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Germany slams Saudi Arabia's offer to build mosques for Syrian refugees as ‘cynical’

Name the Saudi King that was in-charge of Arabia at the time of our prophet Mohamed.

You do realize that modern-day KSA might be only 83 years old but KSA is the successor state of all those 100's of previous Islamic and pre-Islamic kingdoms etc. and ancient civilizations that once were present on the territory of modern-day KSA. The native people did not really change regardless of whether they were/are called x or y today. Not that a constant stream of migrants since time immortal from almost every corner of the world have not reached the Arabian Peninsula and thus KSA as well. You got my point either way.

I already posted a whole thread on this....nobody contributed they want to live in their denial!

Why the Gulf Isn't to Blame for the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Brother bragging is not good...To him his way (ignorance) to you your way

What I wrote cannot be countered by facts that show the opposite. This is also clearly shown since the simpletons in this thread have "chosen" to ignore the post that you quoted and earlier ones that I wrote about this topic. It's very convenient as you don't have to use your brain this way.

I am not bragging but just stating a fact. I personally have little interest in cars but he was the one that started to "provoke" by that post out of nowhere. Not that I felt provoked but he is nevertheless a serial troll so I thought that he needed a reply containing some strong "medicine" this time around.

it might be an idiotic question for you but I am only applying you logic ,you are the one who said refugees need mosques and you want 1000 mosques for 800000 refugees in Germany by the same logic you would have more mosques as you have 2.5 million people more .

you can't understand a simple fact ,if the where thinking religion when they left they would have come to KSA .they are looking for safety and security and future
And last but not the least ,when some has lost what ever they had and they have no other option than to move they look for place where they think will give them opportunities for better future and not with the hope that some tom will feed him and he will find a beautiful mosque to pray.

Have you ever heard about irony? That 1000 was an arbitrary number to counter the previous simplistic posts written by ignorants who have no idea about the Syrian refugee crisis, KSA's decade old cooperation with the German Muslim community through OFFICIAL channels approved by the German government (successive ones even) and what KSA has done for the Syrian refugees inside KSA and outside of it.

You are ignorant about this topic and there is no shame admitting that instead of pursuing a silly discussion with me. You are not even countering my points at all but keeping on the same ignorant track that says that "KSA has done nothing" and that KSA is the reason why the Al-Assad regime has destroyed Syria.

Do you prefer visual pictures to get the point across?

If so this might help you instead of my long and detailed posts. I am wasting my time.


Now what has the Al-Assad regime that you probably support done for Syria? What about it's foremost supporters, Russia and Iran etc. Have they even taken 1 single Syrian refugee? What have they donated in terms of financial and logistic help? The answer is no refugees and almost nothing. Or what has India done? Or yourself?

Lastly you don't seem to understand that the people of KSA have not elected their leaders. Saudi Arabians as individuals have donated more to Syrians than any other people on the planet. People are constantly calling for doing more and I agree.
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You do realize that modern-day KSA might be only 83 years old but KSA is the successor state of all those 100's of previous Islamic and pre-Isalmic ancient civilizations and kingdoms that once were present on the territory of modern-day KSA. The native people did not really change regardless of whether they were/are called x or y. Not that a constant stream of immigrants since time immortal have not reached the Arabian Peninsula and thus KSA as well. You got my point either way.

What I wrote cannot be countered by facts that show the opposite. This is also clearly shown since the simpletons in this thread have "chosen" to ignore the post that you quoted and earlier ones that I wrote about this topic. It's very convenient as you don't have to use your brain this way.

I am not bragging but just stating a fact. I personally have little interest in cars but he was the one that started to "provoke" by that post out of nowhere. Not that I felt provoked by his is a serial troll so I thought that he needed a reply containing some strong "medicine" this time around.

To answer you question, let me insert a quote from your previous post:

People from modern-day KSA already spread Islam to all corners of the world making it the world's second biggest religion (soon to be biggest).

western created K S A is not a successor of any state and has nothing to do with real Islam. No such thing as kings and queens in islam no such thing as ruler for life in Islam.
To answer you question, let me insert a quote from your previous post:

western created K S A is not a successor of any state and has nothing to do with real Islam. No such thing as kings and queens in islam no such thing as ruler for life in Islam.

