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Miss India Sayali Bhagat (Hindu) In love with Pakistani Cricketer Shoaib Malik(Muslim

I see he's getting jealous :devil: So hes talking all BS hoping Miss India will give him attention.

I am not jealous at all as I want to keep a bit of my Pak-Aryan blood and don't mix it with Dravidian :devil: Additionally, I am in good situation in Germany :enjoy:
Thanks that is sort of what I thought.
But Imran2006g’s comment "and yes dating is not allowed in the islamic community" seemed somewhat final in intent.

Hate to think you guys could not date within your own. You would miss out in all the fun, happiness and heartache.

The deal is, that Hindus don't belong to the People of Script (Jews, Christians). They are a completely other religion. So dating a Christian could be somehow understood (though it is also highly discussed), dating a Hindu is just forbidden and I support this.
Oneindia is cheap class gossip/rumour site ... no one cares about the article but its fun to watch people wasting time on this.
Thanks that is sort of what I thought.
But Imran2006g’s comment "and yes dating is not allowed in the islamic community" seemed somewhat final in intent.

Hate to think you guys could not date within your own. You would miss out in all the fun, happiness and heartache.

Yes dating isn't allowed. People are free to choose their life partners; that is allowed in Islam; therefore the matrimonial sites you see exist.

"Dating" in the western concept usually entails pre-marital sex which is totally forbidden; and yes private lives of somebody else is none of our business; i dont give a damn if he marries two hindus or one; but the religious verdict about marrying non-muslims is still there; if one does not want to observe it thats his decision.

I am not jealous at all as I want to keep a bit of my Pak-Aryan blood and don't mix it with Dravidian :devil: Additionally, I am in good situation in Germany :enjoy:

Your superior genes and consequently intellect are self evident. Good on ya mate :enjoy:

But i hope you won't feel bad if i show how much you keep jumping from one prejudice to another in order to avoid any serious discussion. You started the whole thing with ' kick shoaib out', and when people responded you made other unrelated nonsense about other religions and how they are inferior and about your pure blood and all. If you are thinking you are winning debates, think again, may be people are not laughing WITH you.
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Deleted .. and embarrassed
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This is between Muslims, but we are talking about a Hindu, who believes in uncountable Gods like Cows, Elephants, frogs....etc.

Your are really disrespectful what does it matter to you what she believes ? before telling me to learn about islam know that theres no compulsion in islam you can't force him to practice it besides his romantic life is none of your business.
Sometimes love is not bound by religion your gonna have to accept that if it doesn't bother them then why does it bother you ? nobody is forcing you do date her they know they're a muslim/hindu couple they are both consenting adults and can date each other if they want they're not hurting anyone .
Shoaib is your fellow countryman and muslim so just be happy for him . Theres nothing you can do so just make the best of it -instead of calling for him to be kicked out leave him be just wish them both good luck and hope they have a happy life.
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Not needed as it is normally considered being snide.
My questions were legitimate and polite.

Also my comments re "miss out in all the fun, happiness and heartache" have nothing to do with premarital sex. You can have all that with out the sex part.

Also some Christian variants have the same religious rules no sex before marriage.
Thanks that is sort of what I thought.
But Imran2006g’s comment "and yes dating is not allowed in the islamic community" seemed somewhat final in intent.

Hate to think you guys could not date within your own. You would miss out in all the fun, happiness and heartache.

And ofcourse the bad breath that goes along with it, especially with Ratus!!!:D
Your are really disrespectful what does it matter to you what she believes ? before telling me to learn about islam know that theres no compulsion in islam you can't force him to practice it besides his romantic life is none of your business.
Sometimes love is not bound by religion your gonna have to accept that if it doesn't bother them then why does it bother you ? nobody is forcing you do date her they know they're a muslim/hindu couple they are both consenting adults and can date each other if they want they're not hurting anyone .
Shoaib is your fellow countryman and muslim so just be happy for him . Theres nothing you can do so just make the best of it -instead of calling for him to be kicked out leave him be just wish them both good luck and hope they have a happy life.

Khanz, stop talking abt Islam, u got no idea at all. In fact, it is a religious matter, fateh71, otherwise it wouldn't matter he is dating an Indian. And you are right, Mr. Secular,I cannot force them to do other, but I am not forcing, just discussing about this. They will never have a happy life, I'm sure. Love is bound to no religion? Also not to hinduism? It seems like u got experience in such matters :chilli:

Not needed as it is normally considered being snide.
My questions were legitimate and polite.

Also my comments re "miss out in all the fun, happiness and heartache" have nothing to do with premarital sex. You can have all that with out the sex part.

Also some Christian variants have the same religious rules no sex before marriage.

Hell with that, after all the money being spent, one expect sex at the end of the road. Speak for yourself Mr. Ratus!!!:lol:

Just kidding!!!!

Mr. Ratus is right there are moral even today society with christains, that are very similiar to eastern moral of not having sex before marriage. Infact in this regards of morals Young Indians are changing it faster then American western culture today.
Yes dating isn't allowed. People are free to choose their life partners; that is allowed in Islam; therefore the matrimonial sites you see exist.

"Dating" in the western concept usually entails pre-marital sex which is totally forbidden; and yes private lives of somebody else is none of our business; i dont give a damn if he marries two hindus or one; but the religious verdict about marrying non-muslims is still there; if one does not want to observe it thats his decision.


Maybe, just Maybe she might turn him into a Hindu!!! Did you ever thought about that Mr. Imran (Mr. cupid of islam).

Not needed as it is normally considered being snide.
My questions were legitimate and polite.

Also my comments re "miss out in all the fun, happiness and heartache" have nothing to do with premarital sex. You can have all that with out the sex part.

Also some Christian variants have the same religious rules no sex before marriage.

oops my bad :enjoy:
chill man; wasnt being snide or anything; just explaining the "missing out on the fun" part for ya :devil:

The sexual revolution in part happened because of the church; where the priests revere celibacy; now that brings up a host of problems; you must've heard of the Irish church's children abuse headlines?

Islam deplores celibacy and marriage is considered to protect half your faith according to a hadith by the Prophet SAW; and people are urged to marry as soon as they are able to provide for their family. There is nothing wrong with people seeking out potential wifes/husbands although this is mostly done by the parents in the islamic community; but you can point out a person who you like to spend your life with. :angel:

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