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Nuke Iran will destabilise W.Asia, not in India's interest


Apr 5, 2012
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New Delhi, Apr.3 (ANI): Since a stable West Asia is in the interest of both India and Israel, India should support efforts to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear state, argued strategic experts from Israel at a conference on "Two Decades of India-Israel Relationship" here today.

Picking on the argument of a leading Indian strategic expert that Pakistan is using the nuclear deterrence to sponsor and abet terrorism against India, the Israeli experts said that is all the more reason, for Israel and India also, to see that Iran is prevented from becoming a nuclear state at any cost.

One of the experts said the Pakistan model of the story is actually worrisome. "We should do everything to see that Iran does not become a Pakistan. While Pakistan is a threat to India, Iran will become a threat to many other countries in the region. And other countries like Saudi Arabia, Turkey and others would also try to become nuclear, threatening the stability of Middle East".

Having the experience of Pakistan, India should help in preventing another nuclear state emerging, which also sponsors and abets terrorism, the Israeli experts argued.

The two-day conference on "Two Decades of India-Israel Relationship" is organised by Observer Research Foundation (ORF) along with the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), Tel Aviv, Israel.

In the inaugural session on "India-Israel Bilateral Relationship: Shared Concerns and Prospects", Mr. Kanwal Sibal, former Foreign Secretary, and Mr. Alon Ushpiz, Ambassador of Israel, presented papers.

In the opening remarks, ORF Director Sunjoy Joshi said India-Israel relationship, though only two decades-old, is growing rapidly with both the countries having lots of shared values and the relationship being in "organic in nature".

Joshi said both countries have "deepest strategic interests" and may have to jointly cope with threats like a nuclear Iran as India has coped with the threat of a nuclear Pakistan.

The conference will have sessions on 'Developments in West Asia', 'Nuclear Iran Implications', 'Developments in South Asia: Challenges for India and Israel', 'Cooperation in Counter terrorism and defence' and a 'Special session on Pakistan'. (ANI)

Nuke Iran will destabilise W.Asia, not in India's interest: Israeli experts
I don't see why Iran with nukes will be any more of a threat than say Israel with nukes. This is just propaganda to keep the status quo where America Israel and their proxys can continue to loot and plunder developing country resources.
As I said previously India is not Iranian's league in term of warfare business...awakening of these descendants of Babylon empire will be certainly Indian's nightmare...sure Indians now is mumbling in New Delhi on how to cope with the rise of Iran...I should say the new babylon.

To all my Iranian friends....we chinese are with you....we should sell "brahmous" type missle to Iran :rofl:...oops do we have one?:woot:
I don't see why Iran with nukes will be any more of a threat than say Israel with nukes. This is just propaganda to keep the status quo where America Israel and their proxys can continue to loot and plunder developing country resources.
Its just more rubbish from the anti Iran camp. Best option is to ignore it and it will fade away
As I said previously India is not Iranian's league in term of warfare business...awakening of these descendants of Babylon empire will be certainly Indian's nightmare...sure Indians now is mumbling in New Delhi on how to cope with the rise of Iran...I should say the new babylon.

To all my Iranian friends....we chinese are with you....we should sell "brahmous" type missle to Iran :rofl:...oops do we have one?:woot:

If possessing nukes goes in sync with the the term 'rising power', then Pakistan and North Korea would have been the economic power of the world.
As I said previously India is not Iranian's league in term of warfare business...awakening of these descendants of Babylon empire will be certainly Indian's nightmare...sure Indians now is mumbling in New Delhi on how to cope with the rise of Iran...I should say the new babylon.

To all my Iranian friends....we chinese are with you....we should sell "brahmous" type missle to Iran :rofl:...oops do we have one?:woot:

Pakistan and Russia along with China have been the ones that have openly not following American diktat. What a dream team for the neighbourhood. Iran China Pakistan and Russia
As I said previously India is not Iranian's league in term of warfare business...awakening of these descendants of Babylon empire will be certainly Indian's nightmare...sure Indians now is mumbling in New Delhi on how to cope with the rise of Iran...I should say the new babylon.

