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Green uniforms for Muslims, saffron for Hindus, In Ahmedabad schools

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he got another 4 years to fulfil his promise.. otherwise he will be kicked out just like the bjp govt 10 years ago.

Modi haters can hate him. He is not there to be kicked out. Many people dream of that. So called big leaders who hated modi have become zero and finding it difficult to win even a small corporation election. Nitish, Shankar singh etc are example.

It is very entertaning to see Pakistani members posting their idiotic posts here.

They are different schools and so no issue in having different uniforms. The Muslims students who otherwise have studied in Madrasa to Become vahabis and Zihadis are studying in beautiful corporation school in English medium. They have a bright future. Vahabis and pseudo secular are unnecessarily trying to discover communal angle in uniform color rather that appreciating the fact that Amadavad municipal corporation is running over 500 of such beautiful schools.
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Muslims in India must arm themselves to teeth. Fascism of hindus is going viral.
LOL I thought all Muslims don't think same. People like you like to make every country Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Kenya, Chad and many more to count. (Hope there are better people than you). I am sure muslims in India are living a better life than all muslims anywhere around the world, except Dubai and UAE maybe :3 (Its too cool :v )
Its a fake news & as expected Pakistani made a fool out of themselves without verifying it :lol:



here is another source:

Indian Express works overtime, produces 2 propaganda based articles in a single day

Its not fake. Don't try to brush it under the carpet like it never existed.

You can choose to believe it if you want to for your drivel.

Indian Express has already been booked for false reporting on this. :)

Reminds of Nazis forcing all Jews to wear Yellow Star. The Hindutva lunatics mob in Gujarat had government printout that indicated Muslim homes and businesses that were target and destroyed. Now Muslim children are being singled out. What about Sikh and Christan children ?
The Nazis forced the Jews to wear a yellow star just like the Taliban had forced the hindus to wear saffron cloth.

Read the OP which clearly says " School administration, however, has said the decision to use the two colours was taken without any prejudice. “The selection of green was a random decision and has nothing to do with any community. We had other options, of pink and blue, too but, keeping in mind the suitability to children, green was finalised,” AMC School Board Chairman Jagdish Bhavsar said. "

PS: The color of uniform doesn't matter it is the quality of education which is imparted @The Sultan Erdogan
All people who crying here, just got trolled by some noob Indian news Channel :) I tell you read these news papers they are best : Navbharti, Hindustan Times, NDTV (They mostly never post false news), and the best DDNews (The is most preferred) and some regional too
They thought Nehru wasn't lying, they thought Secularism will save them, they thought Hindus were their friend. It's time to pay, some mistakes are fatal.
Dude secularism really work well than any other religious ideology but only if it,s applied well.Indian secularism is a joke.
I have a indian sikh freind and even he curse nehru and according to him M.A jinnah was a far greater leader than nehru.
Idotic reporting and some idots going ga ga over it.
Municipal schools are not like madarsa's which could be governed by some faith. They are equal to all.
Schools this year tried to have colorful cloths for kids instead of regular blue&white or Khaki&white, because colorful cloths makes kids happy. So a random color was alloted to a given school, it doesnt matter whats the locality, its the school dress color.

Many school have these houses called red, green, yellow, blue where students are divided into 4 houses randomly for competing in sports as 4 teams.
If one goes by the thread logic, all the green house guys would be muslims, and red might be hindu, yellow might be jain and blue might be budhist ..heh..

Those who understand what India is would never get trolled by such idotic news. In current era no country can afford to differentiate kids based on religion.

@waz @Horus : time to close the thread.
Dude secularism really work well than any other religious ideology but only if it,s applied well.Indian secularism is a joke.
I have a indian sikh freind and even he curse nehru and according to him M.A jinnah was a far greater leader than nehru.
Yup can see that today where Pakistan is....... plus if Indian secularism was a joke. It was a good one. As its not a so called ______ State
Indian Express is still surviving?

Soemtimes our newspaper guy drops off Indian Express if his copes of The Times are over.

Most of us have told him very politely that if we were stranded in a desert and just had to go potty, we would use hot midday sand to wipe our arses but not that rag.

I think the visual reinforcement got the message across.

In school I belonged to the emerald/green house. Wore that green dress one day called the PT day every week. Presstitutes did not take my picture. :(

I was in the yellow (Panther) house. :)

Green were Cheetahs.

Blue Leopards.

Red Jaguars.
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