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Maoists demand mosque at Babri site

See Abir,

I don't understand the mentality I am witnessing against her. At one place you are claiming to be World's biggest democracy and claiming to have Unity in diversity and other place you are attacking your countrymen at open forum? and that too offensively, abusively and what not, blaming her to be less patriotic or anti-Indian? and most important she present pakistani version of stories out of some blogs......we all know, indian or pakistani.....all newz have some fabrications.......but why all her posts are based on pakistani version ??? that strengthens my doubt.....

Some of the Indian members could not digest her criticism so they started blaming her as Fakester, Traiter, B I T CH, AJTR stands for (Arundhati Junior Trainee Roy), GTOF, Traitor like Sania Mirza :rofl:

How disgusting

i have never seen ajtr being +ve about india.......never means never.....

if shes an indian......democracy and freedom of thought shud be embedded in her.....but thats not the case.......shes not neutral in her tought process.....which obviously makes her non indian.....

now u cant prove shes an indian , neither I that shes not.......

so let her talks prove things.....

criticizing india is OK.....we are still lacking behind in many aspects.....even I do that......

its just u present wrong facts to fulfill ur propaganda.......thats what ajtr does !

shes a troll fest roaming free! what do u expect us to be responding ?
dude..that reaction wasnt for 1 post....but so many posts of her.....

well i am not emotional..its just i am a 'no nonsense' kind of person.....

i just cant take unjustified bullshit.....

what ajtr says is complete fabricated bullshit and what pisses me off is everyone think thats coming from an indian.....frankly, what she says.....no indian wud say it...even an indian muslim wont.....facts are completely different from propaganda......

but again....i shudnt have been personal....but also ajtr deserves it for she doesnt at all contribute constructively to the discussion.

fedup of getting frustrated to see every thread where some good discussion is going on...turns out to be a troll fest just and just coz of fabricatins by ajtr.......

never saw mods intervening....so obviously i have to respond in this manner !

oh well couple of months ago I mentioned a story of my Indian colleague who is a Muslim... born in Delhi and his entire family lives in Delhi... not only him but his forefathers too were born in Delhi and other states of India so technically he had nothing to do with Pakistan. But still I always see him cursing India calling a very unsafe place for Muslims. He was pro-Musharraf and somewhat inclined towards Muslim nations (or should i call Muslim Ummah).

I kept on asking him to start loving India as that is his motherland and try to spread the message of peace as much as he can but he always refused to listen to me and was very offensive when it comes to attack India.

Its a long story so some other time... the moral of the story is... When you are talking about India... speak on behalf of your behalf... India has 1 billion+ population and not everybody thinks same alike. So next time speak on your behalf and prepare yourself to listen unacceptable statements from your countrymen.

Thats exactly what I do when my countrymen come to PDF and start their nonsense... Ignore if you can't digest
oh well I have personally posted some banners of Baloch insurgents while discussing matters... I even posted their interviews but nobody dared to call me traitor. (of course not in the sense of advertisement)

The bold part is the difference. Do you support their ideology and justify their actions as logical?

India apparently becomes a very tolerant nation but could not bear to see an Indian girl having Pakistani flag under her profile? oh well jis ko samaghna thaa woh sab samagh gaya :rofl:

She can have a Klingon flag under her profile for all I care!

And yes, tolerating fools is a national flaw, methinks!

All I know is... by not sharing similar ideology to yours she does not become pro-Pakistani or Anti-Indian. She is still an indian by birth, her forefathers are patriotic indians like her. If you cannot bear to read some of the conflicting post by your fellow countrymen - don't behave childish by calling them non-indians or less patriotic. She at nowhere was advertising those Mujahideens - she only shared a copy of email she received

If that is all you know, then you have not read her posts in detail. Patriotism apart, justifying a terrorist act is equal to terrorism itself.

And one thing more, these b*****ds are not mujahideens (people carrying out jihad if I'm correct).. Just because they call themselves by that name does not mean that you should address them with it.

Take an example of Emo_GiRl here... She has always been touching the core issues of Pakistan. 90% of posts conflict with common Pakistanis but I am still failed to see a single member ever calling her non-Pakistani or pro-American or whatever you want to name.

All your 5 fingers are not of the same length

I know that. And that is why I'm not countering any of the trash and utter BS that she has written about the "great humanitarian maoists" and the "evil Brahmins".

I live 60 km away from the epicenter of the maoists in Maharashtra . It's a more of a money making business than a movement with heavy support from local politicians, nothing else.

And it is real tough to be a Brahmin and get a government job. We must be having a few Brahmins here too. They can tell you better.

But, she can believe whatever she thinks is right!:wave:
its not bout the mail....but about the intent......

ajtr in her every post tries to put stories which shud mean that muslims in india are the most oppressed and india is nothing but a failed country.....

