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Iraqi Hezbollah warns the US of any further strikes on their bases

NOt sure. But i am sure he/she is an advanced manufacturer of propaganda on PDF. AT least 80% of what he/she says on PDF is a lie, after you understand the proper context. He/she just spews random numbers that kind of make sense, but formal statistics will render most of them irrelevant.
Its the opposite. You jumped to population and I explained why your excuse does not work.

No, today you are more poor than u were in 42 years ago. Thats total failure.

Why mercy why puppet? Is Malaysia a puppet state of US?

Supporting terrorists all over the world and dropping barrel bombs on Syrian kids does not make u "masters of your destiny". It makes u a terrorist genocidal scum.

Israel suffered from hundreds suicide bombings, tens of thousands rockets fired at our cities. Yet we did not retaliate with indiscriminate bombings, starvation, gassing and so on. Syrians never did anything wrong to u, yet u slaughter them without mercy.

Stop terror support.
Stop genocide in Syria.
And there will be no sanctions.
Well that shows you don't know much when it comes to economics. When you talk about GDP per capita time series, you need to consider the population change otherwise you are just fooling yourself and others.

Let me teach you another thing while I'm at it. GDP or GDP per capita alone are not good indication of purchasing power of citizens of a country. You need to consider PPP (Purchasing Power Parity). Based on that Iranian's purchasing power has significantly increase after the revolution:

Source: https://www.worldeconomics.com/GrossDomesticProduct/Iran .gdp


And here is a list of GDP with PPP in Asia:


I know why Iran's economy is shrinking; because it is under the toughest sanctions ever. But why is yours shrinking at the same rate???!!! Maybe because your government economics knowledge is as bad as yours! That is a way bigger failure if you ask me.

And yes, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, Germany are all US puppets. They don't have an independent economy or politics anymore. It is really easy to see.

Regarding rest your comments from the higher morale ground, here is how the world see you:


This is with all the negative lies published against Iran daily with your, KSA and US propaganda machine and the same trying to justify Israel crimes as self-defence. As you see you are not doing much better. Case rested.

I think she is. I sense feminine stubbornness in his/her comments. Hopefully a beautiful one though so I can find some joy in this otherwise boring back and forth.
Well that shows you don't know much when it comes to economics. When you talk about GDP per capita time series, you need to consider the population change otherwise you are just fooling yourself and others.

Let me teach you another thing while I'm at it. GDP or GDP per capita alone are not good indication of purchasing power of citizens of a country. You need to consider PPP (Purchasing Power Parity). Based on that Iranian's purchasing power has significantly increase after the revolution:

Source: https://www.worldeconomics.com/GrossDomesticProduct/Iran .gdp
PPP does not mean much. Just thanks to subsided socialist prices (thanks to that nonsense half of the iran speculates oil instead of working).

I know why Iran's economy is shrinking; because it is under the toughest sanctions ever.
Because instead to care on own people u are sponsoring terrorism all over the world.

But why is yours shrinking at the same rate???!!! Maybe because your government economics knowledge is as bad as yours! That is a way bigger failure if you ask me.
I dont know where from u got that nonsense. Probably sone mullah censored internet.

Both world bank and IMF say that Israeli economy grew in 2018:


And here is a bigger picture:


And yes, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, Germany are all US puppets. They don't have an independent economy or politics anymore. It is really easy to see.
What makes u "independent from US"? - dropping barrel bombs on Syrian kids?

AT least 80% of what he/she says on PDF is a lie
U could not find my single lie.
You know, I have had this dance with you before and I know you are not going to accept the other side's opinion no matter what. I gave you the source for that what you call nonsense and I explained why PPP matters. So let's leave it here.

But as for your comments regarding barrel bombs, we never dropped any barrel bombs nor sold such bombs. Our bombs are much sexier and more effecient. However, you guys seem to target schools and this is a Canadian source by the way.


There are many things you guys can brag about, but having respect for human life and sovereignty of your neighbors are not amongst those things.
No dumbos. This one is Khamenaist source:

You are attacking the source,so thats a fallacy- try to prove the information the source-in-question provided to be false. you probably cant though. You just expect us to read "this is a khameinist source" and think everything said is a lie? do you think we dont have brains? i know you get paid to spew propaganda from whatever IDF propaganda base you operate from but we are regular people who have good judgement...we can think...now help us make sense of what we see.
You know, I have had this dance with you before and I know you are not going to accept the other side's opinion no matter what. I gave you the source for that what you call nonsense and I explained why PPP matters. So let's leave it here.
I explained u ur PPP: subsided socialist prices like gas etc.

But as for your comments regarding barrel bombs, we never dropped any barrel bombs nor sold such bombs. Our bombs are much sexier and more effecient. However, you guys seem to target schools and this is a Canadian source by the way.
U support Assad genocide who slaughtered and ethnically cleansed 13 million people.


There are many things you guys can brag about, but having respect for human life and sovereignty of your neighbors are not amongst those things.
Total number of killed Palestinians in 30 years of intifada is 10 K. No one was ethnically cleansed.

You slaughtered and ethnically cleansed 13 million people.
You are attacking the source,so thats a fallacy- try to prove the information the source-in-question provided to be false. you probably cant though. You just expect us to read "this is a khameinist source" and think everything said is a lie? do you think we dont have brains? i know you get paid to spew propaganda from whatever IDF propaganda base you operate from but we are regular people who have good judgement...we can think...now help us make sense of what we see.
I said I provided a Khamenaist source and I did provide a Khamenaist source. Whats so hard to understand?
have these cowardish Israeli strikes ever changed anything on the ground?

last time I checked, Iran won the war in Syria and made the Syrian government more dependent on Iran then ever before, Hezbollah has become a beast, Iraqi security forces are heavily pro-Iran.

everything they do against Iran backfires on them, so their backside burns and they lash out randomly with a cowardly strike here or there to make Netanyahu look 'strong' and please his bloodthirsty voter base.

. you block s-300, we build a better version on our own

you throw everything you have to knock out Iranian ally Syria. Iran slaughters all your terrorists and makes the Syrian government a bigger Iranian ally.

you throw isis at Iraq to destroy their shia government, Iran helps that government put down those rabid monkeys, and gains more influence then ever before.... Iran and Iraq are becoming strategic allies.

no wonder their backsides are burning so badly.

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