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Iraqi Hezbollah warns the US of any further strikes on their bases


The real source is Al-Mayadeen which is Lebanese Hezbollah's official media.

Iraqi Hezbollah has accused the US of allowing Israel to deploy drones on its bases in Iraq to attack their bases/weapons storages in Iraq. They also say some of these attacks could be directly by the US.

Now they are giving warning that any one more attack and they will respond against the US. I think Iran is on hotline now with Hashd commanders to get them to retract their statement and likely sweating bullets at possibility of regional war ....
Warn by what? Israel bombing Iranians without any reaction from Iran a country and a militia group warn US a super power?!!!!
A senior U.S. official quoted by the New York Times on Friday said Israel was "pushing the limits" with alleged strikes in Iraq, risking "getting the United States military removed from Iraq."
Everyone knows ISIS was a joint venture of USA/Israel/KSA/UAE ...

This thread is not about ISIS , so your silly conspiracy excuses are not relevant.

What is relevant here is what your mullahs are doing.

And what they are doing is Build stockpile of rockets in Syria , Iraq , Lebanon and Yemen. This is what the mullahs do with the Iranian tax payers money.

Most of them are stored for a time when the mullahs decide it would benefit them to flame the region. The hand that pulls the trigger maybe of their different proxies. But the shooting order comes from the mullahs in Iran.

This way the mullahs can attack neighboring countries and let others take the blame for it. It is not the first time they use those tactics.

Since in Syria again and again their storage where blown sky high, they thought that if they move their installations further away , they would be safe. But apparently they are not out of reach there too.

All the three explosion events where of storage of ammunition , you can see it clearly cause of the secondary explosions. And all of them had rockets starting to fly all over the place.

What idiot stores rockets in the middle of civilian population anyway ? Good riddance.

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This thread is not ISIS so your silly conspiracy excuses are not relevant.

What is relevant here is what your mullahs are doing.

And what they are doing is Build stockpile of rockets in Syria , Iraq , Lebanon and Yemen. This is what the mullahs do with the Iranian tax payers money.

Most of them are stored for a time when the mullahs decide it would benefit them to flame the region. The hand that pulls the trigger maybe of their different proxies. But the shooting order comes from the mullahs in Iran.

This way the mullahs can attack neighboring countries and let others take the blame for it. It is not the first time they use those tactics.

Since in Syria again and again their storage where blown sky high, they thought that if they move their installations further away , they would be safe. But apparently they are not out of reach there too.

All the three explosion events where of storage of ammunition , you can see it clearly cause of the secondary explosions. And all of them had rockets starting to fly all over the place.

What idiot stores rockets in the middle of civilian population anyway ? Good riddance.


LOL ... Nothing else expected from an israeli (Hasbara) :enjoy:
Look at these stupid pathetic terrorists, they step over Israeli flag, which is pointless symbolic gestures, while holding photo of sectarian terrorist Khomeini to tell the Iraqi people they will be slaves to Iran and the Iranian supreme leader and threaten to overthrow the Iraqi government if it tries to be an independent nation free of Iranian influence. These terrorists have no qualms with Israel and these terrorists view Iraq as ancient Persian territory and want to give to sell Iraq to Iran to takeover:


LOL ... Nothing else expected from an israeli (Hasbara) :enjoy:

You're more Israeli than the Israeli's themselves, did you forget you were asking them to bomb Hamas and Gaza, but now you're an enemy to them??

Corruption rife under Iran-aligned militias in Iraq

The sinking of a ferry crossing the Tigris in Mosul -- an incident that killed close to 100 people -- has drawn attention to the corruption that has been festering in areas of Iraq where Iran-backed militias wield influence, officials said.

Iran-backed militias such as Asaib Ahl al-Haq, Kataib al-Imam Ali, Harakat al-Nujaba, Sayyid al-Shuhada Battalions, Saraya al-Khorasani and the Badr Organisation have established "commercial offices" in these areas, they said.

There are at least eight of these offices in Mosul, typically situated within the headquarters buildings of the militias they represent, through which the militias seek to control and influence local commercial activities, they added.

According to Iraqi MP Falah Hassan Zeidan, who represents Ninawa in parliament, these so-called commercial offices are run by gangs "whose sole purpose is to obtain money in any way possible".

Militia members have been known to engage in all sorts of illegal activities, he told Diyaruna, and have been accused of plundering public funds and engaging in corruption as they try to profit from reconstruction projects.

"Through these offices, they blackmail investors, contractors and [wealthy] individuals by extracting taxes and skimming revenues," he said.

"Blackmail has infected services such as gas stations and commercial centres, and has even affected small business owners such as industrial shops, restaurants and cafes," he added. "Everyone has to pay the price."

This has forced many civilians to leave Mosul to escape the pressure from armed groups, he said, noting that "26 families from Mosul have recently fled to the Kurdish region due to the pressure".

"Corruption has seeped into every facet of our life," Zeidan said. "We hold these groups accountable for this, and charge them with stealing the resources of our province to fund their operations and strengthen their influence."



