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ISI role in karachi target killings?

JIS mulq key aney hi log APNey hi idaron k khilaf hon us ka to "ALLAH HI HAFIZ"

No, it would be a better place without racists like you.

I was never racist. And btw, not surprised with the UAE flag - one of the few countries that fund terrorism in Pakistan.
-A friend of mine was stopped in Shah Faisal Colony by men he claim to be Baloch
they took his mobile phone and passed death threats and told him to never come to this area again for no apparent reason

-My "Phuppa" with his Office Colleagues were abducted in a Taxi and taken to Al Asif Square, Sohrab Goat by ANP goons
it was during the recent unrest in Karachi
They were roughed up but they were released because they were Elderly

-Another Friend of mine Lives across the street from the Infamous Rabia City in Karachi
He claimed ANP Goons came into the apartment complex with Guns
took over the Union Office and painted their Slogans all over the walls

Only after a Rangers operation in the area forced them to leave

@safriz ur quoting an incident from 1998
im telling u about incidents in 2010/2011

There r many accounts of Ethnic violence in Karachi and its really ignorant to just blame MQM

Never did i branded it "Ethnic" i repeatedly used the word "Gangster"...But the question s that all the gangs ride on the back of these political parties..Be it ANP or be it MQM..
Another incident in 2001 i remember ..That was in Kemari..It was two door to door sales women..I don't know what they were selling and who in the right mind told them to go selling deep in Kemari which is a very rough area.....
Both were abducted and raped...I knew some of the perpetrators personally..Later when i asked them why they raped two girls and .. Their reply was very disgusting they simply said "Because they were asking for it"..
To them any girl who smiles at them was asking for rape...
I asked them if they would do the same to a Pathan girl? and they said no we wont as we ourselves are Pathan...and went on to say that these mohajirs dont mind losing their honor...(Writing all this from memory of an actual conversation,i did not agree with them).
The ethnic divide in Karachi is massive...Pathans stick to their side of the fence and Mohajirs to theirs.......Many of them living in areas like that Hilly Patahn colony cant even speak Urdu..
But ares like Gulshan e Iqbal where there is mixed population its all ok,and inter racial divide is non existent.....
Myself being From Hazara has no link to ANP or MQM ....
But all i can say is that political leadership holds the responsibility of dealing with this ethnic mess the city is living in....Certain parts of the city are as alien to another ethnicity as a foreign country....
^ Agreed on all points

Steps need to be taken to eliminated the Armed Wings of all Political parties in Karachi
Or there is never gonna be peace in this city
On Tuesday I was talking to retired Pakistan Air Force officer who has some part in design of JF-17.
It was about how idiotic the people's thinking can get and where do they keep their common sense when talking in public.
(PS. The subject was Kamran Shafi)

And today BAM another similar bullshit thread.
Ask me? Yes. ISI is directly or indirectly involved in the Karachi killings. How?
Tracing and rounding up the criminals who have been involved.

Without the Intelligence and Rangers, imagine where the city of Karachi would be..... Do you think the intelligence reports Rangers worked on were false then and nothing happened? Ask anyone living in Karachi.

So yes. ISI was involved, but to restore peace.
do you care to at least provide the link to this ridiculous, unsubstantiated article?

perhaps you people should use your brains (if you have any) and ask yourselves how the ISI or how any security agency in Pakistan would gain from mayhem and chaos in Karachi (the financial capital of the country)

use your BRAINS, people
a report by Ali k chisti of Friday times
speech less!!!!

The Assassins ID

I had previously reported on the attempt on Bashir Qureshi of JSQM. Apparently one of the would be assassin carried this card. In my previous column ‘Targeted Killings in Karachi’ (Daily Times, June 17, 2010), I had discussed various dimensions of targeted killings. This paper was the first to file an investigative piece that eventually decoded the mysteries of the targeted killings in Karachi in July 2009. It featured an account of the attempted assassination of Bashir Qureshi, chairman of Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz (JSQM). The attempt to assassinate him failed when one of the would-be assassins, Mustafa Zahid, was killed while another MQM-Haqiqi member, Muhammad Imran (son of Muhammad Suleman) was caught. The following investigation involved the employment of NADRA finger printing records by the police to help identify the detainee, which was the first such instance in Pakistan. Imran gave out more than 50 names overnight and kept changing his statements. The police later confirmed that Imran was the former guard of Afaq Ahmed of MQM-H and had been released on bail. Interestingly again, identification cards issued by intelligence agencies were recovered from both men and an investigation team was formed by the Interior Ministry but as usual, no concrete action was taken. The last we know of Imran is that his leg was amputated at the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre Hospital (FIR No 83/2009 under Sections 302 (pre-meditated murder), 324 (attempted murder) and 34 (common intention) of the Pakistan Penal Code is still pending at Malir Police Station).

The insanity has been increasing day by day , now a days every one who does not even know What ISI stands for is accusing them .

Let me tell you this once & for all .

ISI agents DO NOT carry ID cards with them . get it in your head.
ISI has no logo... no headquarters... no operative is known to anybody..no media coverage... the only face of ISI is the DG ISI Gen Shuja Pasha...

