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Israeli Air Force Top Guns evaluate the MiG-29 and give their Report

New Recruit

Dec 12, 2009
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With the talk of a no-fly zone over Syria, the game maybe set for a final showdown between the Syrian MiG-29s and the hordes of NATO and Israeli Fighters. Most probably Israel will not take part in the no fly zone, but who knows, in the middle east anything is possible. Syria was supposed to get MiG-31E and Su-27SK, but due to pressure from Israel, Russia canceled the deal. So the few MiG-29s of Syria will fight all alone against F-15s, F-16s, F-18s, Naval Rafales, and possibly Eurofighters.

Syria has around 30 MiG-29s according to INSS, the Israeli government funded think tank which very closely monitors Syria. Of which 20 are old MiG-29B and 10 are the latest MiG-29M/M2.

Facing these 30 MiG-29 'Fulcrums' will be 100 F-15s and over 300 F-16s of the Israeli Air force with full AWACS Support. Syria has no AWACS. Of those mentioned above, 25 are the Latest F-15I Raam, and 100 F-16I Sufa. Then ofcourse you have F-18s & Rafales from the U.S and French carriers respectively. Add to all that is the fact the Israelis have extensively tested the MiG-29s and know its strengths. You don't have to guess that this is going to be a massacre, if the kaka hits the fan.

In any case, coming to the thread at hand, down below is the Israeli Air force assessment of the MiG-29, which as you all know is one of the most advanced fighters in the Indian Air Force's arsenal. The names of the Pilots in the article are hidden, as usual. The text below is taken from Official Israeli Air Force website, and not from Aviation Magazines which is normally reproduced after editing and spicing it up. So this is the real deal, people.

Link to the material - The Israeli Air Force

The “Sting” has landed


In recent months, Russia negotiates the sales of MIG-29 fighter jets to Syria. This is a good time to recall that in 1997, under a heavy cloud of secrecy, three MIG-29 “Fulcrum” ("Sting" in Russian)) landed in Israel. For several weeks, Israeli test pilots learned the plane and its weapon systems inside and out, flown numerous hours, and tested the jet’s abilities when facing Israeli fighter jets
Noam Ofir | Udi Ezion | Nikolai Avrutov

“In terms of its abilities, the MIG-29 equals those of the F-15 and F-16 jets. In some respects it even surpasses the two”, said Major N, Chief Experimental Pilot of the MIG.

Three single seat MIG-29s stayed at one of the Israeli Air Force bases for a few weeks. The MIGs were secretly brought to Israel, and it was a rare opportunity for the air force to study up close what of the main interception jets used by Iran and Syria.

Lieut. Col. M was in charge of the test centre of the air force, and one of the few Israeli pilots to fly the MIG: “we are used to test foreign aircraft, as part of our purchasing procedure, but the MIG-29 was an out of the ordinary kind of test flight”, he said. “Not even for a moment did we forget that this aircraft is the most advanced strategic threat that exists at the arena today".

In order to fly the MIG-29s, the test-pilots had to undergo a special course. At the first stage, the crew learned of the special structure and systems of the jet. The language barrier was the main difficulty: the study material was all written in Russian, forcing the Israeli pilots to use a translator, and at times to improvise.

“The language post a great challenge, as the voice warning system in the aircraft, who alerts the pilot of potential malfunctions, spoke Russian”, says Lieut. Col. M. “The visual warning, that appear on screen, were all displayed in Cyrillic script as well".

Upon successful completion of the theoretical part, each pilot performed three flights with the jet.

“Since we are used to fly unfamiliar aircraft, it wasn’t a great challenge to fly the MIG-29 by ourselves right from the first time”, says Lieut. Col. M. “Within minutes sitting in the cockpit, I was comfortable. While everything around me was written in Russian, we labelled most of the instruments with English translation".

One of the things that caught the pilot’s attention was the difference in the Eastern approach to jet construction, characterising the MIG, and the western kind, typical of the F-15 and F-16. “One of the greatest tools available to the pilot in this jet, is its ability to land by itself, without the need for pilot’s involvement", Says Major N. “landing destination is entered into the computer before takeoff. In case of bad weather, or any other difficulty, hampering pilot’s ability to land, he simply needs to press a button, and the jet will land by itself. When testing the jet, we did not use this system for several reasons, but no doubt, it is a nice system. Another system worth of mentioning, is the one that stabilises the jet in case the pilot is affected by Vertigo disease, and loses his orientation in space. Such systems do not exist in western aircraft, counting on the pilot to handle such situations independently".

