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Indian Special Forces

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NSG drill khan market Delhi
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@Unknowncommando it's interesting to note that these operators aren't the NSG's Main CT task force (as was the case in the drills on December 29 and who took part in the Pathankot operations), these are secondary teams. Maybe they are foreward deployed elsewhere or the NSG wants to give all its teams simulated exposure ahead of R-Day.
@Levina why there are two anurags?

And here are the details


Ashok Chakra

Lance Naik Mohan Nath Goswami(Posthumous), 9 PARA (Special Force)

Kirti Chakra

Subedar Mahendra Singh, Sena Medal, 9 PARA (Special Force)

Sepoy Jagdish Chand (Posthumous), 546 DSC Platoon

Shaurya Chakra

Colonel Santosh Yashwant Mahadik (Posthumous), Sena Medal, 41 Rashtriya Rifle (PARA)

Major Praphul Kumar Bhardwaj, 12 PARA (Special Force)

Major Anurag Kumar, 9 PARA (Special Force)

Major Sandip Yadav, 55 Rashtriya Rifle (Armed)

Lieutenant Harjinder Singh, 3 KUMAON

Naik Satish Kumar (Posthumous), 21Rashtriya Rifle (Guards)

Naik Kheem Singh Mehra, 21 KUMAON

Sepoy Dharma Ram (Posthumous), 1Rashtriya Rifle (MAHAR)



On the intervening night of 02/03 September 2015 Lance Naik Mohan Nath Goswami was part of an ambush in Haphruda forest at Kupwara district of Jammu & Kashmir. At about 2015hrs, there was a fierce encounter with four terrorists wherein two of his comrades were injured and pinned down. Lance Naik Mohan along with his buddy dashed forward to rescue their injured colleagues, knowing well the risks to their own lives. He first assisted in eliminating one terrorist. Sensing grave danger to three of his wounded colleagues, Lance Naik Mohan with utter disregard to his own personal safety, charged at the remaining terrorists drawing intense fire from them. He was hit in the thigh. Unmindful, he closed in and eliminated one terrorist, injured another and was again shot in the abdomen. Undeterred by his injuries, he hurled himself on the last terrorist and killed him at point blank range before succumbing to his wounds. Lance Naik Mohan not only killed two terrorists, but also assisted in neutralizing the other two and save the lives of three of his wounded colleagues.

Thus, Lance Naik Mohan Nath Goswami exhibited most conspicuous gallantry in personally eliminating two terrorists and assisting in evacuation of his wounded colleagues and made supreme sacrifice in the highest traditions of the Indian Army. Lance Naik Mohan Nath Goswami is awarded “ASHOK CHAKRA (POSTHUMOUS)”.

Subedar Mahendra Singh was a veteran of numerous firefights, where, time and again his inspiring leadership, resilience and courage resulted in outstanding successes. He had been awarded Sena Medal on the Line of Control for exemplary courage and initiative wherein he shot dead a Pakistan Regular Army in 2013.

On 02 Sep 2015 at 2015 hours, contact was established with terrorists in Darel forest at Kupwara district of Jammu and Kashmir resulting in multiple splinter injuries to two comrades. Displaying exemplary leadership, the JCO moved with Lance Naik Mohan Nath Goswami to evacuate his comrades, drawing heavy fire in the process. Sensing the danger to his men, Subedar Mahendra immediately returned fire and displaying raw aggression charged and eliminated one terrorist at close quarters. His audaciousness startled the other terrorist who opened indiscriminate fire at him. Undeterred, he closed in with the terrorists when one terrorist rushed out firing and grievously wounded Subedar Mahendra in the abdomen. Despite his injury which paralysed him below the waist, he shot dead the terrorist at point blank range. Heedless of the threat posed by the terrorist fire and his incapacitating wound, he, in order to prevent any further casualties, forbade all attempts to evacuate him and endured tremendous pain to extricate himself.

For his exemplary leadership, selflessness and courage beyond compare while eliminating two foreign terrorists and assisting in casualty evacuation despite being paralysed below the waist, Subedar Mahendra Singh, Sena Medal is awarded “KIRTI CHAKRA”.


