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Parsis in Pakistan: Beloved but left behind

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This is all you can come up with in the absence of a single war victory.

And then you cry when generations of Indians march out memes and photos of the largest military surrender since WWII every time to remind you who's the boss.

You guys should be happy that was a more genteel a more chivalrous time, with Brit trained and served officers still leading the forces.

You can rail and rant against the great man all you want (the trophy was the barb about the matriculate ... that really cracked me up and I'm sure Sam was chuckling up there as well with his brandy) history will remember him as the Persian general who led his Indian troops to victory and broke Pakistan in two.

And Bhabha and Sethna would complete the holy triad for the Hindu nation.

Jai Hind. Jai Sri Ram.

Táhám-tán zánám.

Cheers, Doc
🤣🤣🤣The expression on the old farts face says it all like pseudo- colonel blimp he was. Very Wodehousian
" I say old chap ...jolly bad lot these Pakis ... gave our Soviet pals quite a pasting eh what "
Now at these nasty Bongs ... pretty awful after we pulled their coals from the fire ... eh what "


At least 18 soldiers have been killed in an exchange of fire between Indian and Bangladeshi border guards at a frontier outpost, according to officials in Dhaka.


A warlike situation is prevailing in the area
Local official John F Karshiing
Bangladeshi officials say that two of their soldiers died and 16 Indian border guards were killed in the clash at a border outpost in Kurigram.

🤣🤣🤣The expression on the old farts face says it all like pseudo- colonel blimp he was. Very Wodehousian
" I say old chap ...jolly bad lot these Pakis ... gave our Soviet pals quite a pasting eh what "
Now at these nasty Bongs ... pretty awful after we pulled their coals from the fire ... eh what "

View attachment 727294

At least 18 soldiers have been killed in an exchange of fire between Indian and Bangladeshi border guards at a frontier outpost, according to officials in Dhaka.


A warlike situation is prevailing in the area
Local official John F Karshiing
Bangladeshi officials say that two of their soldiers died and 16 Indian border guards were killed in the clash at a border outpost in Kurigram.


You really are desperate man.


Loads of Indians over the years have made statements to the effect of saying that with this one act (cleaving Pakistan in two) the Parsis had repaid all debts of gratitude to their adopted homeland and people over a thousand years ago.

I look at these people blank faced and remind them that we still live here and did what we did (and do what we do) to protect our land and people. Simple.

Our enmity with you is not a sauda.

It's survival.

Or the boats once again.

Cheers, Doc

So where do you think Islam got cousin marrying ok from?

Cheers, Doc

From Allah, dude as I said your fire worshiping religion means nothing, ZERO zilch to us as Muslims, its best for you if you come out of this Khaam Khayali , Islam is only religion which is here to stay rest are just Passing by.
From Allah, dude as I said your fire worshiping religion means nothing, ZERO zilch to us as Muslims, its best for you if you come out of this Khaam Khayali , Islam is only religion which is here to stay rest are just Passing by.

Define "us" when you preface Muslim with it.

I'll point you to Muslims on this board who have the Atash burning brightly in their hearts.

Many millions more where they come from.

I guess if you say "we" Indic Muslims, I'll go along with you.

Cheers, Doc
Define "us" when you preface Muslim with it.

I'll point you to Muslims on this board who have the Atash burning brightly in their hearts.

Many millions more where they come from.

I guess if you say "we" Indic Muslims, I'll go along with you.

Cheers, Doc

Honestly Speaking i thought you are smarter than that, but i guess its PDF so...

Those Muslims whom you think have the so called fire in their hearts are not even Muslims to begin with, they are literally nobody and you can be happy with their support but when it comes to Islam none of them means nothing but a spec of dust who has no value.

now Millions lol you should take your countrymen route and could've claimed billions but again as i said, you can turn billion Muslim to your useless fire, and they will become as useless as that fire is, because again to Islam none of it matters, its a religion which is very well established since the appearance of first human to this planet, with roots/history gone back way before the time and creation itself.

there is no Indic or Pindic or Arab or Non Arab, White or Black , Western or Eastern Muslim, there is one Islam, One Quran , One Allah. All those petty things are man made, issues born out of civil or Power disputes means nothing to Islam except as they were mentioned to us with a warning and they were called Fitna's, trust me and it would be good for your mental health, just acknowledge that your fire worshipping religion is history, from the place where it originate and to land where it spread in past, its a dying horse which you don't want to put your money on but you are free man, it's up to you whether you want to worship fire and later burn in it as Punishment , or worship one True God and be protected from the FIRE.

even a legend once said..


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Honestly Speaking i thought you are smarter than that, but i guess its PDF so...

