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Is Singapore Air force most powerful Air force in the ASEAN Group?

One VERY IMPORTANT thing everyone is forgetting: Singapore is composed of over 90%+ Chinese people, so any attack on Singapore is a DIRECT ATTACK on Greater Chinese (2.0+ Billion people). You've got to be seriously suicidal to even carry out such an attack.
OH no the trolls have arrived
One VERY IMPORTANT thing everyone is forgetting: Singapore is composed of over 90%+ Chinese people, so any attack on Singapore is a DIRECT ATTACK on Greater Chinese (2.0+ Billion people). You've got to be seriously suicidal to even carry out such an attack.

First of all, you just included Malays as children of the great chinese motherland, btw even singaporean chinese consider themselves singaporeans and NOT chinese!

Secondly, Singapore is extremely wary of China's (possible) hegemonic designs and looks at India as a counterweight - check India Singapore relations.

What use will 8 AWACS be to Singapore ? One can easily cover it's entire area.
And why would such a small country need mid-flight refuellers ? Their planes would be never out of range of a base !

Now isn't it be impressive if you though of that in a minute but the Singaporeans did not? They need the refuellers as a substantial part of their airforce is actually NOT based in Singapore. The exact details are a secret.
Now isn't it be impressive if you though of that in a minute but the Singaporeans did not? They need the refuellers as a substantial part of their airforce is actually NOT based in Singapore. The exact details are a secret.

I already received the answer from Ras, according to him Singapore's War Doctrine calls for war to be fought outside of Singapore, over the oceans, thus the additional AWACS and Refuellers.
One VERY IMPORTANT thing everyone is forgetting: Singapore is composed of over 90%+ Chinese people, so any attack on Singapore is a DIRECT ATTACK on Greater Chinese (2.0+ Billion people). You've got to be seriously suicidal to even carry out such an attack.
a very valid point but here look at the map

Singapore is almost surrounded by its "not too friendly neighbors" i.e. Malaysia and Indonesia so any short range missile flying low can do the job which will be difficult to detect and also harder to intercept due to lack of time space
When you talk about the best air force in ASEAN zone , think about the Taiwanese Air force. They are the best.

First its 70% or so, rest are Malays and then some Tamils.
What race/ethnicity do you think most of people in Taiwan are.

China has a tactical nuke on standby targetted at Singapore's Changi Naval Base which the US has free use of.

China has a pragmatic business relationship with Singapore, that's all.

In the 90s, Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew threatened Malaysia's Mahatiar that he will use military force if it does not replace one of the expiring water sales agreement. The following year, the Indonesia joined Malaysia with a massive paratrooper exercise, 25K or more men during Singapore's National Day just kilometres from the border. Lee Kuan Yew got the message. Calculate again, Malaysia will not be alone.

Singapore is not defendable but needs to give the impression that it is. Army is mostly conscripts/reserves. Meaning, they go to war, who runs the economy? Why do you think Malaysia maintains only a 50k men army divided across West and East Malaysia despite facing down the 200k or so when mobilised Singapore army? Also, Singapore was expelled from Malaysian Federation and not that the British gave Singapore independence.

Singapore is like Seoul. It has 2 main power stations. One at the North coast line facing Malaysia's Johor state. The other on south coast facing Indonesia's Batam island. A couple of Club cruise missiles should be able to end all electricity generation on the island.

Malaysia does not even need S300s to deal with the Singapore Air Force. Shoulder launch Stinger type of missile can be very lethal cos those planes are within range when as they take off from the airbases.

Its just an impression management exercise, very expensive but nonetheless, an impression management exercise.

One VERY IMPORTANT thing everyone is forgetting: Singapore is composed of over 90%+ Chinese people, so any attack on Singapore is a DIRECT ATTACK on Greater Chinese (2.0+ Billion people). You've got to be seriously suicidal to even carry out such an attack.
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Singapore is almost surrounded by its "not too friendly neighbors" i.e. Malaysia and Indonesia so any short range missile flying low can do the job which will be difficult to detect and also harder to intercept due to lack of time space

This is the American fork tongue strategy.
When speaking to the Malaysians and Indonesians, they say you are important to us, see we train your special forces, etc. Then they go to the Singapore, they say the Malaysians and Indonesias are bastards and you got to be careful but dun worry, you have us. And their special forces are very good at sea work.

They do that in Japan too. To the Chinese, they say, if not for US, who will restraint the bastards from attempting to conquer Asia again. To the Japanese, great food, great culture, etc, etc. Just need to be careful of China, cos they will want to conquer you.

But what hostile action has actually taken place?
Some F-16s, Mirages with spares problem,... you talking about pilot skill/flying hours?

Unlike many other people here , I am more interested in C3 methodology , organization and training aspects of the military than hardware numbers. Pure staff officer things.
Taiwan can get required hardware at any given time. They are creating very high quality pilots with a lot of investment in the training and HR development.
Unlike many other people here , I am more interested in C3 methodology , organization and training aspects of the military than hardware numbers. Pure staff officer things.
Taiwan can get required hardware at any given time. They are creating very high quality pilots with a lot of investment in the training and HR development.

That will also depend upon whether SG will be T50 or M346 as trainer aircrafts.

M346 seems to be better suited to train Singaporean pilots (refer to other posts for more on sg airspace)
Hi Chaps

Its amazing how many of you guys go on like you know what the situation is in SEA

1. The defences are mainly to discourage aggressors in the immediate region from attacking Singapore. With a few hundred billion in reserves (though that is slowly being pissed away) and a 100 million barrels of oil reserves it would be stupid not to have one.
2. Indonesia and Malaysia are exactly on good terms, they also threatened to attack one another in the past. In addition I recall Singapore signing a pact with Malaysia to help out if they were ever attacked.
3. Most people in Singapore have relatives or business in Malaysia, our countries are very close (I am typing this from KL). All the BS about friction between Singapore and Malaysia is from the politicians namely one very silly one called Dr M.M. The relationship is similar to the US & Canada
4. Singapore stores/handles most of the money from Rich Malaysians/Indonesians etc. If Singapore's flatten it will literally bankrupt major businesses around the region not to mention take 1.2 million barrels off the daily output for oil due to lack of refining capacity.

No fighting will happen,

Pakistan and India not in a sean group. See carefully before firing!
a very valid point but here look at the map

Singapore is almost surrounded by its "not too friendly neighbors" i.e. Malaysia and Indonesia so any short range missile flying low can do the job which will be difficult to detect and also harder to intercept due to lack of time space

General sir, Singapore is 76percent Chinese not 90plus. Malaysia and indonesia don't have surface to surface missiles. Biggest howitzers and rockets and most numbers are owned by Singapore, sir

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