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Israel fires missiles into Syria after IDF patrol comes under fire in Golan

King Solomon

Jun 6, 2011
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Israel fires missiles into Syria after IDF patrol comes under fire in Golan​

No one injured by the Syrian fire toward the IDF soldiers; IDF reports direct hit on target in Syria.


Shots from Syria were fired at an Israel Defense Forces border patrol in the northern Golan Heights on Friday evening, and the IDF responded with missile fire toward Syria.

No one was injured by the Syrian fire toward the IDF patrol, the IDF spokesperson said in a statement, and a direct hit was reported on the target in Syria.

The IDF notified the United Nations of the incident.

Defense Moshe Minister Ya'alon said earlier this month that while Israel would not intervene in the Syrian crisis, it would respond to any violation of its security interests.

"Across the border a bloody civil war has been taking place for the past two years with tens of thousands dead, but we will not intervene as long as the fighting does not affect our security interests," Ya'alon said.

"When it does, whether the sporadic shooting is intentional or not, we will respond, just as we did last week," he said, referring to a missile fired by the IDF into Syrian territory near the Golan Heights at the end of March, in response to two security incidents in less than 24 hours. At least two Syrian soldiers were wounded from that Israeli fire.

One week later, at the beginning of April, a mortar shell fired from Syria landed near Tel Fares in the Golan Heights, and an Israel Defense Forces patrol came under gunfire in a separate area of the northern territory. IDF tanks fired shells into Syria in response to the gunfire, which struck near a patrol in Tel Hazeka.

Israel shoots missile into Syria after IDF patrol comes under fire in Golan Heights - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
The jews are cowards, they would never dare do this if Syria was not in conflict already. It's like kicking someone who is already down. As you guys already know, israel is good at bombing the defenseless Gaza concentration camp. So this is in character for them.
Ironically, the Golan Heights is Syrian Territory anyways.
The jews are cowards, they would never dare do this if Syria was not in conflict already. It's like kicking someone who is already down. As you guys already know, israel is good at bombing the defenseless Gaza concentration camp. So this is in character for them.
Retard, we bombed Syrian reactor in 2007. This time we just returned fire.

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