Sepoy Jagdish Chand was posted with 546 Defence Service Platoon attached with 18 Wing Air Force. On the night 01/02 Jan 2016 at 0330 hr while the individual was working on bonafide military duty at Defence Service Corps lines, five to six heavily armed terrorists entered the lines and opened indiscriminate fire on the troops working in the said location. The heavy firing resulted in two of his colleagues being fatally wounded. Showing presence of mind and conspicuous bravery Sepoy Jagdish Chand unmindful of his own safety ran after the closest terrorist, chased and overpowered him. Sepoy Jagdish Chand snatched the terrorist’s weapon to shoot him dead. In the process two more terrorists in vicinity opened fire on SepoyJagdish Chand killing him on the spot.

The great presence of mind, unmatched bravery and valour by Sepoy Jagdish Chand minimized further loss of lives and gave time for the quick reaction teams in the vicinity to react. Sepoy Jagdish Chand’s actions was also a setback to the terrorists. For his unparalled act of bravery Sepoy Jagdish Chand is awarded ‘KIRTI CHAKRA(POSTHUMOUS)’.

Colonel Santosh Yashwant Mahadik, SM, a dynamic officer from the Parachute Regiment (Special Forces) was commanding 41 Rashtriya Rifles from July 2014. Col Santosh with his inspirational leadership and humane skills and altered the narrative of kupwara town through successful OP SADBHAVANA initiatives in education, sports and health care.Colonel Santosh was leading a search operation based on specific input about the likely presence of terrorists in general area Manigah Forest of Kupwara district of Jammu and Kashmir on 17 November 2015. At about 1215 hours, he received an input about the likely movement of terrorists in the forested area near Kashmiri Manigah. Always having led from the front, Colonel Santosh alongwith his Quick Reaction Team (QRT) expeditiously moved to the suspected site. As the team was deploying, they came under heavy and effective fire of terrorists hiding in the forest. Pinned down by the terrorists fire in the open, he immediately maneuvered to outflank the terrorists and engaged them from an advantageous position. Undeterred by the heavy volume of terrorists fire and with utter disregard to personal safety, Colonel Santosh provided his troops an opportunity to take cover. In the fire fight however, he suffered multiple gunshot wounds. Unmindful of his grievous injuries, Colonel Santosh kept the terrorists pinned down till he was evacuated. He later succumbed to his injuries and attained martyrdom.

Colonel Santosh Y Mahadik made the supreme sacrifice in keeping with the highest traditions of the Indian Army while ensuring safety of the troops he commanded and personally led from the forefront.

For this act of exemplary leadership, exceptional gallantry and utmost dedication to duty even at the peril of his own life, Colonel Santosh Yashwant Mahadik is awarded “Shaurya Chakra (POSTHUMOUS)

Major Praphul Kumar Bhardwaj launched a special operation in Awankhu village in Phek district of Nagaland, 120 km from the closest existing Assam Rifles post on the night of 13 July 15. Negotiating thick forests and treacherous slopes in extreme and inclement weather, Major Praphul’s party reached the target at 2300 hours, 15 July 15.

At 2345 hours, on observing some movement around a hut, Major Praphul along with a buddy pair closed in to ascertain the movement upon which they drew heavy volume of fire. Sensing danger to his party, in absence of any cover and accurate incoming fire, Major Praphul charged onto the hut and neutralized one terrorist at point blank range. During this action, he sustained Gun Shot Wound in his right elbow as also his weapon was hit by a bullet, thereby jamming it. Despite profusely bleeding, with his weapon now non functional and his party pinned down, Major Praphul, utterly disregarding his personal safety, crawled and lobbed two grenades in the hut and neutralized the second terrorist.

For this conspicuous act of gallantry and acting beyond the call of duty, Major Praphul Kumar Bhardwaj is awarded “SHAURYA CHAKRA”.

Major Anurag Kumar was leading a helicopter inserted 9 PARA (Special Forces) Team in Search and Destroy Operations in Lidder Panzal at Baramulla district of Jammu and Kashmir on 26/27 August 2015.

