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Imran Khan cancels India trip over Rushdie

factual details?

what is your yardstick?
since it offends Muslims and has caused an outrage then it must be right?

I think he meant factual details about what is said in the book. Not whether that was right or wrong...
Ok if rushdie or anyother person is using the right of freedom of speech and expression by abusing Islam and making fun of our respected Prophets.

than dnt u think so, the same right has also given Imran Khan or any other muslim the right to show their concern over it, to say wat ever they wanna say even if dat means to give fatwa for his death. This is also their freedom of speech and expression.

then y this hypocrisy against Muslims by so called liberals?

If u think muslims are over reacting than u must condenm those who r taking advantage of their rights.
IK use to have close ties with Rushdie back in the days:woot:

How many more colors yet to be unfold from IK chapter is anyone's guess :undecided:
with respect

instead of asking a foreigner, y dnt u give advice to ur countryman not to invite him.
This would be more simple I guess.
Yeah but personal convictions can come in the way too. Think about it, you'd be helping to contribute to the success of an event that would ultimately PAY Salman Rushdie.

Say Rushdie may have a deal that he gets 10% of the ticket revenues collected. Because you are such a big star, a couple millions got generated because of you and that adds to Rushdie's bottom line too.

Now he uses that money and is able to spread an anti-Islam message better all because you helped him make money. Why did you do that?

You have a point, but I'd still like to bring up the "Why should we care?" card. Rushdie's propoganda only works when muslims decide to "take action." This is really similar to playground politics when you think about it. There's a cunning teacher-friendly bully and there's a normal shareef bacha who doesn't talk much at all. The bully keeps pushing the shareef bacha, when the bacha reacts the bully turns to the teacher and puts the blame on the shareef bacha. Now everyone in the class -except those that knew what really happened- thinks the bacha is the one to blame.

Now replace the bacha with Muslims and the bully with everyone from Salman Rushdie to the people who made the cartoons.

And yes, I do think that if muslims mind their own business, focus on their own faith and religion, instead of getting riled up and falling into traps of these "bullies" it is better for us overall. Besides, Rushdie hasn't been the first or last person to write anti-Islam stuff. There have been ex-imams who converted to atheism who wrote extremely anti-Islam stuff but no one cared about their opinions so they soon faded away. Contrary to what we may believe, the only thing keeping people like Rushdie still active is OUR HATE. Nothing more, nothing less.
remember people, there is $$$ to be made from being anti Muslim, so the best way we can hurt them is by ignoring them


Besides, I'd prefer it if we as a nation look at our own problems. We're from a country where people still throw away newborn female infants, a country that can't feed itself, where crime and corruption is rampant, where we call ourselves an "Islamic State" but should probably rename ourselves to "Jahil Republic of Pakistan". I'd rather we clean up our dirty laundry first as a nation and look at ourselves before going around championing the muslim cause, we just make utter fools out of ourselves tbh.
Imran Khan cancels India trip in Salman Rushdie protest

Imran Khan is a leading opposition politician
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Pakistani opposition politician Imran Khan has said he will not participate in a conference in India because author Sir Salman Rushdie is due to speak there.

Sir Salman, author of The Satanic Verses, will speak at a conference in the capital, Delhi, on Friday.

Mr Khan said the author had "caused immeasurable hurt to Muslims".

Many Muslims regard The Satanic Verses as blasphemous. The book, published in 1988, is still banned in India.

The author was forced to pull out of a literature festival in the country two months ago after death threats from some Muslim protesters.

Mr Khan, a former cricketer, is the leader of the Pakistan Movement for Justice (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) party.

Death threat
A statement released by his party said Mr Khan had cancelled his participation in the conference organised by the India Today media group on learning of Sir Salman's participation.

"He expressed his regrets to the organisers but stated categorically that he could not even think of participating in any programme that included [Salman] Rushdie who has caused immeasurable hurt to Muslims around the globe," the statement said.

The statement said Mr Khan had "received and seen" the programme on Tuesday evening, and took the decision soon after.

According to the India Today Conclave website, Sir Salman is due to speak on Friday for an hour.

The organisers have declined to confirm reports that the author will be physically present.

His event is be titled "The Liberty Verses - I am What I am and That's All That I am". It will be moderated by author Aatish Taseer.

In January, Sir Salman withdrew from attending the Jaipur Literature Festival, saying that sources had told him of a death threat.

He was also forced to abandon plans to address the gathering by a video-link after protesters threatened to march on the venue.

According to the India Today Conclave website, Sir Salman is due to speak on Friday for an hour.

Enter the world of Pakistani politics... he can't afford to piss off the Mullah's when already some of the Ultra-liberals are blaming IK of being a Mullah.
Sir he doesn't want to be a traitor of Islam talking to cartoon like Rushdie can destroy all his good deeds so he has done the right thing which every Muslim should do in fact do something more

why he visited UK when rushdie was there?? yo yo yo??
Sir not in the Same conference issue is that he is going to speak in the same conference in which Imran Khan is also supposed to speak

Hypocrisy at it's best.

He would rather send his Senior VP to support self professed murderers at Difa e Pakistan rallies and speak on his behalf. Yet he would boycott an event where a person who hasn't done any physical harm to Muslim's or humanity in general would speak. Not that I'm a Rushdie fan.

Not many of his supporters would know that Imran Khan was very close to Salman Rushdie during his UNI years in UK. This is all just a political stunt/gimmick. His silent support to Mullahs and enemies of Pakistan is clearly evident for everyone to see.
Sir Rushide has done the biggest crime in Islam no Muslim can dare even speak loud in front of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW but this man insulted HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and punishment of that is death
Political or personal what difference does it make? absolutely none. The fact remains HE chose to boycott this event and on the other side HE supports self proclaimed fanatic murderers and criminals of this country. Those criminals are involved in anti-state activities against Pakistan.
It makes a difference -

For one, some of the commentary here makes it suggest that hes being opportunistic by boycotting the seminar to appeal to his electoral base. Which is not true as demonstrated already.

Isn't this proof?
Man if this is proof then its as strong as "People who say Allah Hafiz and not Khuda Hafiz are Mullahs" type arguments or "People who add wa rahamatullah wa baratkatahu to Aslamalaykum are Mullahs".

To be a Practicing Muslim is not to be a Mullah.

I got many more - prays 5 times a day, Mullah, mullah, mullah. He did not curtail anyone's freedoms, he has not participated in hate speech so how is he a Mullah?
Kinda off topic, but MF Hussain just drew a picture/painting :)
I must say very Good decision by Imran Khan!!

Totally support it! :)
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