And this ID card is just another pathetic attempt for cheap publicity by a retard.

well, it does have a Headquarter , i can tell you it's location, it is not a secret at all really!!

Just go to Islamabad, ask any taxi driver!!!

---------- Post added at 09:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 PM ----------

ISI operative having a ID card???

Thats rich!!!
I accept some sacrifices were needed to be made for freedom. Well, that's the hard reality, freedom comes with a price...
Actually I too can witness a few who had left colleges and schools and adopted this lifestyle, but it was all for a good cause - those 'thugs' are why almost millions are alive and educated today.

Why are you patronizing murders and killers?
Reminds me of another incident on Tariq Road...It was a while ago when mobile phones were too expensive and Long distance calls within Pakistan were expensive too,and there were many Telips and other Public call centers PCOs in Karachi..Remember?
So i was sat in a PCO at Tariq road .. waiting my turn and two Dark skinned men entered the shop..both looked African / Arabs..and after them a bare footed man entered the sho,who was babbling idiotic things and sounded insane,as in mentally retarded...But was clean shaved and wearing clean clothes....
His attention was fixated on the two Foreigners and while he kept behaving mad...He was only interested in the two men.....He shut up when the men were on the phone...and listened to their conversation...Then left the shop and stood outside...Finally when the Two men left and i could see the "crazy clean shaved" man following them....
It was obvious he was an ISI man although he did not show me his ID card :)

Any intelligence operative has to work under cover..Not to slap ID cards at people's faces..
I don't like the colour on ISI card, please tell the guys to use a better colour :)

This is a shame that all of us have wasted our time and three pages worth of comments on this useless report!!
Why are you patronizing murders and killers?
I personally knew many of your so called murderers, they were the kind of people you could openly criticize MQM in front oof and they'd reply to you in a civilized manner, they only killed in self defence
But too bad the sindhi media wont report that PPP has killed far more than MQM

---------- Post added at 10:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 PM ----------

Never did i branded it "Ethnic" i repeatedly used the word "Gangster"...But the question s that all the gangs ride on the back of these political parties..Be it ANP or be it MQM..
Another incident in 2001 i remember ..That was in Kemari..It was two door to door sales women..I don't know what they were selling and who in the right mind told them to go selling deep in Kemari which is a very rough area.....
Both were abducted and raped...I knew some of the perpetrators personally..Later when i asked them why they raped two girls and .. Their reply was very disgusting they simply said "Because they were asking for it"..
To them any girl who smiles at them was asking for rape...
I asked them if they would do the same to a Pathan girl? and they said no we wont as we ourselves are Pathan...and went on to say that these mohajirs dont mind losing their honor...(Writing all this from memory of an actual conversation,i did not agree with them).
The ethnic divide in Karachi is massive...Pathans stick to their side of the fence and Mohajirs to theirs.......Many of them living in areas like that Hilly Patahn colony cant even speak Urdu..
But ares like Gulshan e Iqbal where there is mixed population its all ok,and inter racial divide is non existent.....
Myself being From Hazara has no link to ANP or MQM ....
But all i can say is that political leadership holds the responsibility of dealing with this ethnic mess the city is living in....Certain parts of the city are as alien to another ethnicity as a foreign country....

Sad story bro, really
And btw, wth did you do, did you atleast call the police because this isnt something small, rape is a great crime
i hope raw has the controlling 51% stake...:lol:

Lol... Its Pakistan tht has 60% stake in JF project...lol

well, it does have a Headquarter , i can tell you it's location, it is not a secret at all really!!

Just go to Islamabad, ask any taxi driver!!!

---------- Post added at 09:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 PM ----------

ISI operative having a ID card???

Thats rich!!!

Your talking abt Hamza or something Camp... lol.. its not ISI headquarters but a residential colony of army officers.... mostly intelligence people...it was targeted aswell.. the bombed was killed on the main gate... nobody got hurt...i have visited the place..

Reminds me of another incident on Tariq Road...It was a while ago when mobile phones were too expensive and Long distance calls within Pakistan were expensive too,and there were many Telips and other Public call centers PCOs in Karachi..Remember?
So i was sat in a PCO at Tariq road .. waiting my turn and two Dark skinned men entered the shop..both looked African / Arabs..and after them a bare footed man entered the sho,who was babbling idiotic things and sounded insane,as in mentally retarded...But was clean shaved and wearing clean clothes....
His attention was fixated on the two Foreigners and while he kept behaving mad...He was only interested in the two men.....He shut up when the men were on the phone...and listened to their conversation...Then left the shop and stood outside...Finally when the Two men left and i could see the "crazy clean shaved" man following them....
It was obvious he was an ISI man although he did not show me his ID card :)

Any intelligence operative has to work under cover..Not to slap ID cards at people's faces..

I know an army officer who was planted in the Pak embassy in dhaka... another who drove a rickshaw... and an ISI guy who was on kept checks on the indian ambassador in Islamabad...lol

None of them had any ID cards to prove it....

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