Post insertion, Major Anurag led his squads to the location where terrorists were last seen and organized the search. At 1400 hours on 26 August 2015, the officer observed suspicious movement behind boulders and deployed his squads before shouting a challenge which drew indiscriminate terrorist fire. Realising grave threat to his men from the ricocheting bullets, the officer risked his safety and under covering fire of Havildar Virender Singh and Naik Javid Ahmad Chopan closed in with and eliminated one terrorist. Major Anurag then established a cordon to cut off escape of remaining terrorists. At 1100 hours on 27 August 2015 one terrorist attempting to break cordon rushed out firing indiscriminately. Unmindful of the heavy fire and displaying immense courage Major Anurag engaged and shot dead the terrorist at close quarters. He further engaged one trappedterrorist in a conversation thereby assisting Naik Chopan in his apprehension.

For his exceptional tactical acumen, selflessness, inspiring leadership and courage beyond compare while eliminating two foreign terrorists and assisting in the apprehension of the third terrorist, Major Anurag Kumar is awarded “SHAURYA CHAKRA”.

Major Sandip has been operating in Pulwama since Jul 2013 and his flair for generating intelligence and conduct of operations is exemplary.

On 10 August, information was received about presence of terrorists in village Ratanpur at Pulwama district of Jammu and Kashmir. Major Sandip while moving cross country noticed a suspicious movement in a paddy field. The two terrorists immediately opened indiscriminate fire at the officer. Major Sandip stood his ground and retaliated the fire which pinned down the terrorists. Undeterred by heavy fire and showing exceptional presence of mind, the officer redeployed his team which prevented the escape of terrorists.

On 11 August, after a grueling eighteen hours of firefight, Major Sandip decided to crawl close to the terrorists in an open area without any cover. As he was doing so, he came under heavy fire. Unmindful of the grave danger and showing raw courage under heavy fire with utter disregard to personal safety, he crawled close and eliminated both the terrorists. The bold action ensured elimination of two Lashker tanzeem terrorists as well as no collateral damage.

For displaying exemplary leadership, fearlessness in face of intense firing, gallantry and courage beyond the call of duty, Major Sandip Yadav is awarded “SHAURYA CHAKRA”.

On 05 June 2015, Lieutenant Harjinder Singh was the Commander of an Ambush Point in Jammu and Kashmir. At 2230 hours, a group of three terrorists was spotted. Lieutenant Harjinder Singh continuously tracked the move of terrorists and immediately assessed the situation and brought down effective fire and engaged the infiltrators. The effective fire forced the terrorists to move along the Anti Infiltration Obstacle System to a higher ground . The terrorists split into two groups to divert attention and escape. At 0500 hours the officer moved to engage the terrorists. Displaying exemplary courage, he accurately fired the Multi Grenade Launcher and neutralized the first terrorist. In the mean time the second terrorist opened with automatic fire. Undeterred by the terrorist fire, the officer closed in with the terrorist and neutralized him at close quarters. Despite grave danger to him, the officer continuously maintained contact with the terrorists and eliminated them in a surgical manner.

For this act of conspicuous bravery under strenuous operational conditions and exhibition of raw courage and fortitude, Lieutenant Harjinder Singh is awarded“SHAURYA CHAKRA”.

Naik Satish Kumar was serving with 21 Rashtriya Rifles since 07 April 2015.

On 04 December 2015, he was commanding a small team as part of search and destroyed operation in Boban Wastar Forest. Observing speed and stealth, he led his small team to the likely target area, searching the forest cautiously and deliberately. At 1305 hours, Naik Anil was suddenly fired upon by terrorists injuring him. Realising Naik Anil being hit, Nk Satish Kumar crawled ahead to a fallen tree, engaged and eliminated one terrorist at close range. He then provided Nk Anil first aid and ensured his timely evacuation. Simultaneously, the second hidden terrorist opened fire injuring him on his right leg. Unmindful of his injury, Nk Satish engaged this terrorist and despite profuse bleeding closed in, lobbing two hand grenade towards the terrorist who was still firing and killed him. However, during his assault towards the terrorist he suffered another gunshot wound and attained martyrdom.