Another ignorant. KSA was NEVER a Western colony and was thus not created by any Westerners or outsiders for that matter.


Before the birth of KSA in 1932 it was composed of numerous independent kingdoms, emirates, sheikdoms, imamates etc. Most never conquered by non-Arabs/Semites in recorded history. To this day KSA (12th biggest country on the planet) is composed of numerous ancient historical provinces with their own distinct history and traditions. It's all Arabia though.

You have no clue about the history of KSA, the Arabian Peninsula, Arab world (despite that being the cradle of civilization) nor about Islam.

Using your logic then all Muslim rulers and Muslim countries/entities of the past had nothing to do with Islam. Only the Rashidun Caliphate.

What is an Islamic rule or not does not matter in this discussion what is certain is that you have no right to say that Saudi Arabians are not Muslims. Or falsely claim that KSA did nothing to help Syrian refugees.

You are just another simpleton that has only hatred to offer. I am EXTREMELY tired of engaging with all kind of such ignorants from the entire world here. I suggest that you all make a thread called "KSA is to blame for all of the world's problems and my personal problems" where you can post all your nonsense posts. I promise not to visit.
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What I wrote cannot be countered by facts that show the opposite. This is also clearly shown since the simpletons in this thread have "chosen" to ignore the post that you quoted and earlier ones that I wrote about this topic. It's very convenient as you don't have to use your brain this way.

I am not bragging but just stating a fact. I personally have little interest in cars but he was the one that started to "provoke" by that post out of nowhere. Not that I felt provoked but he is nevertheless a serial troll so I thought that he needed a reply containing some strong "medicine" this time around.
Remember the Prophet as also provoked many times and the most famous was the old lady throwing garbage.....being the prophets followers we should just smile at the idiots and walk away....After all, the best medicine for an attention seeker is to ignore them :enjoy:

Its not me who is writing those articles....Do visit UN website and go to country search...Their website, unless you claim its hacked shows the figures of how much they donated for various refugees....Now if a simpleton only reads his newspaper he wont know coz no one quotes the UN and its figures :tsk:
Remember the Prophet as also provoked many times and the most famous was the old lady throwing garbage.....being the prophets followers we should just smile at the idiots and walk away....After all, the best medicine for an attention seeker is to ignore them :enjoy:

I am afraid that I and most of us don't deserve any comparison with Prophet Muhammad (saws) on any front. Especially not on an internet forum frequented by numerous trolls and people who have only hatred to offer and who are not interested in actual discussions but confrontations. Or who are blinded by ignorance and who embark on discussions that they have little or close to no knowledge about.

I miss the old days of PDF where you could have serious discussions with knowledgeable users from across the world regardless of political beliefs etc. Nowadays there is a serious lack of that, especially on this section.
I am afraid that I and most of us don't deserve any comparison with Prophet Muhammad (saws) on any front. Especially not on an internet forum frequented by numerous trolls and people who have only hatred to offer and who are not interested in actual discussions but confrontations. Or who are blinded by ignorance and who embark on discussions that they have little or close to no knowledge about.
Prophet was an example...I always look at his life for examples...

2ndly, when you know they are trolls ignore them...

Sadly, there are far too many trolls on this website than need be!

I miss the old days on PDF where you could have serious discussions with knowledgeable users regardless of differences. Nowadays there is a serious lack of that, especially on this section.
I agree ...
Another ignorant. KSA was NEVER a Western colony and was thus not created by any Westerners or outsiders for that matter.


Before the birth of KSA in 1932 it was composed of numerous independent kingdoms, emirates, sheikdoms, imamates etc. Most never conquered by non-Arabs/Semites in recorded history. To this day KSA (12th biggest country on the planet) is composed of numerous ancient historical provinces with their own distinct history and traditions. It's all Arabia though.

You have no clue about the history of KSA, the Arabian Peninsula, Arab world (despite that being the cradle of civilization) nor about Islam.

Using your logic then all Muslim rulers and Muslim countries/entities of the past had nothing to do with Islam. Only the Rashidun Caliphate.

Yes Maps plus self promotional writing that has nothing to do with reality will trump over reality, now that I have seen the Maps and your claims I am a believer. I will go on to ignore reality and by whatever you are selling.

