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India Must Respect Freedom struggle in Kashmir



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Jul 26, 2007
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India Must Respect Freedom struggle in Kashmir:bounce:
A Sovereign Kashmir: Random Thoughts-147
-Dr. Abdul Ruff


Frankly, Kashmir is not a dispute at all, it is like some bank robbers entering a bank and looting and then occupying the bank premises, killing employees and the people around, claiming that the bank belongs to them as an integral part of global robbery network. International organizations should have intervened immediately to evacuate the occupiers kicking them out with force and undertake punitive measures. However, the UK, India’s former colonizer and a veto guy of the notorious UNSC and the source directly responsible for Indian invasion of its neighbor JK soon after they offered freedom to India prevented that from happening. In stead, India and its western supporters, especially the British colonizers, have made Jammu Kashmir appears to be a dispute. Indian military also merged Jammu Kashmir military, predominantly of Hindus, within Indian military forces and denied any chance for Kashmiris to fight a fitting war against Indian occupation and its fascist attacks on Kashmiris.
After occupation of JK and subsequent genocides in Kashmir region, India quickly added JK in its account book called constitution invalidating all sorts of such gimmicks. With a blind UNSC refusing to protect the Kashmiri nation from continued Indian genocides, a growing fascist India just occupies it by brute force after crippling the military power of the then independent JK. But occupation involves the future of Kashmiris. Years of Indian occupation has made a boundary dispute between India and Pakistan but. Whenever the talks between the two countries fail, Kashmiris become direct victims.
The Kashmir issue, now appearing to be a dispute between India and Pakistan while the defenseless Kashmiris fighting for sovereignty back from arrogant occupier India just kill themselves as well as let India kill them at will, is a 62-yr old problem needing urgent resolution but it cannot be resolved in shortest possible time. Any solution which is acceptable to all shall be the better option. Union Home Minister had himself stood in the Parliament and said that accession of JK with India is unique and needs unique solution. Of course, it is rude on the part of world community to expect a terror India to respect the freedom sentiments of Kashmiris and let them live as a free nation with full sovereignty.

Pro-India elements, thriving at cost of the rest of Kashmiris, know the Kashmir dispute is only an Indian illusion. Indian puppet government in JK is surprised that the freedom leaders don’t feel shy in talking to visiting parliament members but are not ready to talk to interlocutors who have made it clear that they are ready to listen to anybody on any issue. Omar refuses to understand that interlocutors could do nothing except playing fiddle for India, and even if they submit a pro-freedom report to Indian state, no action could be forthcoming. But the parliamentarians would raise the Kashmir issue on the parliament, even if they might be pressed by their parties not to support Kashmir cause.

It is an established thought, if not a fact, that better relations between India and Pakistan- both occupy Jammu Kashmir- quicker the establishment of an independent Jammu Kashmir. Kashmiris welcome the latest thaw in Pakistan and India relations but many have maintained that without the presence of Kashmiris’ true representatives, the talks between the two countries would remain inconclusive. Another freedom leader Shabbir Ahmad Shah reiterated that the people of Kashmir would continue their struggle till its logical conclusion. APHC leader, Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi in a media interview in Srinagar said that the amicable resolution of the Kashmir dispute was imperative for durable peace in the region.
India keeps drafting strategies to divide Kashmiris and kill them. However, Indian strategy to divide Jammu Kashmir would not be tolerated by Kashmiris. Geelani demanded its immediate revocation of Dogra Certificates by the JK authorities to the people of Jammu as a deep rooted conspiracy to divide the territory on ethnic lines. This is a part of long-term policy of India to pave way for according supremacy to particular section of people over the Muslim majority of Kashmir.

Any clash between the India and Pakistan in the world cup semi-final in India-Mohali has not only silenced the market places but emptied the government offices, private offices and educational institutions in the second half of the day in the valley today. Hours before the encounter began, government employees and students left their offices and educational institutions to watch the cricket match in their homes. Markets also presented a deserted look as the shopkeepers, preferring to watch the event rather than doing their business, closed their shops with streets also de-peopled. No sooner did the clock strike 2 PM, the streets became deserted. Despite being a normal day, strike-like-situation prevailed. The movement of people became meager while an eerie silence filled the air. Though the shops were open but without customers. Everyone could be seen glued to the television sets. Shop and markets were closed down before time. As for security reasons, Section 144 was imposed in the Valley restricting gathering of more than four people at one place. Police had also banned watching cricket on TVs, or big screens on roads, street or shops. There were reports from various places of the city where in police had refrained people from watching cricket on street. Snapped electricity at some places also played a spoil spot for sometime at few places.

