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Pakistan tests Hatf 9 Nasr Missile

Again Indians infesting this thread...the mods need to do something about it
Nobody talking about Superior Performance Green missile here but timing of testing.It can't be just simply a coincidence ,its a deliberate testing.

Pakistani old habit to get attention from world power.
Get a life mate, you think it's just a matter of driving a trailer to point X and firing towards the sky.... the concerned authorities have probably been preparing for weeks, putting all the systems, monitors and other gadgets in place.....you know there's a whole wide world beyond the Saffron goggles....and what attention would an already revealed and tested weapon draw from any power. !!
It can even be launched from the PNS - Azmat class FAC with modified launchers.
You would need a minimum of a corvette, we already have operational ballistic missiles on ships with the Navy. The stabilizers require tonnage to be able to launch in rough sea conditions.
You would need a minimum of a corvette, we already have operational ballistic missiles on ships with the Navy. The stabilizers require tonnage to be able to launch in rough sea conditions.

I know. I was just responding to Zarvan's query if or not it was possible to launch this system from PNS Azmat. Technically it is possible however a bigger vessel would be better suited. This system can also be developed into a VLS if such a need arises. For this purpose however, we would have to extend its range.

Here you go guys, images of today's test.


Congrats but time to test new missiles, its been quiet a long time since we tested anything new.
If New Delhi responded against Islamabad with a conventional strike, Pakistan could threaten India with the use of tactical nuclear weapons, says Shyam Saran, chairman of India's National Security Advisory Board.

You forgot to add that Mr. Shyam Sharan further said that any Tactical nuclear attack on Indian Soil or On indian armed forces shall attract massive retaliation.

Pakistan needs to consolidate its economy and properly fund its military programs. This can transform Pakistan.

Pakistan has all the base. Funding and will is required. If these things are there, I'm sure Pakistan will be able to make supremely potent weapons.

You forgot to add that Mr. Shyam Sharan further said that any Tactical nuclear attack on Indian Soil or On indian armed forces shall attract massive retaliation.

which shall attract massive retaliation in return.

Ending South Asia off the map...

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