For displaying extraordinary courage, commitment beyond call of duty in eliminating two hardcore terrorists and making the ultimate sacrifice, Naik Satish Kumar is awarded “SHAURYA CHAKRA” (POSTHUMOUS).

On night 08 August 2015, three terrorists attempted infiltration in area Lara along Jumagund Nar on Line of Control at Jammu and Kashmir. Naik Kheem Singh Mehra was deployed as a part of ambush to prevent their escape.

At 0530 hours, the terrorist group was spotted by Naik Kheem Singh moving in the jungle across Jumagund Nar towards Line of Control. Displaying tenacity, grit and total audacity, Naik Kheem Singh advanced across the Nala, climbed on opposite spur and engaged the terrorists at close range killing one terrorist on the spot and preventing their escape.

Heavy exchange of fire commenced between terrorists, Naik Kheem Singh and balance of ambush party. Taking cover of boulder and trees, the terrorists maneuvered to flank the main ambush party. Sensing imminent danger to own party, Naik Kheem Singh with utter disregard to personal safety, broke cover and charged the terrorists killing another terrorist in close quarter fire fight.

Naik Kheem Singh Mehra displayed raw courage, audacity in face of grave personal danger and an indomitable fighting spirit. For this act of fortitude and selfless bravery in which the NCO prevented harm to own troops and killed two foreign terrorists, Naik Kheem Singh Mehra is awarded “Shaurya Chakra”.

On 25 May 2015 Sepoy Dharma Ram was part of a patrol launched by Major Kobitirha Sanyal towards village Kanjikul at Kulgam district of Jammu and Kashmir. At 1300 hours the patrol came under sudden heavy volume of fire from a nearby house. Sepoy Dharma Ram exhibited exemplary presence of mind to warn his team of the direction of fire and encountered the terrorist fearlessly in a direct firefight. He selflessly put himself in the face of terrorist fire and fought with nerves of steel to prevent any team member from getting injured.

During the firefight the individual sustained two bullet wounds on his back and thigh. Unmindful and undeterred from the grave injury and although bleeding profusely the individual exhibited exemplary field craft to crawl to an appropriate position from where he brought accurate fire on the terrorist and injured him gravely. The terrorist was thus neutralized and identified as Lashkar-e-Toiba District Commander.

Sepoy Dharma Ram made supreme sacrifice of his life in true traditions of the Indian Army. For this act of courage beyond the call of duty, dogged determination and conspicuous gallantry Sepoy Dharma Ram is awarded “SHAURYA CHAKRA” (POSHTHUMOUS).



That's the correct name in that blunder pic
Major Praphul Kumar Bhardwaj launched a special operation in Awankhu village in Phek district of Nagaland, 120 km from the closest existing Assam Rifles post on the night of 13 July 15. Negotiating thick forests and treacherous slopes in extreme and inclement weather, Major Praphul’s party reached the target at 2300 hours, 15 July 15.

At 2345 hours, on observing some movement around a hut, Major Praphul along with a buddy pair closed in to ascertain the movement upon which they drew heavy volume of fire. Sensing danger to his party, in absence of any cover and accurate incoming fire, Major Praphul charged onto the hut and neutralized one terrorist at point blank range. During this action, he sustained Gun Shot Wound in his right elbow as also his weapon was hit by a bullet, thereby jamming it. Despite profusely bleeding, with his weapon now non functional and his party pinned down, Major Praphul, utterly disregarding his personal safety, crawled and lobbed two grenades in the hut and neutralized the second terrorist.

For this conspicuous act of gallantry and acting beyond the call of duty, Major Praphul Kumar Bhardwaj is awarded “SHAURYA CHAKRA”.
Yes, that's him. :)
His name in the Pic that I had posted was wrong.:angry: ADGPI!!!! Grrrr
That was the blunder I was talking about.
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does anybody know what kind of helmet sikh soldiers in special forces wear?

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