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Pashtuns and Kashmiris: Similarities between brothers

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This is @Screambowl


He's very useful he can clean gun barrels with his tiny hands.. @save_ghenda. @RazPaK
They'll start from Pakistani side. Karachi is their base camp, first they'll take over inferior people and anything in India is already theirs anyways . :lol:

I'm not a Bihari but I admire them for thier martial traits

Man... so you are not Bihari now... How many times do you plan to change your pedigree?:)
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They'll start from Pakistani side. Karachi is their base camp, first they'll take over inferior people and anything in India is already theirs anyways . :lol:

I'm not a Bihari but I admire them for thier martial traits

You are bihari, dont lie.
tau, in delhi also behind zama mazjid across 2 streets there are kothas but after 9 no one goes there.
Barra pata .. Did you open a new franchise there ..:lol:

my hands are wide... :D your face and my palm equal :P

i am not a pathan that i will do that bacha dance tum ko mubarak ho lolssssssss

Yeah man .. My sword is bigger than you ...:lol:
I m sorry if i offended any Pashtun here..that was all against 'monkey d luffy'. n no one else..i love pathans n will always do.,..Allah hafiz :lazy:
Pashtuns ruled over Kashmir in the past and also liberated 1/3rd of it in 1948 with the help of Pakistan Army. I once met an old major of Pak Army from UP after studying in Aligarh and came to Pakistan and joined the army and was sent to fight in Kashmir.
Wasn't Indian's former leader Vajpaye a bihari?
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