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Pakistan Tells U.S. To Leave 'Drone' Attack Base

The problem is that the piece of land has been has been rented out, on a contract. You can't chuck your paying guest out of the house at any given moment can you ? Guantanamo is a good example, the Cubans hate the Americans but still have to tolerate an American base on their soil. However, Pakistan is not Cuba, and I believe that the base will be vacated soon.
P.S: The land is actually paid for by the UAE, they allowed the Americans to set up camp there with permission from Pakistan.

This explains a lot.
The problem is that the piece of land has been has been rented out, on a contract. You can't chuck your paying guest out of the house at any given moment can you ? Guantanamo is a good example, the Cubans hate the Americans but still have to tolerate an American base on their soil. However, Pakistan is not Cuba, and I believe that the base will be vacated soon.
P.S: The land is actually paid for by the UAE, they allowed the Americans to set up camp there with permission from Pakistan.

So pakistan can ask Americans to leave without consulting UAE? or is the lease period over??
So pakistan can ask Americans to leave without consulting UAE? or is the lease period over??

I don't know if it is over, since the issue does not fall under my jurisdiction. However, I am sure we hold the right to evict a third party.
P.S: The land is actually paid for by the UAE, they allowed the Americans to set up camp there with permission from Pakistan.

What the Hell !! What a khichdi you have made of your country. Anyways, whether on contract or not, how can it be allowed to be used against the nation??
Is it time to test NASR again? But nothing will happen, as Kiyani is too gutless to take such a step.
no one pay attention to this.....

CIA shifts drone operations to Afghan bases

The US central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has diversified sources for drone operations on Pak-Afghan border after Pakistan’s growing anger and reluctance to allow use of its Shamsi Air Base for the purpose, sources said on Thursday.

According to the sources, CIA which has been using Shamsi Air Base in Pakistan since 2004 had to develop other sources, largely based in Afghanistan, to carry out its drone operations targeting al-Qaeda and its affiliates, allegedly using sanctuaries in Fata region.

Pakistan had asked US to vacate Shamsi Air Base shortly after the arrest of CIA man Raymond Davis, and since then CIA is primarily using Afghan soil to execute its drone operations, the sources said.

Sources further said that CIA is primarily using two airstrips – one on Jalalabad Air Base and the other on Bagaram Air Base in Afghanistan to carry out its drone operations. The same sources said the CIA was also using some facilities in UAE to operate drones. However, this could not be confirmed form other sources.

When contacted, the US Embassy Spokesperson Courtney Beale said she cannot comment on the security related issues and advised this scribe to approach US State Department in this regard.

The CIA has been targeting terrorist’s hideouts in Pakistan’s tribal areas on Pak-Afghan border despite the opposition from Islamabad. Although USA has been claiming success in attacking high profile targets, which many believed were mere tactical successes, the drone hits have caused extensive collateral damage.

Defence analysts believe that the US operated drones have not only belittled counter terrorism efforts of Pakistan but also generated anti-US sentiments among the tribesmen.

Pakistan’s political and military leadership lodged its strongest-ever protest with US when a CIA operated drone recently hit a peace congregation in North Waziristan killing many tribal elders and Pakistani security personnel.

Similarly, another recent drone attack in South Waziristan earned a strong criticism in which a pharmacy shop was hit and many innocent people were killed.

There have been nearly 300 drone attacks in Fata region since 2004 in which hundreds of civilians have been killed and thousands others injured.

CIA shifts drone operations to Afghan bases | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online


Reports of Pakistan demanding US exit Shamsi airbase bogus: Firdous


WASHINGTON / LAHORE: Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan on Thursday said news of Pakistan demanding the United States exit Shamsi Airbase was bogus and had been created by the media, Express News reported.

Speaking to the media in Lahore, Awan said that she was a member of the Defence Committee and nothing of this sort was discussed during the meeting.

Earlier this week, Pakistani Defense Minister Ahmed Mukhtar told the Financial Times that Pakistan had already stopped US drone operations there.

The minister also told a group of journalists in Islamabad that it was time to review anti-terror cooperation with the US.

“We have told them [US officials] to leave the airbase,” APP quoted Mukhtar as saying.

On Thursday, Mukhtar told Reuters: “When they (US forces) will not operate from there, no drone attacks will be carried out.” He said Islamabad had been pressuring the US to vacate the base even before the May 2 commando raid in which US Navy SEAL commandos killed Osama bin Laden. After the raid, Mukhtar said, “We told them again.”

Reuters reported the United States had rejected demands from Pakistani officials that American personnel abandon the military base used by the CIA to stage drone strikes against suspected militants.

US personnel have not left the remote Pakistani military installation known as Shamsi Air Base and there is no plan for them to do so, said a US official familiar with the matter, who asked for anonymity to discuss sensitive material.

“That base is neither vacated nor being vacated,” the official said.

The information was confirmed by a second US official. The US declaration that drone operations in Pakistan will continue unabated is the latest twist in a fraught relationship between security authorities in Washington and Islamabad, which has been under increasing strain for months.

Firduos is pro American, hai na? She didn't speak truth but insulting herself.
What the Hell !! What a khichdi you have made of your country. Anyways, whether on contract or not, how can it be allowed to be used against the nation??

It's not used against our nation.
Is it time to test NASR again? But nothing will happen, as Kiyani is too gutless to take such a step.

1) We can't nuke our own nation.
2) Kiyani is probably the only person in the establishment who can say "no" to the American. You see him as painted by the media, I see him as I know him.
Looks like that the military elites didn't even synchronize their notes. Both, the Army & the Air-force have different stories to tell. Below here is an extract from a Newspaper article, which illustrates my point.

Interestingly, the PAF spokesperson, when approached in April this year about his version on the vacation of US forces and the deadly drones from Shamsi airfield, had explained that the airfield did not belong to the PAF whereas the Pakistan Army sources had confirmed that the airfield was free from the American forces.
Looks like that the military elites didn't even synchronize their notes. Both, the Army & the Air-force have different stories to tell. Below here is an extract from a Newspaper article, which illustrates my point.

It's not about getting stories straight, it's about selective release of information.....
1) We can't nuke our own nation.
2) Kiyani is probably the only person in the establishment who can say "no" to the American. You see him as painted by the media, I see him as I know him.

A. NASR carries conventional warheads as well, No one talked about nuking.
B. When you say ''Own People'' are you implying that the Shamsi Base has Pakistani's as well? If Yes then they are also responsible for the deaths of Pakistani's killed by drone strikes & if No, then your point about ''Own People'' is futile.
C. Kiyani is the only person at the behest of whom all this is happening, you might have come to know him from office but i know him since he was a Lt.col, So lets not get into a debate about ''who knows him more''? this is off-topic and i don't want to get into this bickering.
I dont think the news is true....... If it is thn US - Pakistan relations are screwed.. And the govt will have to use military force to evict these scum bags........ on the public pressure..... If it doesnt then the govt will be over thrown..... even thn usa will have to leave.
Or they can just use generators, if they like they can even use electricians to by-pass or use energy from elsewhere.
I think the broader point is that the airbase cannot survive as an Island, independent of supplies and energy imports.

And if the US really gets obstinate, as someone pointed out, Pakistan can simply remove all Pakistani personnel from the base and surrounding area, limit supplies to the base, and leave it to the 'dogs' so to speak. Baluchistan is vast and remote, and the Taliban have already been able to mount attacks on NATO transports. Now they'll have an entire base to aim at.
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