Since you are a big Fan of Wikipedia

The emergence of the Saudi dynasty began in central Arabia in 1744. In that year, Muhammad ibn Saud, the tribal ruler of the town of Ad-Dir'iyyah near Riyadh, joined forces with the religious leader Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab, the founder of the Wahhabi movement – a radical form of Islam. This alliance formed in the 18th century provided the ideological impetus to Saudi expansion and remains the basis of Saudi Arabian dynastic rule today. Over the next 150 years, the fortunes of the Saud family rose and fell several times as Saudi rulers contended with Egypt, the Ottoman Empire, and other Arabian families for control of the peninsula.[1][9]

The first Saudi State was established in 1744 in the area around Riyadh and briefly controlled most of the present-day territory of Saudi Arabia through conquests made between 1786 and 1816; these included Mecca and Medina.Concerned at the growing power of the Saudis, the Ottoman Sultan, Mustafa IV, instructed his viceroy in Egypt, Mohammed Ali Pasha, to reconquer the area. Ali sent his sons Tusun Pasha and Ibrahim Pasha who were eventually successful in routing the Saudi forces in 1818 and destroyed the power of the Al Saud.

As much fun as it is to put you in the right place and annoy Saudi worshiping Pakistanis, i have to go to work plus ai am way of Topic so :wave::wave:
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Prophet was an example...I always look at his life for examples...

2ndly, when you know they are trolls ignore them...

Sadly, there are far too many trolls on this website than need be!

I agree ...

What annoys me with such users, aside from their overall behavior, is that they are astonishingly talented at dragging their opponents down to their level.

Since you are a big Fan of Wikipedia

The emergence of the Saudi dynasty began in central Arabia in 1744. In that year, Muhammad ibn Saud, the tribal ruler of the town of Ad-Dir'iyyah near Riyadh, joined forces with the religious leader Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab, the founder of the Wahhabi movement – a radical form of Islam. This alliance formed in the 18th century provided the ideological impetus to Saudi expansion and remains the basis of Saudi Arabian dynastic rule today. Over the next 150 years, the fortunes of the Saud family rose and fell several times as Saudi rulers contended with Egypt, the Ottoman Empire, and other Arabian families for control of the peninsula.[1][9]

The first Saudi State was established in 1744 in the area around Riyadh and briefly controlled most of the present-day territory of Saudi Arabia through conquests made between 1786 and 1816; these included Mecca and Medina.Concerned at the growing power of the Saudis, the Ottoman Sultan, Mustafa IV, instructed his viceroy in Egypt, Mohammed Ali Pasha, to reconquer the area. Ali sent his sons Tusun Pasha and Ibrahim Pasha who were eventually successful in routing the Saudi forces in 1818 and destroyed the power of the Al Saud.

As much fun as it is to put you in the right place and annoy Saudi worshiping Pakistanis, i have to go to work plus ai am way of Topic so :wave::wave:

What is your point here? You are all over the place. Firstly you falsely claimed that KSA was an Western colony (it never was as one of the very few countries out there) and secondly that KSA was created by the same West. Neither is correct.

Now you are quoting a paragraph from a Wikipedia page about a battle some 200 years ago between Egypt (Muhammad Ali Pasha - an Albanian) and the forces of the Emirate of Diriyah? There was no lasting conquest, no direct control nor did it stop the emergence of the second Saudi State. Note, KSA was composed of many other kingdoms, emirates, sheikdoms, emirates at that time to begin with.

You did not counter what I wrote to you in that post so you have not "put anyone in their place". Just embarrassed yourself even more.

P.S.: I don't know any sane person who worships ANY country (including their own) so whatever such individuals might do is not my table. Nor do I want to be worshipped by anonymous users on some internet forum. I prefer to be well-liked by people that I actually know whether they are family, friends or colleagues. Through my actions as a person. I don't need a trolls blessings.

When you have something interesting/useful to say we can discuss but it does not look likely so I will end it here.
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First things first. Did the saudis really made such an offer? The reports r from labanese newspaper al diyar . Its well known that lebanon acts as the anti-musluim propaganda media hub of iran and its terrorist allies. Not to mention al diyar is reportedly a houti propaganda machine. Correct me if i am wrong. @Falcon29 @JUBA . These pro shitte lebanese propaganda outlets r the major promoter of iranian lead instability in the region.

