four days.- Stopping air traffic in the North for 6 hours a day, from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm.During the truce period, the occupation is committed not to attack or arrest anyone in all areas of the Gaza Strip.

- Ensuring freedom of movement of people (from north to south) along Salah El-Din Street.

Not bad terms.
The reason Israel has been reluctant to even a few days of 'truce' is because Israelis know that a truce can be extended to longer term, and then into a ceasefire. That's something Israel, as a nation, maybe able to accept, but Netanyahu is less able to accept.
Bitchjamin Satanyahu can chat shit all he wants, but looking at the details of the truce, it is obvious he accepted the demands of the Palestinian mujahideen.

It's not Netanyahu as much as it is US and European backing. Hamas is a small movement. We have to see if Israel honors the terms or if it tries making some surprise moves. It is monitoring Gaza too, so is the US, to try to get information about whereabouts for their captives soldiers. Palestinian people are still facing a dangerous situation and pressure and protests need to press on and continue.
It's not Netanyahu as much as it is US and European backing. Hamas is a small movement. We have to see if Israel honors the terms or if it tries making some surprise moves. It is monitoring Gaza too, so is the US, to try to get information about whereabouts for their captives soldiers. Palestinian people are still facing a dangerous situation and pressure and protests need to press on and continue.
Israelis are heartless people and until they are defeated will carry on the slaughter.
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We need to be careful. It's not okay for the genocide to resume and be amplified and beautified due to a three day pause which will do next to nothing to alleviate the struggle of the Palestinians in Gaza. Hospital operations have to be restored. Water tanks have to be repaired. Food and water and medicine must get into Gaza. Three days is not enough time for this. There needs to be a permanent ceasefire.


Indeed, Tracksuit Addidas Mujahideen in action. Pause it at 18, 19. & 20 seconds Mujahid barely gets around the corner when the counter fire came at him and somehow missed him and his other buddy when it hit the opposite corner of the street. You can hear it in his voice as he started running he knew that was close and I have no idea how the other Mujahid on the other corner where the counter fire blast hit got through that either. That was some type of shell fired right back at them and about as close as it gets. Saw that earlier today and couldn't believe it.
Fascinating stuff and this is one of those ones where he actually nails everything.
Yes, Col. Macgregor is slowly unshackling himself; it is not hard to find his much more pro Israel tone shortly after October 7 but he, like many in the West, are realizing that they can speak up--and keep speaking up for America's own interests.
The only problem is he didn't talk about 2 critical things that are essential for Turkey and particularly Erdogan to lead the Muslim world into saving the Palestinian cause and the first is what about the risks with NATO? And 2nd what about the risks with the major element that affects all Muslim countries ATM including Iran and that is the United States? All the US presence in Turkey? The strategic cooperation alliance between Turkey and the US? These are essentially handcuff on Erdogan and the same applies to Sisi and everyone else.
Someone from Turkey is better placed to answer this. From a distance, Turkey seems like in some 'in between' mode: Rejected from joining the EU and always been a 'suspect' in the eyes of the West/America while knows the benefits of being part of the Pax Americana and part of NATO. But, as I said in my latest message about Turkey above, Erdogan should not be so belligerent about this conflict if he can't even stop the oil flow to Israel. Don't stop the oil flow but then don't use bombastic words either.
So as bad as the situation is and the danger that he's talking about Netanyahu's objective to essentially clear out Gaza comes close to fruition, what the hell is going to happen in the region and who is going to step up? It's absolutely frightening when you look at it from this larger perspective.

Gaza will NEVER be cleared of the Palestinians! Palestinians might all get forced into southern Gaza as the best 'achievement' for Israel but that's it. What Israelis were saying just a couple of weeks ago as 'Tent City' in Sinai, Israelis controlling Gaza security 'indefinitely', are now being curtailed to much less--I don't know what's the minimum.

It wouldn't surprise me Americans dislodge Netanyahu very soon to make Israel compromise. Despite the Israel lobby in America, America has its big geopolitical interests in the Middle East and no Lindsay Graham can convince the American corporations to let go of America's big, long term interests. I believe the Extraordinary OIC Summit came up with some 'red lines' for America to keep in mind and I believe the ongoing visit of the Saudi-led Arab/Muslim countries to China along with the very recent Turkey/Iran meetings are part of effort to make America to act in America's own interests.
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