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INDIA is NOT our enemy!

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Jun 22, 2009
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So many threads pitting India against China/Pakistan. Let me put an end to this useless banter:

This is the FACT. These people are NOT anyone's enemies. This is the reality for over 95% of Indians! No, I am not exaggerating as these photos are of the "lucky ones" who still manage to hang on to life. There is no such thing as an Indian "middle class", it is only abject poverty and a few families with billions net worth you can count on your hands and feet.

Do you think the common Indian cares for Sino-Indo issues??? NO.

Knowing this fact, India is NOT a threat to China. Nor should we view Indians as our enemies. Why would these people be our enemies????? THEY ARE NOT.

Sino Don't do that, U just have no Idea what people in poverty go through...
Think a bit about these people
Poverty is a problem everywhere & India is an enemy of Pak & China
Again sino please do not use poor people images to harass indian members here. This will not work. These poor people are in every country-more or less.
You look like too low on common sense and moral values.
You could have look for a better plan for india bashing.
You are extremely ignorant of the conditions of your country as well. More than 10% people of china live below poverty line. Very bad act by you.
ha ha :cheers: Buddy there is a True Positive side to this post and that is

Really India is not the Enemy of China Or Pakistan

Especially not Pakistan we don't have any such feelings but we Indians just show our frustration and anger coz we were helpless when millions of our countrymen were loosing there life by attacks of terrorists whom u call the freedom fighter

Dont bother abt my previous statement. What i really want to say is

India is not the Enemy of China Or Pakistan :cheers::pakistan::china:
There is no such thing as an Indian "middle class", it is only abject poverty and a few families with billions net worth you can count on your hands and feet.

you are the perfect example of person who is fed on info from state controlled chinese media.
So many threads pitting India against China/Pakistan. Let me put an end to this useless banter:

This is the FACT. These people are NOT anyone's enemies. This is the reality for over 95% of Indians! No, I am not exaggerating as these photos are of the "lucky ones" who still manage to hang on to life. There is no such thing as an Indian "middle class", it is only abject poverty and a few families with billions net worth you can count on your hands and feet.

Do you think the common Indian cares for Sino-Indo issues??? NO.

Knowing this fact, India is NOT a threat to China. Nor should we view Indians as our enemies. Why would these people be our enemies????? THEY ARE NOT.


A common COMMUNISTIC APPROACH and the words from the CCP SCHOOL.:sniper:

So many threads pitting India against China/Pakistan. Let me put an end to this useless banter:

This is the FACT. These people are NOT anyone's enemies. This is the reality for over 95% of Indians! No, I am not exaggerating as these photos are of the "lucky ones" who still manage to hang on to life. There is no such thing as an Indian "middle class", it is only abject poverty and a few families with billions net worth you can count on your hands and feet.

Do you think the common Indian cares for Sino-Indo issues??? NO.

Knowing this fact, India is NOT a threat to China. Nor should we view Indians as our enemies. Why would these people be our enemies????? THEY ARE NOT.


AH!You forgot to smell your own *** as usual.Typically yourself
sino open your eyes wash it , india is giving tough fight in every aspect.....
Source? How do we really know this is in India and what year was this?
You once again proved that you're nothing more than an imbecile. An imbecile who is trying to provoke Indian members, sorry we won't take the bait. I believe a certain "Communist" friend of yours tried a similar tactic. I wonder what happened to him? Carry on Sino.......
Nemesis!....you know,i think the same as you.......esp the 'friend' part!
Sino Don't do that, U just have no Idea what people in poverty go through...
Think a bit about these people
Poverty is a problem everywhere & India is an enemy of Pak & China

Where have I made fun of poor people?! I too know what it is like to be poor (though not as extreme), as I have been through a lot in my past (so let's not assume I don't know).

Furthermore, I am not speaking out of ignorance nor CCP propaganda (as a few Indians alluded to). This is the fact. That is why I said Indians are not our enemies, rather we need to be compassionate towards them.

This is the truth we need not shy away from. That is why I said India is not our enemy. It is too easy to get emotional when someone tries to get the world's two largest and oldest civilizations to view each other as enemies --- when in fact, for thousands of years this has not been the case!

It is also a message to Chinese members to CALM DOWN, and not get confrontational when mocked. Most Chinese people have never had the opportunity to experience and witnessed the REAL INDIA. This is the real India. Don't be tricked by the India Shining hype -- it's just untrue. If Chinese members knew this is fact-of-life for over 95% of Indians, then they would no longer view Indians as enemies and we can easier mend fences and work together.

Seems many people misunderstood this message (even though I spelled it out clearly in the first post). This is not about "bashing India", it is about KNOWING INDIA CANNOT BE OUR ENEMY, regardless of the media hype. :angel:
Search poor china in google images sino.
You will get the reality.
Chinese labour people are in very bad condition and are being harrassed by rich people.
Now do not tell me that your govt. Has also banned google.
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