Indian military occupation personnel have introduced stone attack that was imbibed b the defenseless Kashmiris to defend themselves from Indian terror attacks. While making a reference to the stone throwing by protesters on the streets of Kashmir that has shaken the foundations of his government in last two months, JK CM Omar said it is better to throw shoes (at him) than stones. As the national flag was being unfurled in Srinagar the Indian puppet Omar Abdullah stood up at the raised podium with Director General of Police K. Khoda next to him, a Kashmiri patriot sitting in the third row had taken off his brown shinny shoe and hurled it straight towards the podium. The shoe missed the target but attracted the intended attention immediately. The only tool available to Kashmiris to oppose the Indian brutal occupation is his worn out shoe. That is the true spirit of Kashmiriyat seeking to free itself from foreign invaders, criminals, looters and criminal-genociders.
By using the Army and police to satiate its party interests, the NC is displaying its sheer shortsightedness. As a political party, the NC should fight Hurriyat’s peaceful programs at the political level only. Syed Geelani, the Chairman of Hurriyat Conference (G), stated that that the campaign launched by the NC and New Delhi is wrong in all respects. Elaborating, Senior Hurriyet leader Geelani alleged that frivolous cases were being registered against most of the arrested youth in Kashmir. And those arrested youth who get recommendation from the NC activists, are forced to pay ransom for their release. This is a dangerous campaign by virtue of which the career of our younger generation is being ruined. The FIRs become a life-long problem for youth. Geelani said that the JK Government’s silence over the Indian terror excesses on the people tantamounts to crime against the Kashmir nation. For highlighting the excesses, Geelani said the conglomerate is left with no option but to stage protests. Taking all the aspects into consideration, we can only use hartal to register our protest against the atrocities. We have kept this option reserved and whenever situation demands we will use this birth and democratic right.
True, Kashmiris have lost over100, 000 innocent kith and kin during the freedom struggle in recent years. Notwithstanding all pressure cum terror tactics of occupying India, the people of Kashmir would never give up the cause as history stood testimony to the fact that sentiment for freedom was getting stronger with each passing day. Talking to the 10-member civil society group of India that called on him at his Hyderpora residence Srinagar, Syed Ali Shah Geelani the Chairman of Hurriyat Conference (G) and the senior most freedom fighter spearheading sovereignty struggle for years now says Kashmir is an internationally accepted dispute which has historical background. Geelani told the delegation that it was responsibility of the civil society of India to create awareness in their public and government about the aspirations and sentiments of the Kashmiri people.

Geelani, spearheading the ongoing ‘Quit Jammu and Kashmir Movement’, came down heavily recently on the ruling National Conference accusing it of using Army and Police for its interests and to suppress the ongoing movement. The veteran leader maintained that being a political party, the NC should fight the conglomerate’s peaceful programs "politically and not through military might." In a statement, Geelani castigated New Delhi for what he said illegally using state power to suppress the peaceful agitation of Kashmiris. “For this purpose, the NC has been directed to help the police and Army. The NC leaders in collusion with the concerned station house officers prepare the list of youth, who have taken more or less part in the agitation since June this year. These youth are asked to report to the Police Stations and then arrested or their houses are raided,” Geelani said, urging the people to stage peaceful protests from Maghrib to Isha prayers December 16 and for one hour after the congregational prayers on Friday December 17 respectively.

Talking to a 40-member delegation of Greater Municipal Corporation Hyderabad that visited him at Srinagar, Chairman of Hurriyat Conference (M) Mirwaiz Umar Farooq on 30th March stressed the need for formation of a Kashmir Group in Parliament to monitor situation in the state and put forth recommendations for resolving Kashmir issue. Mirwaiz appraised the delegation of the Corporation, headed by Assad-ud-Din Owaisi, MP, about the historical background of Kashmir issue, and peoples’ sentiments, wishes and their aspiration. He also gave a detailed account of the incidents of human rights violations and ‘brute force’ and repressive method employed by the government through its forces to quell upsurge of peaceful mass protests, processions and rallies since 2008. He narrated cases of Torture of Kashmiris in jails.

Mirwaiz said if Manmohan Singh and Yousuf Raza Gilani could successfully watch cricket in Delhi as part of sport/cricket diplomacy, why they cannot succeed in pushing forward the composite dialogue on resolving the Kashmir issue. He says it would be a matter joy for Hurriyat and people of Kashmir and would certainly also help hammer out a solution acceptable to the both countries and people of Kashmir. But if India persists on its rigidity and continued to show non-seriousness, it will worsen the future.
It appears, India perhaps is willing to cede to Pakistan some more lands from occupied Kashmir even by a movie type brief war and settle the “dispute” with Pakistan in India’s favor. There have been atrocities on Kashmiris in Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK) under Pakistani control. Some Kashmiris living in Pakistan administered AJK want AJK to merge with Pakistan just as bulk of Hindus in Jammu want to be part of Hindu India whether JK becomes free or not. And this sentiment makes India to take away Jammu from JK in the event of a free JK emerging. Elements in the AJK too need to be made accountable and punished for their crimes.


د. عبد راف

Dr. Abdul Ruff, Specialist on State Terrorism; Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Chronicler of Freedom movements (Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc); Former university Teacher, Analyst in International Affairs; Terrorism is caused by anti-Islamic forces. Fake democracies like USA and India have zero tolerance to any criticism of their anti-Muslim and other aggressive practices. Anti-Muslimism and anti-Islamism are more dangerous than "terrorism". Anti-Islamic forces & terrorists are using criminal elements for terrorizing the world and they are harming genuine interests of ordinary Muslims. Unfortunately, we have many hypocrites among Muslims.
Dr. Abdul Ruff, Specialist on State Terrorism; Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Chronicler of Freedom movements (Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc); Former university Teacher, Analyst in International Affairs; Terrorism is caused by anti-Islamic forces. Fake democracies like USA and India have zero tolerance to any criticism of their anti-Muslim and other aggressive practices. Anti-Muslimism and anti-Islamism are more dangerous than "terrorism". Anti-Islamic forces & terrorists are using criminal elements for terrorizing the world and they are harming genuine interests of ordinary Muslims. Unfortunately, we have many hypocrites among Muslims.

So Pakistani members agree with that also ?????
its sad when you allow a thread to be started on such a subject by a newbie , especially since Kashmir threads are reserved for senior members and this one has no link . :)

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