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Pakistan – China Joint Military Exercise YOUYI-IV

Are the Saudis ever serious? They always go for the shiny toys, without much practicality.

---------- Post added at 03:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:14 PM ----------

He is definitely not a GOC.

---------- Post added at 03:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:14 PM ----------

There is that guy with that brief case again.

Always seems to be the closest to the COAS. Almost hugging him.

What is in that briefcase?

Seeing the layers in that case, my bet is a bullet proof kind of shield, folded at joints.

The GOC SSG is right in between Gen Kiyani and his SSG escort carrying the case that blocks RC signals to detonate bombs etc.
The GOC SSG is right in between Gen Kiyani and his SSG escort carrying the case that blocks RC signals to detonate bombs etc.

The officer ur referring to (if i understand u right...the officer on the right of the chief a step or two behind him) is inspector gen. military training and evaluation, Pakistan army and he is a Lt.Gen. so he cant be the GOC SSG simply because all GOC are Maj Gens. this in addition to the fact he is not from SSG.
There is that guy with that brief case again.

Always seems to be the closest to the COAS. Almost hugging him.

What is in that briefcase?

Seeing the layers in that case, my bet is a bullet proof kind of shield, folded at joints.

That is a jammer in that brief case and i it jammes all electronic devices within a radius of 1000 yards. Any one who has ever come in contact with the chief will tell u that its very effective.
He is not GOC because he does not have the rank in that case.

ur right mate my bad, he is a JCO (subadar) i did not see the bar underneath the two chand taras. :no: not very clear these new ranks one needs to look really hard to figure whos who in pictures, specially when u have a side on view.
That is a jammer in that brief case and i it jammes all electronic devices within a radius of 1000 yards. Any one who has ever come in contact with the chief will tell u that its very effective.

1000 yards seems too much. Isn't it? :coffee:
ur right mate my bad, he is a JCO (subadar) i did not see the bar underneath the two chand taras. :no: not very clear these new ranks one needs to look really hard to figure whos who in pictures, specially when u have a side on view.

that is the whole point of them mate. Hard visibility
The GOC SSG is right in between Gen Kiyani and his SSG escort carrying the case that blocks RC signals to detonate bombs etc.

What is the rank of the escort?

JCO or a Maj?
Pak-China friendship beyond strategic relations: General Kayani

JEHLUM, Nov 24 (APP): Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani said that Pak-China friendship is beyond the strategic issues. He said Pak-China friendship is time tested and deep hearted.

"China's security is very dear to us and we will continue cooperating and supporting our friend", he said. "Pak-China relations are not against any country, but convergence of shared interest are there between Pakistan and China, added General Kayani.

General Kayani said this on the occasionon of concluding ceremony of Pak-China Joint Military Exercise "YOUYI-2011" which held today at a military operational area near Jhelum.

While addressing to the participating troops and responding to media General Kayani said that the joint exercises would further enhance the military preparedness and the professional capabilities particularly combating terrorism.

He said both the countries have been furthering military cooperation since long.

General Kayani reiterated that Pakistan would be assisting and cooperating with China in countering the menace of terrorism.

Pointing towards ETIM, a terrorist organization in China, General Kayani said terrorism has no boundries and no religion, it is a common threat to all for which Pak-China military exercised was taken.

He went on saying that China has very important role in regional as well as in global peace and stability.

He further informed that the joint exercise was a part of ongoing joint military ventures between China and Pakistan. In past year, the exercise was conducted in China and its phase IV has been conducted in Pakistan.

More over General Kayani informed that Pakistan Army has joint programs with China regarding professional training and expertise exchanges.

General Hou Shusen, Deputy Chief of the General Staff (DCGS), General Staff Headquarters, People’s Liberation Army (PLA) China who was also with General Kayani said on the occasion that joint military exercise between the two armies would further improve the military preparedness and would establish better understanding among troops of two countries.

He said the exercise would help two militaries in establishing peace and stability in the region.

Earlier, a superb operational tasks were demonstrated in which troops from both the armies exhibited their professional endeavors in shape of countering terrorism.