A serious opponent

The three jets were received at one of the air force bases, where they were thoroughly studied, and the first solo flights conducted. “I wasn’t too excited about the first solo flight on the MIG”, describes Lieut. Col. M. “What exciting, is the fact that so many people watched that premiere flight. It’s not every day that a MIG takes off the squadron’s runway. Everyone at the base stopped what they were doing to watch that jet fly".

There were several flights every day at which the weapon systems of the jets were tested. Each test flight began with a brief on the expected simulation, and each flight concluded by a thorough debrief, where both MIG pilots and those who simulated the “enemy” in Israeli jets.

“The debrief is the most serious part”, tells Lieut. Gen. G, one of the MIG-29 pilots. “This time, they were even more serious. After each flight, which last an hour, there was a two to three hours de-brief, sometimes even more”. Each of the test pilots accumulated 20 flight hours, gaining significant experience in operating the aircraft.

Studies of the aircraft confirmed it as a serious opponent in air combat. “MIG’s abilities equals and sometimes even exceeds those of the F-15 and F-16 jets”, says Major N, a test pilot. “The aircraft is highly manoeuvrable, and its engines provide higher weight to thrust ratio. Our pilots must be careful with this aircraft in air combat. Flown by a well trained professional, it is a worthy opponent".

Lieut. Gen. M shares the appreciation for the Russian aircraft: “flying the MIG was one of a kind type of experience for a test pilot. Now I know that the result of an air combat between the MIG and an Israeli fighter jet depends on how the combat develops. In a tight battle, it is a real threat. It’s an advanced aircraft, and in close manoeuvring engagements it is absolutely terrific. It makes sharp turns, it’s quick, and to my opinion, as a platform, it does not fall short of our advanced fighter jets".

Advantages and disadvantages

Test-Flying the MIG provided a lot of useful information regarding its weapon systems. “I was positively surprised by its systems”, says Lieut. Gen. G. “The different parts (Radar, helmet mounted display, and the missiles) are very well combined. The jet is equipped with an advanced air-to-air guided missiles, as well as radar guided missiles. The jet features an IRST (Infra Red Search and Track) system, which identifying targets by their heat signature, without using radar. All these, combined on a relatively good platform, result in an advanced weapons system. The MIG turned out to be an advanced fighter jet, similar to the F-15 and F-16 aircraft".

“The MIG has an excellent radar system”, says Major N. “I was also very impressed with the IRST system. The missile systems provide the jet with significant advantage. I made a good use of the Russian helmet, and I can say that it works fairly well.
Having said that, it is less convenient than the Israeli system, and in some ways it falls short of it..Overall it works well"[Israel had its own HMD before the Americans and the Europeans, and a few years before this MiG-29 Evaluation]

There is a major disadvantage: difficulty to fully utilize the jet’s abilities. “One of the greatest problems of the MIG is its human engineering”, explains Major N. “Most of the systems installed are good overall, but their combination, and the user interface is cumbersome, and begs for an improvement. On several occasions, I needed a certain piece of information which was not showing on any of the cockpit instruments".

Trustworthy, Strong, Massive

Major H., an F-16 pilot underwent the MIG training course along with the test pilots, so in case of an emergency or a malfunction, he could guide the pilots over the radio on how to proceed. During the course, he also had flown the plane.

“It is a great experience for an Israeli jet pilot”, he says. “I was positively impressed with the overall simplicity of the jet. The important things are proper and simple. The ignition for example, is done with a single push of a button, following which there are only a few tests the pilot needs to perform. Its manoeuvrability was also very impressive".

For a long time, the MIG was regarded a replica of the American F-18. Major N. Had an opportunity to fly both, and to compare:

“You can see from the first glance, that there is a great resemblance between the two”, he says. “They both have a twin engine, a double tail, and an IRST system. But in contrast to the American jet, the MIG was designed with air combat as its main mission in mind. According to its designers, it can also serve as an attack aircraft as a secondary role, and it cannot carry a large amount of air-to-surface ammunition”.

Lieut. Col. G. Concludes: “The jets had very few malfunctions, and like other Russian products the MIG-29 is trustworthy, strong, and massive. The F-15 and F-16 are much more delicate, compared".


German Luftwaffe evaluation of the MiG-29 - Luftwaffe MiG-29 experience
It will be fun to see if Russia give some more latest Migs and SU to syria.
Great, Given that we are upgrading our Mig-29s to the latest SMT standard, it'll sure worth every penny.
Even if offered, Syria should not purchase Mig29, Israeli already knew the weakness,
If Russia is serious about protecting Syria.. take into account all of their fighters too.
Last week there was a news of US deploying its F-15 squadron to South West Asia, after Russia moved its fleet, I was wondering, where and why??? Now this has cleared my doubts!!!

