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Global protests against regime change in Pakistan

These Army Generals consider the common citizens as useless, powerless Kami Kameen, just like what the feudals/waderas thinks of Hari/Kisan...

Generals think that citizens are there to be ruled and are subservient to the Army Generals. They are the one who holds the power and are privileged people.

The reason for the nexus between Waderas and Generals.
This morning and tomorrow morning i have and will initiate the liquidation of all my dollar accounts and rupee accounts in pakistan. My parents, cousins, siblings and other overseas relatives are all doing the same. I feel bad bc it will make things difficult for the average Pakistani but we will not subsidize corrupt, anti Pakistan Traitors any longer.

And look at maryam nawaz posting on Twitter about 20-30 supporters of hers dancing around during Ramadan, theres thousands who’s protesting outside her dads office.
This scene is between barely few versus millions of people with support

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