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MOHAN BHAGWAT IS RIGHT: India is a 'Hindu' Nation.

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It was Hindu Mahasabha which formed the bulk of Independence Movement.Most hindu nationalists who joined Congress are from Hindu Mahasabha ,There were no Secular hindus then that is what these modern Secularists and Marxists want you to believe that Independence movement was devoid of Hindus in a country with more than 80% Hindu population, how can freedom be achieved without the active participation of Hindus nationalists?

For me the religion of our freedom fighters hardly matters.... Ashfaqulla khan equally praisable as Azad, Bhagat singh, Rajguru, khudirambose or any other freedom fighters ....
But so called khoongressi secularism revolves around bashing/cursing Majority nothing else ...... I want this country to be true secular in all walks of governance......
If i open my mouth in criticizing other group even in right sense, khoongressi secularist bogey will brand me anti India....
Sametime have no sympathy for radicals Hindus too they should be crushed as per law of land in no time....
What is wrong? Why should we be Secular when others proudly proclaim themselves as Christian and islamic nations and their foundations based on Abrahamic values?
Why is it bad for Hindus to declare the only homeland of hindus as Hindu Rasthra?While others are right to declare as they see fit?
Are we Thekedars of Secularism in the world?Why should we be?

U want to say we are more tolerant than west??
What can i say,,,i can resort to name calling too................too bad i am not religious.
People like u are breaking up the nation,nothing else.
For me the religion of our freedom fighters hardly matters.... Ashfaqulla khan equally praisable as Azad, Bhagat singh, Rajguru, khudirambose or any other freedom fighters ....
But so called khoongressi secularism revolves around bashing/cursing Majority nothing else ...... I want this country to be true secular in all walks of governance......
If i open my mouth in criticizing other group even in right sense, khoongressi secularist bogey will brand me anti India....
Sametime have no sympathy for radicals Hindus too they should be crushed as per law of land in no time....
Quoting one rare example of Ashfaqulla Khan won't suffice for the numerous hindu Nationalists who gave life for the Freedom.
Without the Participation of Hindu Nationalists no freedom struggle was possible nor would India been a free nation today.
Radical Hindus are the reason this nation is still Secular and not overtly Islamic or Christian.If it was not for Right wing Hindus who protest against free hand given to Missionaries and Mullahs to convert hindus at will, this nation wouldn't be what it was.
Show me Secularism in a state like Bengal and Kerala where the Minority are reaching Majority?
U want to say we are more tolerant than west??
West is tolerant only when it wants to be, rest of the time it bombs the shit out of every nation when it wants.
Human rights and Secularism,Democracy is a tool for west to invade other nations which don't toe its line.
West was suppressing Blacks till 1960's and They hated Jews till the recent 21st century.
Bharat on the other hand never had Anti-Semitism nor did we persecute Parsis,Armenians and other refugee groups.We let them flourish here.
So yeah we are more tolerant than west.
He , even if not a full blown fundamentalist , was not secular as you were claiming. He had a pro-muslim bias.
I asked a member to read his book to read about Hindu Mahasabha. If you have better source go through it. Maligning Kalam here is not going to help as it is the only defense of the immoral, liar Hindutva fundoos. (not necessarily you.)

I see only hindus in this forum,,no indians.
A real shame...............:confused:

The rest is stupid silent majority.:tup:
Dumb Fks don't even recognize their own people, talking about Hindu Rashtra. :lol:
Quoting one rare example of Ashfaqulla
Khan won't suffice for the numerous hindu Nationalists who gave life for the Freedom.
Without the Participation of Hindu Nationalists no freedom struggle was possible nor would India been a free nation today.
Radical Hindus are the reason this nation is still Secular and not overtly Islamic or Christian.If it was not for Right wing Hindus who protest against free hand given to Missionaries and Mullahs to convert hindus at will, this nation wouldn't be what it was.
Show me Secularism in a state like Bengal and Kerala where the Minority are reaching Majority?

I beg to disagree... But would like leave this debate here now..... This thread shown a new low of my countrymen......
Thanks for your post.....
Hey we are winning, Soon Secularism will be done to death, the same way it was introduced by Proxy in 1974 by Indira Gandhi in Emergency.
Apart from the So called Secular hindus on Internet nobody in real world cares about Secularism nor know what it is, if you explain them the hypocrisy of Secularism where Majority is undermined by Minority,most hindus will immediately shift to right wing stance.
The rest intellectuals in Media are thinning out and they being sidelined day by day their voices made irrelevant and they are being replaced by Right Wing voices in their places.
In next 5-10 years you shall see a complete turnaround of India from a Secular Nation to a Right wing,Hindu Rasthra
The Next Generation born in the next DECADE will be die hard Right Wingers,already work is being done as we speak. :D
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