Russia vs US again!!! Might see some actions. God help People...

Well MIG 29 was basically designed to counter US F15 & F16

1) highly manuveurable
2)IRST gives an advanatage of passive IR detection of target without the risk of interception
3) More weapon payload carrying capacity
4) More economical compare to western fighters:D
1) as usual not stealthy big RCS
2) inferior electronics & avionics compare to western standards
3) inferior HMDs for pilots

Will Russia be serious in protecting syria is the question !!
The ships they have sent till now, have stopped the western forces from attacking syria.. And a channel 4, in UK , have complained that militants too have been doing human rights atrocities, but the media is opposing them..
It is an interesting scenario when UNSC next meet on syria..
Will Russia be serious in protecting syria is the question !!
The ships they have sent till now, have stopped the western forces from attacking syria.. And a channel 4, in UK , have complained that militants too have been doing human rights atrocities, but the media is opposing them..
It is an interesting scenario when UNSC next meet on syria..

UNSC can't decide anything as Russia with use Veto :D
It's all about power projection in ME. Thats why Protecting Syria is Russia's interest. This problem won't have force solution as Russia will actively engage so it will be more likely solution through diplomatic means. May be Asad will step down making the way for someone who will keep Russian overhand in country and region.
Just hope no splash occurre in the process or it will be ugly for both sides. USA will also not stretch beyond limits as it has to deal with Iran later so they are most likely to be indirect operatores :mad::

МиГ-29;3085890 said:
With the talk of a no-fly zone over Syria, the game maybe set for a final showdown between the Syrian MiG-29s and the hordes of NATO and Israeli Fighters. Most probably Israel will not take part in the no fly zone, but who knows, in the middle east anything is possible. Syria was supposed to get MiG-31E and Su-27SK, but due to pressure from Israel, Russia canceled the deal. So the few MiG-29s of Syria will fight all alone against F-15s, F-16s, F-18s, Naval Rafales, and possibly Eurofighters.

Syria has around 30 MiG-29s according to INSS, the Israeli government funded think tank which very closely monitors Syria. Of which 20 are old MiG-29B and 10 are the latest MiG-29M/M2.

Facing these 30 MiG-29 'Fulcrums' will be 100 F-15s and over 300 F-16s of the Israeli Air force with full AWACS Support. Syria has no AWACS. Of those mentioned above, 25 are the Latest F-15I Raam, and 100 F-16I Sufa. Then ofcourse you have F-18s & Rafales from the U.S and French carriers respectively. Add to all that is the fact the Israelis have extensively tested the MiG-29s and know its strengths. You don't have to guess that this is going to be a massacre, if the kaka hits the fan.

In any case, coming to the thread at hand, down below is the Israeli Air force assessment of the MiG-29, which as you all know is one of the most advanced fighters in the Indian Air Force's arsenal. The names of the Pilots in the article are hidden, as usual. The text below is taken from Official Israeli Air Force website, and not from Aviation Magazines which is normally reproduced after editing and spicing it up. So this is the real deal, people.

Link to the material - The Israeli Air Force

The “Sting” has landed


In recent months, Russia negotiates the sales of MIG-29 fighter jets to Syria. This is a good time to recall that in 1997, under a heavy cloud of secrecy, three MIG-29 “Fulcrum” ("Sting" in Russian)) landed in Israel. For several weeks, Israeli test pilots learned the plane and its weapon systems inside and out, flown numerous hours, and tested the jet’s abilities when facing Israeli fighter jets
Noam Ofir | Udi Ezion | Nikolai Avrutov

“In terms of its abilities, the MIG-29 equals those of the F-15 and F-16 jets. In some respects it even surpasses the two”, said Major N, Chief Experimental Pilot of the MIG.

Three single seat MIG-29s stayed at one of the Israeli Air Force bases for a few weeks. The MIGs were secretly brought to Israel, and it was a rare opportunity for the air force to study up close what of the main interception jets used by Iran and Syria.

Lieut. Col. M was in charge of the test centre of the air force, and one of the few Israeli pilots to fly the MIG: “we are used to test foreign aircraft, as part of our purchasing procedure, but the MIG-29 was an out of the ordinary kind of test flight”, he said. “Not even for a moment did we forget that this aircraft is the most advanced strategic threat that exists at the arena today".

