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Maneka Gandhi has a point: Indian Army's animal practices need a rethink


Sep 20, 2014
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The British Army's Gorkha regiments have changed their attitude to animal sacrifice. India should follow their example.
Ashok K Mehta
Today· 10:30 am


Photo Credit:regionalcommandsouthwest

The champion of animal rights, the Minister for Women & Child Development Maneka Gandhi raised two important issues with the Ministry of Defence in a letter this week: the sacrifice of animals by Gorkha regiments and the air-drop of live animals for troops in field areas.

Her letters to Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar, and his predecessor, Arun Jaitley, of her own government have gone unanswered, according to media reports.

The subject of animal rights certainly requires to be considered, but this must be done in the context of religious, cultural and traditional sensitivities of Gorkha soldiers.

Gorkha traditions

Animals are sacrificed not just by Gorkha battalions but also by a number of other hill troops like Kumaonis and Garhwalis and tribals like Mizos and Nagas, primarily during religious or cultural ceremonies.

The majority of troops in Gorkha regiments hail from Nepal. They follow a traditional custom of sacrifice of animals – mainly male buffaloes (rango) and goats (khasi) during Dussehra. This is Nepal's most sacred festival of Nepal and was incorporated in the list of festivities celebrated by the British Gorkha regiments, most of which opted to stay with India at the time of Partition.

In the 1950s, most of the 30-odd Gorkha battalions (39 today) during Dussehra would sacrifice two rangoes, one during Kalratri and one as Mahabalidan the following day, corresponding to Ashtami and Vijayadashami. The buffaloes were full grown, sometimes taller than the diminutive Gorkha who was required to sever the head with one clean swipe of the special khukuri.

Both the Gorkha soldier chosen for the honour and the weapon had to undergo ritual prayers soliciting goddess Durga's blessings. The goddess forbid, should the khukuri not perform a clean cut, which happens rarely – the hapless soldier's face has to be smeared with the blood of the buffalo so that no evil befalls the battalion. When any misfortune – a mega ambush or an IED incident – occurs, units where a sacrifice has gone awry attribute the tragedy to it.

Changing times

During Mahabalidan, parallel khasi sacrifice ceremonies are held in all the six companies of the battalion where "meat on hoof" is served asprasad. All the weapons of the battalion are blessed by Durga Mata and the religious teacher of the battalion. The two sacrifice ceremonies, once cleanly completed, are followed by endless sessions ofnaach and equally endless bouts of drinking to remove the palpable tension preceding the rango sacrifices.

One other ritual used to be performed: every subaltern who joined the battalion had to personally decapitate a khasi for his acceptance into the unit.

The acceptance test in vintage times included the knowledge of spoken Nepali and Gorkha customs as well as familiarity with village life. This made treks in Nepal by subalterns mandatory with a visit to Kathmandu to get the big picture.

During Dussehra in Kathmandu's Hanuman Dhoka, thousands of buffaloes are sacrificed.

Changing traditions

Rewind to 1958 at Alipore Lines Calcutta where the VC Battalion (three Victoria Cross winners during World War II) Second Five Gorkha Rifles is celebrating Dussehra. As a young officer, I witnessed the week-long religious ceremonies culminating in Kalratri celebrations. The all-nightnaachwas interrupted briefly at the midnight hour when the first rango was sacrificed and the Commanding Officer rewarded the Gorkha for his feat with a saafa or turban.

Officers dressed in black tie along with the men of the battalion stayed awake all night with a 20-minute interlude to change into regimental blazer and tie, ready for Mahabalidan. When asked how this tradition came about the second in command, Maj Dini Mistry replied: “Partly inherited from the Brits, partly invented by us... after all, that's how traditions are made”.

Today, most likely none of the 39 Gorkha battalions celebrates Dussehra in completely the old style. Some have either done away with buffalo sacrifice or reduced it to either Kalratri or Mahabalidan. A suitable male buffalo is not always available in some parts of the country. Unlike khasi meat, buffalo meat is not publicly eaten by Gorkhas though Gurung soldiers relish it. Dug and buried, decapitated buffaloes are poached by lower-caste Nepalis. The two years 4/5 Gorkha Rifles were located in Dehradun, buffalo sacrifice was done away with as Uttarakhand does not permit sacrifice of animals inside a temple.

The British Gorkhas discontinued the sacrifice of buffaloes in the early 1970s while their Gorkhas were deployed in Hong Kong, Brunei and UK. Today they allow just one animal to be sacrificed as many changes have been introduced but with consent of the Gorkha Major who is the seniormost Gorkha in the unit.