Now if that was the case then WHOLE WORLD KNOWS how different indian muslim is from a pakistani muslim.....

also if india is a failed nation (as per ajtr) the why are we growing 9% and why world is on our side.......EVEN THE MIDDLE EAST MUSLIM COUNTRIES ????

just have a thought on above questions and u will find how GENUINE AND RATIONAL (as per u) ajtr is.....


i have never seen ajtr being +ve about india.......never means never.....

if shes an indian......democracy and freedom of thought shud be embedded in her.....but thats not the case.......shes not neutral in her tought process.....which obviously makes her non indian.....

now u cant prove shes an indian , neither I that shes not.......

so let her talks prove things.....

criticizing india is OK.....we are still lacking behind in many aspects.....even I do that......

its just u present wrong facts to fulfill ur propaganda.......thats what ajtr does !

shes a troll fest roaming free! what do u expect us to be responding ?

again very emotional statements... I was like you couple of year ago but as soon as you start interacting with your countrymen living far away from you... you start realizing you were on mistake and the whole country does not think alike

PS: I am not spreading any propaganda and whatever I said above - The posts still exists in this forum and other forums that I am sure you know what I am talking about

I don't understand how you guyz start behaving emotionally so quickly that you started naming her Traitor like Sania Mirza, B I T CH and Arundhati Junior Trainee Roy :rofl:
oh well couple of months ago I mentioned a story of my Indian colleague who is a Muslim... born in Delhi and his entire family lives in Delhi... not only him but his forefathers too were born in Delhi and other states of India so technically he had nothing to do with Pakistan. But still I always see him cursing India calling a very unsafe place for Muslims. He was pro-Musharraf and somewhat inclined towards Muslim nations (or should i call Muslim Ummah).

I kept on asking him to start loving India as that is his motherland and try to spread the message of peace as much as he can but he always refused to listen to me and was very offensive when it comes to attack India.

Its a long story so some other time... the moral of the story is... When you are talking about India... speak on behalf of your behalf... India has 1 billion+ population and not everybody thinks same alike. So next time speak on your behalf and prepare yourself to listen unacceptable statements from your countrymen.

Thats exactly what I do when my countrymen come to PDF and start their nonsense... Ignore if you can't digest

well its not about not digesting...

even i have muslim friends who also curse india....but u can see a reason in their curse.......its justified and very rational which makes u accept their version...... i dnt mind such criticism.....

but what if ur whole story is away from reality.....

frankly......i am not against the person....i am against the intent !

no offence!
again very emotional statements... I was like you couple of year ago but as soon as you start interacting with your countrymen living far away from you... you start realizing you were on mistake and the whole country does not think alike

PS: I am not spreading any propaganda and whatever I said above - The posts still exists in this forum and other forums that I am sure you know what I am talking about

I don't understand how you guyz start behaving emotionally so quickly that you started naming her Traitor like Sania Mirza, B I T CH and Arundhati Junior Trainee Roy :rofl:

well.....afterall i am a human..... but i dont call Sania, arundhati, etc as traitor......

u cant find a post of mine saying that......

i can say that just coz its coming from an indian and they have JUSTIFIED LOGIC in their statements......

here the case is totally different.....i was just not able to see someone fulfilling its propaganda...and the world around considering it as an indian version.....

i am a sociology student.....issues like kashmir, maoism, muslims in india, etc etc arent alien to me...... I STUDY THEM DEAR ! thats part of my curriculam......and frankly i dont study propagandas but true facts based on thourough reasearch by some high profile, highly experienced human right activists and sociologists......

now if i see some version which is completely false and that creating a wrong image about a particular fact..its natural i will get pissed.....and most important if its a pakistani version presented as indian....then u can only do is take the person for a toss !
well its not about not digesting...

even i have muslim friends who also curse india....but u can see a reason in their curse.......its justified and very rational which makes u accept their version...... i dnt mind such criticism.....

but what if ur whole story is away from reality.....

frankly......i am not against the person....i am against the intent !

no offence!
Yes this a very logical post

But see how can you justify the abusive remarks she has been receiving and constantly being attacked by the Indian fellows? If she does not agree with something - does that mean she no longer remains an Indian and become a B I T C H? :woot:

See you have to have manners before you speak/write a post. By swearing each other or mudslinging will not benefit anybody
Hey hey hey wait,

Can you show me any post where she defended Mujahideens? besides posting that email

I am yet to read anything that can be extremely offensive by her... yes she does disagree with many peoples here - but nowhere she supported the terrorist act in India
Yes this a very logical post

But see how can you justify the abusive remarks she has been receiving and constantly being attacked by the Indian fellows? If she does not agree with something - does that mean she no longer remains an Indian and become a B I T C H? :woot:

See you have to have manners before you speak/write a post. By swearing each other or mudslinging will not benefit anybody

but again thats completely based on my analysis !

and u know i am hit on bulls eye in my analysis (joking):rofl::rofl:

well the point is.....my analysis says, allof ajtr's stories are influenced by propaganda......

and i dont say,

anti india == propaganda

i just say......

wrong version == propaganda.....

also, believing in ajtr means denying my studies of research papers....so obviously i felt offended...... :P

and i do agree i lost my temper when i saw ajtr putting that varanasi blast post.....i seriously doubted the intension.....which was a builtup of continous facing the fake stories of her...what do u expect any person to do ?