The saudis are at the receiving end of a vile hate propaganda against them for decades now and i think they didn't do much to counter that.

Saudi monarch King Salman reportedly made the offer through diplomatic channels and the news surfaced in Lebanese newspaper al diyar.

And even if the KSA did made such an offer, as a muslim i think they made a superb offer. Muslims on a social media outlet like PDF should be defending it rather than joining hindutvadi indian loons of all people in criticizing it.

This is called "Kuttay wali Bisti"

I have been to Germany many times now, have a good idea about how there systems works and about German people. They wont be needing some sectarian motivated Mullahs to preach in Mosques for the refugees they are accepting with open arms. They can and will build mosques for these people themselves and wont even ask if it is Shia or Sunni. Pathetic Saudis must learn, butchering Muslims in there neighbor country and talk about building mosques a thousand mile away, BS!!

AND NO, i am not a Shia.

Who told u the mosque clerics would be sectarian motivated?

Are the saudis slaughtering muslims or the iranian zealots backed by russian drunkards , on a genocidal rampage in syria, iraq and yemen?

Well done Germany .

Saudi built mosques will only poison people's minds the same way they did in Syria , Iraq and Africa .

Saudi Sheikhs are trying to convert Sunni Muslims to Wahhabi and Takfiri terrorists and this has to be stopped by sane people before ending up in another ISIS , Al Qaeda , Boko Haram and etc .

Germany knows it shouldn't let the poison in. If only Pakistan too knew it back in 80s and 90s.

poison? nah. Saudi funded mosque have a higher probability of preaching correct islamic creed and not innovations and hereticism.

Stupid offer. Why don't Saudi take Syrians in Saudi Arabia and help them.

How is it a stupid offer? won't those 800K muslims that the demographically declining desperate germany , said they would accept need mosque and islamic community centers? Funding from KSA, turkey and other GCC states would ease the refugee settlement process and make the refugees feel more at home.
First things first. Did the saudis really made such an offer? The reports r from labanese newspaper al diyar . Its well known that lebanon acts as the anti-musluim propaganda media hub of iran and its terrorist allies. Not to mention al diyar is reportedly a houti propaganda machine. Correct me if i am wrong. @Falcon29 @JUBA . These pro shitte lebanese propaganda outlets r the major promoter of iranian lead instability in the region.

The saudis are at the receiving end of a vile hate propaganda against them for decades now and i think they didn't do much to counter that.

I don't really know the source of this news and whether it is even accurate as in this being a state policy. I for once have not seen a Saudi Arabian official make such a proposal but given all the propaganda against KSA of late I would not put it past being a made up story. I mean I have seen Western media falsely claim that Atheists in KSA are executed and all kind of insane claims that you could not make up even if you wanted to.

Made up or not it is a perfectly legal thing to propose and Germany is free to say no. It's no crime as much as some, often anti-Muslims, dislike such proposals or mosques as a whole.

In other words:


More can and should be done despite this but we don't live in a perfect world. I can tell you this, the Saudi Arabian people have done their fair share of helping Syrians as individuals through all kind of means. Public and private initiates etc.
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Good to see His Majesties Royal *** being handed to him.

It would be much better if they just shove those 200 up His Majesties Royal ***.

Good Job Deutschland.
Good to see His Majesties Royal *** being handed to him.

It would be much better if they just shove those 200 up His Majesties Royal ***.

Good Job Deutschland.

Another anti-Muslim simpleton who considers a proposal (a proposal whose accuracy we don't even know to begin with) of building mosques for an expected number of 800.000 mainly Muslim refugees who Germany (a state with freedom of religion and who takes pride in that) has WILLINGLY welcomed as a crime. Decisions taken by the elected German government moreover. A proposal (if it is even a real proposal) that they are entirely free to reject without any trouble.

Exactly why this has become a huge problem among the simpletons and bigots nobody really knows.

Sour grapes is the answer.

Anyway got to go. Eid al-Adha preparations are calling.
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