In order to fly the MIG-29s, the test-pilots had to undergo a special course. At the first stage, the crew learned of the special structure and systems of the jet. The language barrier was the main difficulty: the study material was all written in Russian, forcing the Israeli pilots to use a translator, and at times to improvise.

“The language post a great challenge, as the voice warning system in the aircraft, who alerts the pilot of potential malfunctions, spoke Russian”, says Lieut. Col. M. “The visual warning, that appear on screen, were all displayed in Cyrillic script as well".

Upon successful completion of the theoretical part, each pilot performed three flights with the jet.

“Since we are used to fly unfamiliar aircraft, it wasn’t a great challenge to fly the MIG-29 by ourselves right from the first time”, says Lieut. Col. M. “Within minutes sitting in the cockpit, I was comfortable. While everything around me was written in Russian, we labelled most of the instruments with English translation".

One of the things that caught the pilot’s attention was the difference in the Eastern approach to jet construction, characterising the MIG, and the western kind, typical of the F-15 and F-16. “One of the greatest tools available to the pilot in this jet, is its ability to land by itself, without the need for pilot’s involvement", Says Major N. “landing destination is entered into the computer before takeoff. In case of bad weather, or any other difficulty, hampering pilot’s ability to land, he simply needs to press a button, and the jet will land by itself. When testing the jet, we did not use this system for several reasons, but no doubt, it is a nice system. Another system worth of mentioning, is the one that stabilises the jet in case the pilot is affected by Vertigo disease, and loses his orientation in space. Such systems do not exist in western aircraft, counting on the pilot to handle such situations independently".

A serious opponent

The three jets were received at one of the air force bases, where they were thoroughly studied, and the first solo flights conducted. “I wasn’t too excited about the first solo flight on the MIG”, describes Lieut. Col. M. “What exciting, is the fact that so many people watched that premiere flight. It’s not every day that a MIG takes off the squadron’s runway. Everyone at the base stopped what they were doing to watch that jet fly".

There were several flights every day at which the weapon systems of the jets were tested. Each test flight began with a brief on the expected simulation, and each flight concluded by a thorough debrief, where both MIG pilots and those who simulated the “enemy” in Israeli jets.

“The debrief is the most serious part”, tells Lieut. Gen. G, one of the MIG-29 pilots. “This time, they were even more serious. After each flight, which last an hour, there was a two to three hours de-brief, sometimes even more”. Each of the test pilots accumulated 20 flight hours, gaining significant experience in operating the aircraft.

Studies of the aircraft confirmed it as a serious opponent in air combat. “MIG’s abilities equals and sometimes even exceeds those of the F-15 and F-16 jets”, says Major N, a test pilot. “The aircraft is highly manoeuvrable, and its engines provide higher weight to thrust ratio. Our pilots must be careful with this aircraft in air combat. Flown by a well trained professional, it is a worthy opponent".

Lieut. Gen. M shares the appreciation for the Russian aircraft: “flying the MIG was one of a kind type of experience for a test pilot. Now I know that the result of an air combat between the MIG and an Israeli fighter jet depends on how the combat develops. In a tight battle, it is a real threat. It’s an advanced aircraft, and in close manoeuvring engagements it is absolutely terrific. It makes sharp turns, it’s quick, and to my opinion, as a platform, it does not fall short of our advanced fighter jets".

Advantages and disadvantages

Test-Flying the MIG provided a lot of useful information regarding its weapon systems. “I was positively surprised by its systems”, says Lieut. Gen. G. “The different parts (Radar, helmet mounted display, and the missiles) are very well combined. The jet is equipped with an advanced air-to-air guided missiles, as well as radar guided missiles. The jet features an IRST (Infra Red Search and Track) system, which identifying targets by their heat signature, without using radar. All these, combined on a relatively good platform, result in an advanced weapons system. The MIG turned out to be an advanced fighter jet, similar to the F-15 and F-16 aircraft".

“The MIG has an excellent radar system”, says Major N. “I was also very impressed with the IRST system. The missile systems provide the jet with significant advantage. I made a good use of the Russian helmet, and I can say that it works fairly well.
Having said that, it is less convenient than the Israeli system, and in some ways it falls short of it..Overall it works well"[Israel had its own HMD before the Americans and the Europeans, and a few years before this MiG-29 Evaluation]

There is a major disadvantage: difficulty to fully utilize the jet’s abilities. “One of the greatest problems of the MIG is its human engineering”, explains Major N. “Most of the systems installed are good overall, but their combination, and the user interface is cumbersome, and begs for an improvement. On several occasions, I needed a certain piece of information which was not showing on any of the cockpit instruments".