The demonstration included para-trooping, aerial strikes on terrorists' havens, direct fight with terrorists and recovery of the captured areas from the terrorists. Cobra Gunship, MI-17 Chopers, C-130 airplanes were also used in the demonstration.

Later, both the Generals along with other high ranked military commanders and officers met with the troops and appreciated their dedication and professional commitment.

It is pertinent to mention that the exercise "YOUYI" that means friendship is a depiction of various Pak-China joint initiatives in defence cooperation.

The ten Days long exercises provided both sides an opportunity to share with each other through respective expertise and to learn from each others' experiences.

:pakistan: :china:
A learning exercise for both amries.Such exercise should be continue in all units of armies including air force, and navy.
I know we had air force exercise recently named Shaheen1.
Same thing should be held for navy on large scale.

Pakistan should also try exercises to start with Russian forces, Malaysian and Indonesian forces.
Best of luck.

An old friend of mine who's father was my dad's CO is now in SSG , I say old friend because we didnt keep in touch and belonging to an army family means you dont stay at one station for more than 2 or 3 years and thus the friends you make at one place you may never meet again after the posting of his or your father.

but we will be meeting up next year inshallah and I will bring up some questions regarding SSG's less than impressive performance while dealing with the terrorists and too many deaths
starting from Lal Masjid operation, the kidnap and then slaughter of SSG personal in Sawat, GHQ siege and the dismal Mehran base episode (well one can argue that was SSGN but it’s the same thing Pak commandos vs. terrorists)

Why are terrorists able to outclass us and inflict too many casualties? Are we lacking resources or training? These highly specialised units are very small in number and have ample funding when why not they have military grade armour vests that can defeat the known assault rifle bullets? And if the mehran base attackers could use the night vision goggles and take these guys out like ducks then whats stopping our army from issuing them?

A next spectacular attack is just around the corner. While these scripted drills look very good on paper when the times comes I will, like to see terrorists actually failing and the only casualties should be that of the terrorists.

It hurts me more than it will hurt anyone but I must say that these guys can do much better. There is some consolation though, back in the days late 90s, some Afghan terrorists kidnapped a school bus and took it to a house in Islamabad. Gen Nasir Ullah Babar (may his soul rest in peace) was the Interior minister and he order the commando raid that had a text book finishing. The SSG detonated a diversionary bomb and then entered the house and took out all the terrorists and all the abductees were freed without any harm.

I can carry on but I will leave that here, since I saw the video I decided to share what is bothering me. The point I am making is that why it’s a given that we will loose our commandos when they are responding to a raid or actually raiding themselves in this war on terror? The SSG attacker was a former MH medical store keeper, the Lal masjid guys were mainly sipah sahabah/ lashker Jhagvi level terrorist who are only used to killing unarmed shias and the swat Taliban follow a former cable operator who is able to out think these guys and pick them up like they are lost chicken.
While I have respect for our dead and I admire the courage and sacrifices of our soldiers but if I say I am satisfied with the outcomes in recent times where SSG has been deployed then I will be lying.
@Irfan... are you referin to the beheadinfs-martyrdom of 4 SSG commandos in swat? i asked a SSG Capt about it who had come back from swat... he told me that the men were going back (their company was rotating to another station) so they decided to go to bazar for shopping,.... this was during the peace agreement or cease fire days... after shopping the decided to take pics...they climbed a hill... and unfortunately left their weapons in their vehicle... as they were busy taking pics... they were cornered by a large group of talib fighters... who told them tht their "ameer" wanted to see them and they were their guests......... during this situation ...one of the SSG transmited the message to his superiors..... who approached the DIG of the area.....who assured them tht they men will be released the next day and the talibs have assured him tht they were their guests......... later they will martyred ....

There is also a video of a bloody reporter who actually met the men while they were in ttp scums captivity.... the news aired on express news too..who made them look like foriegn agents caught by f... taliban!

And according to the SSG Capt... the ones responsible for the martrydom of the SSG soldiers.... paid for it with their lives..
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