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India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

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In my opinion, Indian Muslims should stick with sacrificing goats and sheep. If you live in India and the Hindu majority doesn't want you sacrificing cows, don't sacrifice cows! Respecting others' beliefs is an important part of Islam.
Islam also gives flexibility in most things, that's there for a reason. (e.g: so that you don't offend others' beliefs)

Thanks for the sanity here. Others here insist on offending other belief's which starts off a vicious self-sustaining cycle.
Slaughtering animals in the name of religion is not ethical. Most Hindus in present times do not perform sacrificial rituals described in the Vedas. All religions should abandon such barbaric ancient rituals, even if their holy books ask them to perform them.
But mass-slaughtering animals in factories in the name of money (like most companies do) is ethical?
Slaughtering animals is perfectly ethical, we can eat meat naturally and its important for us. If you don't want to eat meat, fine but don't expect others to do the same.
But that happened after thousands of years. so are you endorsing unrighteousness? i have explained earlier the purpose of kaliyuga. Just because it is there that does not mean we should be sinful. if you read any of the hindu scriptures, no where it is mentioned that in kaliyug we should be bad. there is no endorsement of that. they just mention what will happen in kaliyug and what we should do to save ourselves. In other words, they tell us to be virtuous.

No, I am not endorsing unrighteousness. It is not sin to kill for food. You have it completely upside down. There are people who are saintly and there are people who are practical. Life is meant for both.


This is my view of righteousness. The whole population cannot become completely saintly. It is just not desirable. It is your interpretation that just killing for food also is bad and sinful. That is an extreme stance.

But mass-slaughtering animals in factories in the name of money (like most companies do) is ethical?
Slaughtering animals is perfectly ethical, we can eat meat naturally and its important for us. If you don't want to eat meat, fine but don't expect others to do the same.

It is not ethical, but at least we do it in our name. We take the blame for it and live with the guilt or not. Why do it in the name of god and pass the guilt of killing to God?
But mass-slaughtering animals in factories in the name of money (like most companies do) is ethical?
I don't remember saying that.
Slaughtering animals is perfectly ethical, we can eat meat naturally and its important for us. If you don't want to eat meat, fine but don't expect others to do the same.
I am perfectly OK with eating meat. I am a meat eater myself. I am opposed to certain religions asking their adherents to slaughter animals in sacrifice to god during their festivals or other events.
I too am talking about what nature wanted us to do. It wanted us to use tools instead of our teeth and claws. So it made our canines weaker than the animals which would just be used to eat cooked food. It made us furless so that we use tools to make clothes. So nature designed us physically weaker so that we innovate and evolve. No they could not just have relied on fruits and plants even initially because there were other animals around eating animals including humans. They would have needed to kill animals to protect themselves and hence also gotten a supply of meat.
I say that nature wanted us to develop and use tools for agriculture,clothes, house, vehicles etc. etc. and stay away from meat. it didn't make us furless so that we could develop tools to make clothes. it did so to signal to us that we are different from animals and are higher beings and we should rise above animal level.
No denying that animals use to eat other animals including humans, but that does not necessarily mean that you eat the animal you kill. if you kill a lion or a crocodile will you eat it?

Cmon man. Not everyone is spiritually geared. There is Satva, Rajas, and Tamas for a purpose. You may be looking for Moksha. Others may be enjoying their life too much on earth to think about that. I doubt whether the objective of human life is spiritual evolution. If all of humanity work towards going back to where we came from that negates the plan for creation in the first place.

Everybody is spiritually geared. Nature doesn't differentiate between human beings. But whether a person makes an effort in that direction or not is a matter of personal choice. Yes those three qualities have a purpose but the wise say that we should always try to be satvic. I am not looking for moksha as I have some goals to achieve.
About the objective of human life ask any Guru/saint or a spiritual person or even refer the scriptures, all say that it is spiritual evolution along with material enjoyment through right means.

No it doesn't negate the plan of creation because they will be replaced by other human beings.
I don't remember saying that.