Trustworthy, Strong, Massive

Major H., an F-16 pilot underwent the MIG training course along with the test pilots, so in case of an emergency or a malfunction, he could guide the pilots over the radio on how to proceed. During the course, he also had flown the plane.

“It is a great experience for an Israeli jet pilot”, he says. “I was positively impressed with the overall simplicity of the jet. The important things are proper and simple. The ignition for example, is done with a single push of a button, following which there are only a few tests the pilot needs to perform. Its manoeuvrability was also very impressive".

For a long time, the MIG was regarded a replica of the American F-18. Major N. Had an opportunity to fly both, and to compare:

“You can see from the first glance, that there is a great resemblance between the two”, he says. “They both have a twin engine, a double tail, and an IRST system. But in contrast to the American jet, the MIG was designed with air combat as its main mission in mind. According to its designers, it can also serve as an attack aircraft as a secondary role, and it cannot carry a large amount of air-to-surface ammunition”.

Lieut. Col. G. Concludes: “The jets had very few malfunctions, and like other Russian products the MIG-29 is trustworthy, strong, and massive. The F-15 and F-16 are much more delicate, compared".


German Luftwaffe evaluation of the MiG-29 - Luftwaffe MiG-29 experience

Mig 29 are good but they would have chance if they can get the support of AWACS system. That would be nightmare for F16 and F15
МиГ-29;3085890 said:
Studies of the aircraft confirmed it as a serious opponent in air combat. “MIG’s abilities equals and sometimes even exceeds those of the F-15 and F-16 jets”, says Major N, a test pilot. “The aircraft is highly manoeuvrable, and its engines provide higher weight to thrust ratio. Our pilots must be careful with this aircraft in air combat. Flown by a well trained professional, it is a worthy opponent".

Luftwaffe MiG-29 experience

Indian and Russian military are buying Mig29ks for their new Aircraft Carriers then it simply means that this new version of Mig29k are worth enough to be used on a AC, isn't it? :agree:

rest, Israel is nothing but an arm of West against the opponents of US/West. and thats why i said many times, whether a country like India ever had any war with Israel or not, if the world will get divided then one day we all will have to chose a side. and i have already given a dose to Israeli members in my one post as below, which we hope is enough to make them understand that they would now keep a distance from India for a while.........

Indian and Russian military is buying Mig29ks for their new Aircraft Carriers then it simply means that this new version of Mig29k are worth enough to be used on a AC, isn't it? :agree:

rest, Israel is nothing but an arm of West against the opponents of US/West. and thats why i said many times, whether a country like India ever had any war with Israel or not, if the world will get divided then one day we all will have to chose a side. and i have already given a dose to Israeli members in my one post as below, which we hope is enough to make them understand that they would now keep a distance with India for a while.........

Mig 29 are good aircrafts but they can't win on their own. They will need AWACS to become more effective as they will be outnumbered. India and Russia have Mig29Ks. Indian Navy is definatly happy with 29K Russian Navy might have picked up 29K as a logical choice and they seem to happy as well.

On War, country India ( I don't know any like India countries. It's only one ) is never aggressive by nature even to protect its own interests. Only War possibilities of India are Pak and China if they start the war.

Of world breaks into the war India most like remain neutral in actual action. India will have soft corner for Russia as it is long trusted friend but India will not fight anybody else's war for sure.

Looking Indian and Israel cooperation in trade and arms , it's highly unlikely both will cross each others line of interests.

After all war isn't a solution for problems. It's only solution for destruction
Indian and Russian military is buying Mig29ks for their new Aircraft Carriers then it simply means that this new version of Mig29k are worth enough to be used on a AC, isn't it? :agree:

rest, Israel is nothing but an arm of West against the opponents of US/West. and thats why i said many times, whether a country like India ever had any war with Israel or not, if the world will get divided then one day we all will have to chose a side. and i have already given a dose to Israeli members in my one post as below, which we hope is enough to make them understand that they would now keep a distance with India for a while.........


:tup: :tup: :tup:
IAF and RuAF after extensive experience of flying a host of european/Soviet platforms have choosen to go with MIG-29s.. Considering the stringent requirements which both Air forces set as requirements, it is anybody's guess the capabilities of MIG-29 as air-superiority..
aerodynamically Mig 29 is superior to Falcon 15 but electronically Mig 29 needs more up-gradation.
Syrian Air Force:
Decades old Tech.
30~50 Modern platforms
Flight hours for pilots low ~ 35-40

Israeli Air Force:
The Best of the Best
Need to count the platforms? AWACS Drones EW
Pilots trained by the Best, who believe in No Second Chances

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