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Kashmir: What next?

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yes we are not talking technically here :lol:
Yes. Kashmir issue is resolved:
Technically, Scientifically, Technologically, Chemically, Botanically, Zoologically etc etc etc ................. but not poltically.:lol::lol::lol:
Yes. Kashmir issue is resolved:
Technically, Scientifically, Technologically, Chemically, Botanically, Zoologically etc etc etc ................. but not poltically.:lol::lol::lol:
I read that they can't live normal settled lives because they don't have the requisite skills.


they normally live on economic activity on sale of milk of cow , goat , buffaloes , they move with animal herds in mountains according to different seasons and temperature .
Technically, the Jammu and Kashmir issue is closed and settled... There is no chance for any changes in the future.

But politically, it will never die between India, Pakistan and china..

that is true , issue is closed .
kashmiris will upraise again and again until issue resolved . its just curfew times .

this is human nature , there are disgruntled people in every nation state , they rise some fail some dont fail . india pakistan bangla china mynmar all have section of population who are not happy with state .
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that is true , issue is closed .

this is human nature , there are disgruntled people in every nation state , they rise some fail some dont fail . india pakistan bangla china mynmar all have section of population who are not happy with state .
There is no point talking to them ,give it 10 to 15 years they will realise what we mean when we say imran is the best thing that happened for india.
Kashmir is done deal.
They also felt before 1962, that "technically" border issue with China is already settled, and then came October 20, 1962 and then ....... :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

china is big , pakistan is not .
There is no point talking to them ,give it 10 to 15 years they will realise what we mean when we say imran is the best thing that happened for india.
Kashmir is done deal.

you are hundred percent correct .

Well, he learnt wrong. If life is unfair and you know that it is your office which is doing you injustice you can approach your employee union and if there is none you can help establish one. If you see your country maintaining wrong political, social and economic systems due to which you also may find injustice done to you then you should not say "Life goes on", you speak of changing your country.
Not Kashmir and never was about it but Delhi, Deccan, Acre, Hyderabad etc etc:enjoy:
I have stated so many times: repeating.
Pakistan was born as Muslims of India thought that Congress, with its all secularism, is not representing Muslims properly. The hindutva type 1937 Congress behaviour (when they won election) had startled indian Muslims. In that election, ML just won one seat in Punjab.
That made muslims demand a separate homeland in 1940.

Now, do you think Kasmiri Muslims think that BJP at Dehli represents them? Heck, even UP muslims don't think that way. If the thought kept prevailing then it is just a matter of time before people will start demanding something 'rebellious' to the centre. In case of no political settlement, they will eventually demand freedom.

Remember, "All politics is eventually local". The Afghan episode is clear on that. Taliban at least provided justice and security and that is why they lived among people's hearts and minds for 20 years.
There is no point talking to them ,give it 10 to 15 years they will realise what we mean when we say imran is the best thing that happened for india.
Kashmir is done deal.
kid this issue is from July 13, 1931 at that time even father of imran khan was not born . you guys are so short sighted and so close minded . kashmiris will keep fighting as they are doing since last 90 years
How old are you? 14 or 15?
Dear Moderators,

Let this thread be. This is not jingoistic thinking but unbiased analysis. If you disagree with this (which you definitely will), deconstruct the conclusion with valid arguments.

What will happen next in Kashmir?

The Kashmiri Muslims will themselves take lead in changing the demographics of Kashmir. Indian agencies will make slight suggestion and even facilitate the initiation but most of this work will be done by Kashmiri Muslims themselves.

How and why?

Kashmiris have a weakness for low cost and docile labour to run their enterprises, businesses. Kashmiris are greedy for low wage, hardworking and servile donkeys. No country other than India can provide this. Only India fits the bill.

Kashmiri industries would like workers that accept low salary for not just D-group (housekeeping type) and blue collar jobs but also clerical posts.

The only intervention the Indian agencies will do is of vetting the recruits for security clearance. The migrant labourers will be mostly from Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Delhi and Rajasthan.

There is a famous precedence for this. When there was the strike of sanitation workers in 1950s, there was an impasse between the authorities and the strikers. Neither side budged. Neither side blinked. Instead the state government brought workers to replace them from outside the state!

While doing so, Kashmiris won't think about the future, the possible demographic change etc. They would just be concerned about satisfying their immediate greed. That's how...

Dear Moderators,

Let this thread be. This is not jingoistic thinking but unbiased analysis. If you disagree with this (which you definitely will), deconstruct the conclusion with valid arguments.

What will happen next in Kashmir?

The Kashmiri Muslims will themselves take lead in changing the demographics of Kashmir. Indian agencies will make slight suggestion and even facilitate the initiation but most of this work will be done by Kashmiri Muslims themselves.

How and why?

Kashmiris have a weakness for low cost and docile labour to run their enterprises, businesses. Kashmiris are greedy for low wage, hardworking and servile donkeys. No country other than India can provide this. Only India fits the bill.

Kashmiri industries would like workers that accept low salary for not just D-group (housekeeping type) and blue collar jobs but also clerical posts.

The only intervention the Indian agencies will do is of vetting the recruits for security clearance. The migrant labourers will be mostly from Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Delhi and Rajasthan.

There is a famous precedence for this. When there was the strike of sanitation workers in 1950s, there was an impasse between the authorities and the strikers. Neither side budged. Neither side blinked. Instead the state government brought workers to replace them from outside the state!

While doing so, Kashmiris won't think about the future, the possible demographic change etc. They would just be concerned about satisfying their immediate greed. That's how...

To earned freedom one should have spark of progress and single honest leadership. Opportunist in leadership ... Mufti to Abdullah family, all played major role in demoralizing the Kashmiri nation.
So hindu majority from haryana, hiamachal and east punjab and west bengal refused to live in a muslim majority Pakistan and demanded partition of muslim league ruled punjab and bengal, but a kashmiri muslim majority is not allowed to demand anything and must live with india.

It is natural, a kashmiri muslman will always look towards Pakistan as his natural home.
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