If Menaka Gandhi has said “animal sacrifice is not intrinsic to any culture or practice”, she is not correct as these practices are religious and cultural, traced to Nepal. Still, she has raised pertinent issues for all soldiers, including Gorkhas. Even if she does not relate the present practice to traditional customs followed by Gorkha regiments , Army Headquarters should suggest, through the Gorkha Brigade Association, evolving corrective measures similar to those implemented by the British Gorkhas

As for air-dropping animals which Gandhi describes as "barbaric", in the old days, Caribou aircraft would paradrop goats called "meat on hoof" to certain difficult areas. Gorkhas would wait with their khukuris in the Dropping Zone, ready to perform the necessary drill should an animal break a limb or die. Here too, Gandhi's recommendation should be accepted and only in inaccessible areas should the animal be paradropped – and as humanely as possible.

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That's stupid.

As much as it may be a matter of animal rights, meat eating has been a practise of soldiers to survive in tough conditions where a plate full of rotis and rice with vegetables is not available.

She needs to understand the realities of soldiers that have to live in far off places and manage in times of conflict.
These people are the best soldiers in India. The Gurkhas, Assamese, Naga, Arunachali, Manipuri etc. These people from Ladakh to Mizoram provide the best soldiers for India. And how do the Indians thank them? By calling them "chinki" and other racist slurs.
That's stupid.

As much as it may be a matter of animal rights, meat eating has been a practise of soldiers to survive in tough conditions where a plate full of rotis and rice with vegetables is not available.

She needs to understand the realities of soldiers that have to live in far off places and manage in times of conflict.
I admire Albert Einstein as greatest scientist not due to his theory of relativity but for following quote
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
I agree with maneka here. Animal sacrifice by a trained army in 21st century is odd.. also dropping of live animals.
Its not only about food, as other regiments get their food too.
I agree with maneka here. Animal sacrifice by a trained army in 21st century is odd.. also dropping of live animals.
Its not only about food, as other regiments get their food too.

Other regiments are not Gurkha.

If animal sacrifice makes the Gurkhas the feared soldiers they are then let the sacrifices be. The Gurkhas are the only regiment in Indian army that is feared and respected around the world. Cannot dilute them.
Other regiments are not Gurkha.

If animal sacrifice makes the Gurkhas the feared soldiers they are then let the sacrifices be. The Gurkhas are the only regiment in Indian army that is feared and respected around the world. Cannot dilute them.
gurkhas in UK are not feared then... you mean?
This picture is of the British Army's Gurkhas- a so-called "liberal" nation allows it, why hold India to a different standard? Don't let the military's effectiveness be hampered by these bleed heart liberals who don't know the first thing about the military.
This picture is of the British Army's Gurkhas- a so-called "liberal" nation allows it, why hold India to a different standard? Don't let the military's effectiveness be hampered by these bleed heart liberals who don't know the first thing about the military.
what is military effectiveness of killing animals for sacrifice to god.. we are not facing mongol hordes.. we need intelligent soldiers.
gurkhas in UK are not feared then... you mean?

Obviously your English comprehension skills are under-developed. I said that "Gurkhas are the only regiment in Indian army that is feared and respected." I did NOT say "Only Indian army Gurkha regiment is feared and respected:" But for someone who never got the privilege of studying in an English medium school such mistakes are common.
what is military effectiveness of killing animals for sacrifice to god.. we are not facing mongol hordes.. we need intelligent soldiers.
I agree about the intelligent soldiers part but, unfortunately, the ones committing these acts are not and if they feel they need to do such acts as part of their warrior traditions then banning them from doing so would only detrimentally affect unit morale.

These pointless sacrifices need to end because those committing them right now see the futility in doing it.
what is military effectiveness of killing animals for sacrifice to god.. we are not facing mongol hordes.. we need intelligent soldiers.

Indian army recruits matric pass candidates as infantry jawans - the core fighting force of the army. What intelligence do you expect from matric pass students?

And who said Gurkhas are not intelligent? Why this racism?
Obviously your English comprehension skills are under-developed. I said that "Gurkhas are the only regiment in Indian army that is feared and respected." I did NOT say "Only Indian army Gurkha regiment is feared and respected:" But for someone who never got the privilege of studying in an English medium school such mistakes are common.
lolz... yes I did not study in English medium..
gurkhas in uk do not have such custom does it mean they are less feared?
Other regiments are not Gurkha.

If animal sacrifice makes the Gurkhas the feared soldiers they are then let the sacrifices be. The Gurkhas are the only regiment in Indian army that is feared and respected around the world. Cannot dilute them.
(False) perceptions of others should not be the reason to do something or not to do something.
lolz... yes I did not study in English medium..
gurkhas in uk do not have such custom does it mean they are less feared?

The pic shown in this thread is of UK Gurkha troops. So it is safe to assume they have such tradition there. Notice their camouflage, that is not Indian.

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