I am perfectly OK with eating meat. I am a meat eater myself. I am opposed to certain religions asking their adherents to slaughter animals in sacrifice to god during their festivals or other events.
My point is that if we slaughter animals for food, why is slaughtering animals for religion wrong?
I understand what you mean and I respect your opinion but I don't agree with it

"I do not worship what you worship. Nor are you worshippers of what I worship. Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship. Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship. For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."
(Quran 109:2-6)
My point is that if we slaughter animals for food, why is slaughtering animals for religion wrong?
I understand what you mean and I respect your opinion but I don't agree with it

"I do not worship what you worship. Nor are you worshippers of what I worship. Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship. Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship. For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."
(Quran 109:2-6)

Agreed sir
My point is that if we slaughter animals for food, why is slaughtering animals for religion wrong?
Because one animal eating another is a fact of nature. But killing animals for god who will not even bother to come and eat it is unreasonable and unnecessary. I will rather give the animal to a poor, malnourished family to satisfy their hunger rather than waste it in sacrifice to god.

I understand what you mean and I respect your opinion but I don't agree with it.
Likewise here.
Because one animal eating another is a fact of nature. But killing animals for god who will not even bother to come and eat it is unreasonable and unnecessary. I will rather give the animal to a poor, malnourished family to satisfy their hunger rather than waste it in sacrifice to god.

Likewise here.

In Islam, Eid ul Azha, you are actually supposed to give a third of the meat to the poor, another third to your family and friends and eat the rest yourselves. It's not for a god who won't eat it, we humans are supposed to eat it. The meat doesn't go to waste.
Some of my favourite memories are those of delicious meat dishes on Eid, made from fresh meat. It'd be a shame to waste that.
In Islam, Eid ul Azha, you are actually supposed to give a third of the meat to the poor, another third to your family and friends and eat the rest yourselves. It's not for a god who won't eat it, we humans are supposed to eat it. The meat doesn't go to waste.
Well then no one should have a problem with it.
I say that nature wanted us to develop and use tools for agriculture,clothes, house, vehicles etc. etc. and stay away from meat. it didn't make us furless so that we could develop tools to make clothes. it did so to signal to us that we are different from animals and are higher beings and we should rise above animal level.
No denying that animals use to eat other animals including humans, but that does not necessarily mean that you eat the animal you kill. if you kill a lion or a crocodile will you eat it?

There are people eating everything from lion to crocs. If that was the only food available then eating that is what is needed. It does not mean I will eat it because they do not form a part of my food habit, but go to Africa, they eat everything.

There is no animal level. Animals follow their dharma too without which they will die. Survival is dharma. So stop looking down your nose on that as animal level. We are not much different than animals considering we belong to the animal kingdom and not plant kingdom. Early humans to survive would have had to eat animals too and yes animals which they killed would have been the natural choice. I do not have to do that because I am not the earliest of human beings.

Everybody is spiritually geared. Nature doesn't differentiate between human beings. But whether a person makes an effort in that direction or not is a matter of personal choice. Yes those three qualities have a purpose but the wise say that we should always try to be satvic. I am not looking for moksha as I have some goals to achieve.
About the objective of human life ask any Guru/saint or a spiritual person or even refer the scriptures, all say that it is spiritual evolution along with material enjoyment through right means.

Nature does differentiate between human beings, otherwise we will all be each others clones. There are different level of needs in everyone. Not everyone is emotional. Not everyone is stoic. Not everyone is brave. We are all different. The wise can say we should be satvic, but as you said that is a personal choice. Even during Krishna's time, everyone was not Satvic.
Yes spiritual evolution with material enjoyment through right means. Does not mean no killing at all.
Well then no one should have a problem with it.
Exactly my point. Most of the people who have problems with it are those who don't know about it. I understand why Hindus would have a problem with cows being slaughtered though.
Isn't India a secular rapepublic? :rofl: I don't think cow slaughter can ever be banned in India (strictly from a legal perspective not Hindutva version of legality). Its officially secular and muslims are a big portion of India. I think muslims should stamp their authority and demand their basic religious right in a supposedly secular rapepublic. Become politically active and hindutva goons will run with tail between their legs. This should be more applicable in states like WB, UP and south India where there is a massive muslim pop.
No it doesn't negate the plan of creation because they will be replaced by other human beings.

I said all humanity. If they are replaced by other humans who also do the same thing that too negates creation. If everyone was supposed to look, act, and behave the same that negates purpose of creation.
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