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Pakistan needs to create an entire Division of Anti-Tank Troops


Dec 7, 2006
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India has a very big conventional edge over Pakistan in terms of Tanks. Russia has been supplying India with hundreds of T-90 Tanks. The only Tank that can match the T-90 are the Al-Khalid and the T-80 we got from Ukraine and both of them are not enough to match India's huge tank fleet.

In order to counter this deadly build up of armored forces by India, I think Pakistan should invest more in creating a good Anti-Tank Missile like the Javelin Anti-Tank Missile used by the Americans or the Russian 9M133 Kornet Anti-Tank Missile used with deadly efficiency by Hezbollah against Israeli Tanks.

If Pakistan creates a new Anti-Tank division of 15,000 Troops and all of them armed with a locally produced Anti-Tank missiles, they would be a formidable obstacle against Indian Armor.

Pakistan's Military doctrine is a defensive while India's is offensive. So Pakistan must have an offensive Air Force but also a strong defensive deterrent to Indian Armor.

I think Pakistan after looking at this Summer Israel-Hezbollah War needs to create such a force.
And once the Anti tank division is created, where do you place it? Normally AT assets are placed into units where they are needed rather than in one huge organisation.

I would also take a look at the tank fleet you are refering to. A large chunk of those vehicles are older models such as the T-55 and the Vijayanta. ( There are varying reports as to their maintenance). the others are roughly equivalent (t-72 or t-90)

Another factor you would have to look at is cost. To arm and train a a new divison would be costly.

So I would have to give this idea a thumbs down
Pakistan Army is not a gurrilla force, therefore cant build one on the lines of Hezbollah, Hezbollah couldnt and is not their job to protect the general public, But PA has that responsbility
But look how effectively Egyptians took out Israeli Tanks in the initial phase of the Yom Kippur War.

Also for creating an entire Division of Anti-Tank Troops. They shouldn't be grouped together in one area but dispersed in Batallion or Company size forces all along the front.

I said division because we need atleast 15,000 Men to do this.

1 Missile for 3 soldiers, that translates to 5,000 Missiles to take care of India's 4,000 Tanks.
Mercenary, It should integrate into the doctrine, how will you cover or protect them. Imagine if indians intiate light mechanized forces first, just before armour. The terrain is any open area in Indo-Pak conflict, The tanks will see first and shoot first when out of the range of the missiles. How will you protect them from gunships which might accompany the tanks.

Unless and until PA is defeated and IA enters the pakistani cities, I dont see any major use for all these forces. You have to get them close enough. In the open terrain they can track these troops first and ******** murder them. Hezoballah used hit n run tactics, If pakistan army is doing that, it has already failed to protect its borders
The Hezbollah were fighting in an urban area and getting of shots onto a tanks flanks and *** didn't pose much of a challenge. But, in open field warfare the PA isn't going to have that luxury.
But still look at the effective nature in which the Egyptian Army deployed Anti-Tank Missiles against Israeli Armor in the opening phases of the Yom Kippur War.

Thats what I am talking about.

If there is a War, and there is a threat from Indian Armor, an entire brigade of Anti-Tank troops can be send to the front and saturate the Indian Armored Columns with Anti Tank Missiles.

But this force needs to be very large to deal with the number of Tanks that India has acquired.
But still look at the effective nature in which the Egyptian Army deployed Anti-Tank Missiles against Israeli Armor in the opening phases of the Yom Kippur War.

Thats what I am talking about.

If there is a War, and there is a threat from Indian Armor, an entire brigade of Anti-Tank troops can be send to the front and saturate the Indian Armored Columns with Anti Tank Missiles.

But this force needs to be very large to deal with the number of Tanks that India has acquired.

Close combat, but in open battlefield The tanks see you first, and you are out of range. The moment IA comes inside the city, Pak already lost then you have the infantry too tackle. Its a bad idea, unless and until it is deployed within a tank column.
Pakistan's Military doctrine is a defensive while India's is offensive. So Pakistan must have an offensive Air Force but also a strong defensive deterrent to Indian Armor..

U meant defensive airforce right?

I think Pakistan after looking at this Summer Israel-Hezbollah War needs to create such a force.

Hizbullah didnt have any anti tank division.They avoided defeat bcoz of their stealth,they were firtirng their katyushos and dissappearing among the crowds.
Ya my bad, I meant defensive air force but with a little offensive punch.
According to http://www.sinodefence.com/army/crewserved/hj8.asp

A limitation of Baktar Shikan/HJ 8 is that it is too heavy to be carried over long distances.

Also there are 5 listed variants just referred to as HJ 8.

From what I have read Baktar Shikan is likely to be the basic or A variant.

If you want a division of ATGW troops we may need to gain transfer of technology for the L variant which has a greater range and a lighter tripod.
As opposed to such a concentrated formation i would prefer to see small specialised units dispersed amongst the larger formations and such units to have maximum fire power.

I would like to see the following:

1) Upgraded RPG 7 warheads like the PG7VR 105mm designed to defeat ERA

2) An anti tank section in Company manouevre support platoons with Baktar Shikan at HJ8 L standard

3) milimetre wave mortar round for mortars in Company manouevre support platoons

4) Anti tank helicopters like Z9 or armed UH 1 utilities with TOW or HJ 9 missiles in a similar role to Lynx in British army

5) 2 Dedicated Helicopter Gunships regiments to support each armoured divsions

6) A specialised Ground attack version of K8 Karakorum in a role like AMX in Italian service with cluster bombs, maverick missiles or British Brimstone missiles.

Only problem is $$$$$$$$$$$$ needed.
Is Bakter Shikan Fire and Forget like the American Javelin Anti-Tank Missile?
No mate, it is a operator guided missile.
Not too many fire and forget systems out there
As for anti-armours ops, well we have pretty good assets Both V corps and XXXI Corps which are expected to face the main onslaught are well equipped with tanks.

More than an armoured divisions for V Corps while XXXI corps has a lot 2 brigades worth.

And if things get hairy they can call upon XII Corps from Quetta, or II Corps from Multan (and that has 1 AD).

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