To all my Iranian friends....we chinese are with you....we should sell "brahmous" type missle to Iran :rofl:...oops do we have one?:woot:

Babylonia was a great civilization which is located in today's Iraq, beside other civilizations and empires around them like Ilam and Media which are located in today's Iran provinces of Kurdistan and Khuzestan. They hugely contributed to our today's understanding of astronomy, Chronometry and number theory. They were one of the first civilizations that obtained a correct formula to find the positive roots of a quadratic polynomial, they were one of the first civilizations that find an algorithm to estimate the square root of a number and many other things that were pretty hard to be understood backing that time. Our today's structure of measuring time in the multiples of 12 is due to them because they used an arithmetic system in base 60. the Persian empire, under the rule of Cyrus II the great, conquered Babylonia and that's how Babylonia was part of the Persian empire for centuries.
If possessing nukes goes in sync with the the term 'rising power', then Pakistan and North Korea would have been the economic power of the world.

That's ridiculous logic...if nuke has nothing to do with economic power..if the case then every country in this planet with acquire it.
Iran by it nature and civilization is a power...no matter how much set back, babylon descendants will overcome its and rise again...that's why western countries take every measure to prevent Iran from rising...it's beyond your Indian understanding.
That's ridiculous logic...if nuke has nothing to do with economic power..if the case then every country in this planet with acquire it.
Iran by it nature and civilization is a power...no matter how much set back, babylon descendants will overcome its and rise again...that's why western countries take every measure to prevent Iran from rising...it's beyond your Indian understanding.

Pardon me Mr Kiss of some imaginary creature.

Maybe you didn't get my statement right, nukes never helped in the rise of any country economically and martially. Its a deterrent and always will be like that.

And imagine what Iran could have achieved without the sanctions, could have been the powerhouse of the middle east.
Babylonia was a great civilization which is located in today's Iraq, beside other civilizations and empires around them like Ilam and Media which are located in today's Iran provinces of Kurdistan and Khuzestan. They hugely contributed to our today's understanding of astronomy, Chronometry and number theory. They were one of the first civilizations that obtained a correct formula to find the positive roots of a quadratic polynomial, they were one of the first civilizations that find an algorithm to estimate the square root of a number and many other things that were pretty hard to be understood backing that time. Our today's structure of measuring time in the multiples of 12 is due to them because they used an arithmetic system in base 60. the Persian empire, under the rule of Cyrus II the great, conquered Babylonia and that's how Babylonia was part of the Persian empire for centuries.

Sorry for my ignorance of Iranian history...no shame to admit it, I though Persian empire /Babylon are all toghter...you guys have great civilization and excel in warfare in history timeline...so to rise again it's not hard.
As I said previously India is not Iranian's league in term of warfare business...awakening of these descendants of Babylon empire will be certainly Indian's nightmare...sure Indians now is mumbling in New Delhi on how to cope with the rise of Iran...I should say the new babylon.

To all my Iranian friends....we chinese are with you....we should sell "brahmous" type missle to Iran :rofl:...oops do we have one?:woot:

Let's hear it from the horse's mouth... CCP. Not you expendable types who will get replaced by the Politburo soon.

That's ridiculous logic...if nuke has nothing to do with economic power..if the case then every country in this planet with acquire it.
Iran by it nature and civilization is a power...no matter how much set back, babylon descendants will overcome its and rise again...that's why western countries take every measure to prevent Iran from rising...it's beyond your Indian understanding.

First get your IQ tested with actual knowledge. Babylon was never Iranians. Talking about our intelligence when yourself know nothing outside CCP-approved world.
First get your IQ tested with actual knowledge. Babylon was never Iranians. Talking about our intelligence when yourself know nothing outside CCP-approved world.

Now I think you need to check your IQ tested with actual knowledge. Persians (Iranians) ruled over that place for several centuries and Babylonia, along Susa and two other cities, were 4 capitals of the Persian empire. Even before the Persian empire, Ilam(Biblical Elam) and Babylonia were linked geographically and culturally on almost every aspect.
New Delhi, Apr.3 (ANI): Since a stable West Asia is in the interest of both India and Israel, India should support efforts to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear state, argued strategic experts from Israel at a conference on "Two Decades of India-Israel Relationship" here today.

This may be Israel's way of asking for it's pound of flesh for assisting India in Kargill against Pakistan
Let's hear it from the horse's mouth... CCP. Not you expendable types who will get replaced by the Politburo soon.

First get your IQ tested with actual knowledge. Babylon was never Iranians. Talking about our intelligence when yourself know nothing outside CCP-approved world.

there is no ashame of admitting wrong...I've never said I own the true
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