as i said .nothing against the person but the intent.....
Hey hey hey wait,

Can you show me any post where she defended Mujahideens? besides posting that email

I am yet to read anything that can be extremely offensive by her... yes she does disagree with many peoples here - but nowhere she supported the terrorist act in India

CMon dude..now dont make me search things.....i have seen it earlier....and frankly u really think i am such a loser to be unecessarily personal to someone i dont know or dont care bout.....

there has to be some reason rite !
but again thats completely based on my analysis !

and u know i am hit on bulls eye in my analysis (joking):rofl::rofl:

well the point is.....my analysis says, allof ajtr's stories are influenced by propaganda......

and i dont say,

anti india == propaganda

i just say......

wrong version == propaganda.....

also, believing in ajtr means denying my studies of research papers....so obviously i felt offended...... :P

and i do agree i lost my temper when i saw ajtr putting that varanasi blast post.....i seriously doubted the intension.....which was a builtup of continous facing the fake stories of her...what do u expect any person to do ?

as i said .nothing against the person but the intent.....

Well Sir,

I don't know since how long you know ajtr but I do know her well before she joined PDF (member of other forum) and one thing I can assure you is that she is a patriotic Indian. So those who keep on attacking her nationality are bloody idiots (of course you at where said anything like that so you are not included)

Now about her posts... I think most of her posts are criticizing the Indian system and I find nothing wrong in that. Everybody holds the right to criticize anything they do not like. In UK if you criticize the country they give you awards for being a messenger of Free Thinking and usually the mistakes are not corrected as long as they are not pointed out. So she does the right job by pointing out the negative part of India so that India can become a better place in future.

Similar job EmO_GiRl does in this forum but hardly I see members calling her a traitor.

If you think she has said something really offensive please feel free to mention here. As far as I have understood you have some objections on her posts where she was defending Indian Mujahideen's and frankly speaking I have browsed the entire thread and couldnt' find a single post where she openly defend the perpetrators
Hey hey hey wait,

Can you show me any post where she defended Mujahideens? besides posting that email

I am yet to read anything that can be extremely offensive by her... yes she does disagree with many peoples here - but nowhere she supported the terrorist act in India

Posting terrorist propaganda material is against forum rules (atleast we have been told so)

"Attack was bound to happen" "Same as a person is killed in riots" using such terminology is justifying a terrorist attack and hence supporting the same

The fellow Supports Maoists and terrorism but lives in USA, which is bastion of Capitalism and WOT, double standards anybody LOL?

I surely hope that Americans should have put a stick up the *** of likes of him because on 9/11 America was attacked and thus it was "bound to happen"
Well Sir,

I don't know since how long you know ajtr but I do know her well before she joined PDF (member of other forum) and one thing I can assure you is that she is a patriotic Indian. So those who keep on attacking her nationality are bloody idiots (of course you at where said anything like that so you are not included)

Now about her posts... I think most of her posts are criticizing the Indian system and I find nothing wrong in that. Everybody holds the right to criticize anything they do not like. In UK if you criticize the country they give you awards for being a messenger of Free Thinking and usually the mistakes are not corrected as long as they are not pointed out. So she does the right job by pointing out the negative part of India so that India can become a better place in future.

Similar job EmO_GiRl does in this forum but hardly I see members calling her a traitor.

If you think she has said something really offensive please feel free to mention here. As far as I have understood you have some objections on her posts where she was defending Indian Mujahideen's and frankly speaking I have browsed the entire thread and couldnt' find a single post where she openly defend the perpetrators

well again....

i am not against the person but the intent.....

difference between emo-girl and ajtr is ..... what exactly i am trying to point out right from the 1st post of mine....

former present bitter but TRUE facts.....

now as i said.....its completely upto my understanding of facts and u are free to accept it or not...but i am confident bout em....

emo-girl and my analysis always tend to match......some reason right !

but why not with the latter ?

now i am alien to both people so no favourism thing around.....

but why is that 1 person is completely outcasted and other even tough being critical still gets accepted......
Posting terrorist propaganda material is against forum rules (atleast we have been told so)

If that was the case, the posts would have been deleted by now... which never happened

I have posted similar posters or videos of Baloch Leaders (insurgents) in past and that does not violate the forum rules. She wasn't supporting but merely sharing what she received and was relevant to the thread

"Attack was bound to happen" "Same as a person is killed in riots" using such terminology is justifying a terrorist attack and hence supporting the same

Well thats your personal interoperation and does not necessarily to be true

The fellow Supports Maoists and terrorism but lives in USA, which is bastion of Capitalism and WOT, double standards anybody LOL?
What was so offensive in this post that give you right to abuse her personally?
I surely hope that Americans should have put a stick up the *** of likes of him because on 9/11 America was attacked and thus it was "bound to happen"

Thats a general statement - I find nothing as such that gives you a green pass to attack her personally

come to cricketers thread dude.....

too much of politics is injurious.....

have a pic for u to recognize...
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