Those Muslims whom you think have the so called fire in their hearts are not even Muslims to begin with, they are literally nobody and you can be happy with their support but when it comes to Islam none of them means nothing but a spec of dust who has no value.

now Millions lol you should take your countrymen route and could've claimed billions but again as i said, you can turn billion Muslim to your useless fire, and they will become as useless as that fire is, because again to Islam none of it matters, its a religion which is very well established since the appearance of first human to this planet, with roots/history gone back way before the time and creation itself.

there is no Indic or Pindic or Arab or Non Arab, White or Black , Western or Eastern Muslim, there is one Islam, One Quran , One Allah. All those petty things are man made, issues born out of civil or Power disputes means nothing to Islam except as they were mentioned to us with a warning and they were called Fitna's, trust me and it would be good for your mental health, just acknowledge that your fire worshipping religion is history, from the place where it originate and to land where it spread in past, its a dying horse which you don't want to put your money on but you are free man, it's up to you whether you want to worship fire and later burn in it as Punishment , or worship one True God and be protected from the FIRE.

even a legend once said..

So you agree that you need to qualify "us Muslims"

That's a good start.

Why would Parsis be interested in Indic or Arab or Turk or Indonesian Muslims man?

The only Muslims we are interested in are the ones who count.

Cheers, Doc
So you agree that you need to qualify "us Muslims"

That's a good start.

Why would Parsis be interested in Indic or Arab or Turk or Indonesian Muslims man?

The only Muslims we are interested in are the ones who count.

Cheers, Doc

LOL i am not the one desperate OP right?

you are not so bright like other PDFian aren't you, you are focusing on people but Islam is not based on one set or a particular set of people, its a universal religion .

Oh no you don't have to count Muslims, trust me you and your tiny religion is irrelevant in this world :)
got too laugh , shenanigans of this community ! This Indian trying his hardest to sell us his identity religion, imported to them from area Iranian / Persian across my western border. I see daily. Which is closer to me than him my parents understand Farsi lol. I seen pics of you average looking Indians why pretend to be some thing else. Claimed 1971 won by his community of 1500 haha, not the betrayal of entire east Pakistan regiments who joined insurgents there
LOL i am not the one desperate OP right?

you are not so bright like other PDFian aren't you, you are focusing on people but Islam is not based on one set or a particular set of people, its a universal religion .

Oh no you don't have to count Muslims, trust me you and your tiny religion is irrelevant in this world :)

No actually it's you who is not too bright.

If you believe that Zoroastrians are concerned about what Islam believes.

Or Islam itself.

Let me repeat. Slowly this time.

We are only interested in one group of Muslims.

The rest and Islam can continue as it has. No issues there.

Cheers, Doc
No actually it's you who is not too bright.

If you believe that Zoroastrians are concerned about what Islam believes.

Or Islam itself.

Let me repeat. Slowly this time.

We are only interested in one group of Muslims.

The rest and Islam can continue as it has. No issues there.

Cheers, Doc

whatever floats your boat dude.
got too laugh , shenanigans of this community ! This Indian trying his hardest to sell us his identity religion, imported to them from area Iranian / Persian across my western border. I see daily. Which is closer to me than him my parents understand Farsi lol. I seen pics of you average looking Indians why pretend to be some thing else. Claimed 1971 won by his community of 1500 haha, not the betrayal of entire east Pakistan regiments who joined insurgents there

As I've said to more than one Iranian over the years, when he comes up with can you speak Persian angle.

I can put a family of baboons in Iran.

And within two generations they would be speaking fluent Persian.

They'd still be baboons though.

Cheers, Doc

Any comments in the part highlighted?

The main reason is not the few sporadic out of faith marriages.

The main reason is the youth taking too long to settle down, having been brought up in a certain standard of life, not wanting to compromise and rough it out in their early years, and bring a child into the equation and complicate things further. Especially since most Parsis in India are concentrated in Bombay and Poona and the needs of independent housing (Parsi girls rarely if ever get along with their mother in laws ... best to keep them in different homes ... best for the mental peace of the guy caught in the middle that is).

So they get married into their late 20s (that's early) to well into their 30s (not uncommon) and then are happy with a single kid, even two being too much for the delicate Parsi flower to manage.

I've spoken about this at length on this thread ... I never pull punches. Not about ourselves, and so I expect others to accept it in good faith when I pull no punches about them as well.

Cheers, Doc
Am enjoying your discomfiture at your fate but no one but yourselves are to blame for this.

Two questions, if I may -

1) Why are you enjoying my discomfiture?


2) You have always maintained that you are a mixed breed. Not even a pure Muslim, forget a practising or remotely devout one.

What difference then does our dynamic with Muslims and Islam make to you?

Or is there something pricking you inside behind that calm "non practising gin swilling" facade?

I wonder whether it was your Parsi friend who went fundoo, or was it you who did that put him off.

So many questions ...

Cheers, Doc
From Allah, dude as I said your fire worshiping religion means nothing, ZERO zilch to us as Muslims, its best for you if you come out of this Khaam Khayali , Islam is only religion which is here to stay rest are just Passing by.
Forget it...If these people had any sense then they wouldn't be heading into extinction.
They got walloped by the Greeks and then by the Arabs .
History will remember Alexander who finished the Persian empire for good. The Greeks literally tore their empire to pieces.
They are such pizz poor soldiers that 300 Spartans beat the living daylights out of them even though they outnumbered the Greeks 300:1 .
The Greek victory at Thermopylae has defined resistance to an invasion ever since.
The mighty Xerxes was humbled by a single brave Greek commander Leonidas.
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