Don't worry people of Iraq, tomorrow we will free you from these Iranian wannabe thug terrorists that usurp your belongings and resources.

And they are wrong How?

Are you oblivious to the reality on the ground? Your Iranian gods that you worship share two borders with Israel and have never attacked them once. Then ignite sectarian in neighboring Arab nations under guise 'of resisting Israel'. Iranians have not fired one bullet at Israel while Arabs fought them in multiple wars and continue to do so(Hamas). Yet they try annexing Arab territory into Iran because they think it is ancient Persian land. This shows Iran has nothing against Israel but wants to kill Arab Muslims and takeover their countries. So they can put their propaganda where it belongs.
Look at these stupid pathetic terrorists, they step over Israeli flag, which is pointless symbolic gestures, while holding photo of sectarian terrorist Khomeini to tell the Iraqi people they will be slaves to Iran and the Iranian supreme leader and threaten to overthrow the Iraqi government if it tries to be an independent nation free of Iranian influence. These terrorists have no qualms with Israel and these terrorists view Iraq as ancient Persian territory and want to give to sell Iraq to Iran to takeover:


You're more Israeli than the Israeli's themselves, did you forget you were asking them to bomb Hamas and Gaza, but now you're an enemy to them??

Corruption rife under Iran-aligned militias in Iraq

The sinking of a ferry crossing the Tigris in Mosul -- an incident that killed close to 100 people -- has drawn attention to the corruption that has been festering in areas of Iraq where Iran-backed militias wield influence, officials said.

Iran-backed militias such as Asaib Ahl al-Haq, Kataib al-Imam Ali, Harakat al-Nujaba, Sayyid al-Shuhada Battalions, Saraya al-Khorasani and the Badr Organisation have established "commercial offices" in these areas, they said.

There are at least eight of these offices in Mosul, typically situated within the headquarters buildings of the militias they represent, through which the militias seek to control and influence local commercial activities, they added.

According to Iraqi MP Falah Hassan Zeidan, who represents Ninawa in parliament, these so-called commercial offices are run by gangs "whose sole purpose is to obtain money in any way possible".

Militia members have been known to engage in all sorts of illegal activities, he told Diyaruna, and have been accused of plundering public funds and engaging in corruption as they try to profit from reconstruction projects.

"Through these offices, they blackmail investors, contractors and [wealthy] individuals by extracting taxes and skimming revenues," he said.

"Blackmail has infected services such as gas stations and commercial centres, and has even affected small business owners such as industrial shops, restaurants and cafes," he added. "Everyone has to pay the price."

This has forced many civilians to leave Mosul to escape the pressure from armed groups, he said, noting that "26 families from Mosul have recently fled to the Kurdish region due to the pressure".

"Corruption has seeped into every facet of our life," Zeidan said. "We hold these groups accountable for this, and charge them with stealing the resources of our province to fund their operations and strengthen their influence."



Don't worry people of Iraq, tomorrow we will free you from these Iranian wannabe thug terrorists that usurp your belongings and resources.

Are you oblivious to the reality on the ground? Your Iranian gods that you worship share two borders with Israel and have never attacked them once. Then ignite sectarian in neighboring Arab nations under guise 'of resisting Israel'. Iranians have not fired one bullet at Israel while Arabs fought them in multiple wars and continue to do so(Hamas). Yet they try annexing Arab territory into Iran because they think it is ancient Persian land. This shows Iran has nothing against Israel but wants to kill Arab Muslims and takeover their countries. So they can put their propaganda where it belongs.

Thanked by an Israeli ... tells a lot ! :)
Where? Yet to see an air strike or ammo depot video.
Why? busy with Syria now, we have other fronts..Yemen for example. Just tightening the screws.. that's why Israel is feeling the pain and and attacking.. it's pure panic and fear. At the end Israhelli regime should recognize Palestine else it will risk itself of disappearing.
Why? busy with Syria now, we have other fronts..Yemen for example. Just tightening the screws.. that's why Israel is feeling the pain and and attacking.. it's pure panic and fear. At the end Israhelli regime should recognize Palestine else it will risk itself of disappearing.
Israel bombed and kill your men in Lebanon, Syria and now Iraq. I have yet to see Iranian doing anything close to that. Don’t worry about Syria and Yemen. Jet came from Israel.
Israel bombed and kill your men in Lebanon, Syria and now Iraq. I have yet to see Iranian doing anything close to that. Don’t worry about Syria and Yemen. Jet came from Israel.
Be patient while USA and Israel are panicking. They have no strategy and are overreacting everywhere as you see. All ends in advantage of axis of the resistance. Syria and Yemen are part of the big puzzle. Lately trump is silent, .. ,.. a form of silence that comes after defeat or shame.
He played all its cards (sanctions), Iran is playing chess.
Why? busy with Syria now, we have other fronts..Yemen for example. Just tightening the screws.. that's why Israel is feeling the pain and and attacking.. it's pure panic and fear. At the end Israhelli regime should recognize Palestine else it will risk itself of disappearing.
Today Israel pummeled you again. They are roasting your sepahi joojehs. What are you going to do about it with your worthless currency ?

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