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Putin 'sending 150,000 soldiers to Syria to WIPE OUT evil Islamic State'

Actually the opposite is true. Majority of Syrians are anti-Assad. As long as Assad is not gone the situation is Syria won't be sorted out. If anything all the Assad and Russian bombings will create more refugees on top of the refugees that are already out there. We are already seeing how much Syrian civilians died in just couple of days. Russia doesn't care because it is not in the EU. The member states of the EU have to worry the most. They will have to deal with the new Syrian victims.

Trust me I know about the internal fissures and politics of Syria and I am no fanboy of Assad nor do I think he is fully paid up social democrat along the lines Jeremy Corbyn but tell me if he goes who and what is going to take over Syria? You see what has happened in Iraq? Your closer to Syria then I am and if you can tell me if Assad goes there is viable alternative group that can take over and stabilize the country then fine, let Assad go.

My fear is we will have Iraq part deux and Libya part deux. Just lots of groups or warlords shitting on each other with alphabet soup of labels. More chaos. More migrants. More bul^shit that right wing newspapers and groups will feed on with ever more migrants giving them their perfect donkeys to beat under the banner of "Muslim" la la la.
One has to give credit to Putin.
balls of titanium will be of no use to anyone. No spermatogenesis, No testosterone. A person with titanium balls will be impotent. Just a thought:D
Hey hey now.Who said impotent guys are not dangerous enough.This guy would disagree with you.
You should be supporting this 100%. You were the cheerleader for the anti Muslim migrants. Well here you have one of the major epicentres being sorted out. Rather late but better late than never. Trust me if President Assad's secular government ever crashes Syria will turn into horror story and trigger off new tidal wave of migrants such as you have never seen before. Don't forget Syria is just around the corner from you. In fact it is closer to you then is UK. What's more we will have a collapsed state for decades as who is going to go in and fix the problem?

I just hope the Russians go in kick the living daylights out of the Daesh and then hand all of Syria back to Assad's control. I am neither a Assad supporter or pro Russia but sometimes you appreciate help from anywhere. This will in the long run help you and me. As this migrant issue will stabilize.

Never forget more insecurity and instability in any European littoral states will impact Europe. This one planet. One ecosystem. One world despite what lines we draw on maps.

It's not about "wanting something",it's about if it can be done and Russia doesn't have the logistical capacity,the financial muscle nor the the desire to send 150.000 troops to Syria.
I am afraid to say but Turkey (my brotherly nation) has his hands full of blood of innocent syrian civilians. A day will come when Turks will see the same thing in their nation. Sorry to say but you lost your respect in front of many people like me. You have been trusted as guardian of Ummah and see what you did in Syria.
Trust me I know about the internal fissures and politics of Syria and I am no fanboy of Assad nor do I think he is fully paid up social democrat along the lines Jeremy Corbyn but tell me if he goes who and what is going to take over Syria? You see what has happened in Iraq? Your closer to Syria then I am and if you can tell me if Assad goes there is viable alternative group that can take over and stabilize the country then fine, let Assad go.

My fear is we will have Iraq part deux and Libya part deux. Just lots of groups or warlords shitting on each other with alphabet soup of labels. More chaos. More migrants. More bul^shit that right wing newspapers and groups will feed on with ever more migrants giving them their perfect donkeys to beat under the banner of "Muslim" la la la.
You trust me too. Majority of Syrians are not pro-ISIS. After Assad and ISIS is gone everything will be fine as long as Russia and Iran keep their hands away from Syria. Otherwise the refugees will keep poring in. Currently Iran and Russia is not having a productive role. They are only adding to the suffering by supporting Assad and indirectly ISIS.
if true then it might happen there is good side and bad side

but i am against it as of now. terrorist will use it to recruit more and USA will get more terrorist rebels easily for training
but if Russian starts to die that will be problem
good side easy to wipe out terrorist
It's not about "wanting something",it's about if it can be done and Russia doesn't have the logistical capacity,the financial muscle nor the the desire to send 150.000 troops to Syria.

I am not saying Russia is going to send that number. That figure is ridiculous. However all those not wanting another pulsating migrant crisis with each wave worse then the previous one should be wanting any regime to be in place in Damascus then have the place turn into alphabet soup of Islamic terror groups each outdoing the other in madness.

So anything that will shore up some form of authority is better than non. A bad regime is still better than vacuum as that will be filled up with such media celebrities as ISIL who will keep Daily Mail their fill of stories.

Horrifying scenes in Syria as Islamic extremists CRUCIFY two for 'fighting against Muslims' | Daily Mail Online

You trust me too. Majority of Syrians are not pro-ISIS. After Assad and ISIS is gone everything will be fine as long as Russia and Iran keep their hands away from Syria. Otherwise the refugees will keep poring in. Currently Iran and Russia is not having a productive role. They are only adding to the suffering by supporting Assad and indirectly ISIS.

"Trust me" I used that as a idiom or mode of expression rather than the literal meaning. Otherwise how on earth in such a anonymous medium as cyberspace can "trust" be garnered when even in real life it is difficult to achieve.

Back on topic I accept that Assad does not enjoy majority support but is there any alternative group or in fact is there any other architecture in place that could take over and act as orderly transition to viable government. In other words if Assad goes are we going to have repeat of Libya or Iraq?

Talking of idioms you get changing style in UK depending on regions. I went to one part of UK and the shopping assistant goes "thanks pet" or in another part "so whose your bed"? That latter being referance to "whose your girlfiend"
"Trust me" I used that as a idiom or mode of expression rather than the literal meaning. Otherwise how on earth in such a anonymous medium as cyberspace can "trust" be garnered when even in real life it is difficult to achieve.

Back on topic I accept that Assad does not enjoy majority support but is there any alternative group or in fact is there any other architecture in place that could take over and act as orderly transition to viable government. In other words if Assad goes are we going to have repeat of Libya or Iraq?

Talking of idioms you get changing style in UK depending on regions. I went to one part of UK and the shopping assistant goes "thanks pet" or in another part "so whose your bed"? That latter being referance to "whose your girlfiend"
You can't fix a broken glass. The same way Syria will never be the old Syria. Assad has committed to many crimes to get his legitimacy back.
1. First of all nobody will recognize Assad other than rogue states
2. Majority of Syrians are not pro-Assad


Best would be that Russia starts accepting a more productive role. It can do this by pressuring Assad to step down. Majority of Syrian refugees would go back to Syria to build up their country and form their own army to beat ISIS. The dark side in Syria doesn't want this. Assad, Russia or Iran doesn't want to beat ISIS. ISIS at the moment is spreading butter on their bread.
You make some valid points. Whatever happens I just hope we don't end up with no effective authority in Syria like what we have in Libya or Iraq. If only we could go back to status quo ante but as you say "broken glass can't be fixed".

butter on their bread.

Now that is a nice "idiom". Looks like you also might have spent time in the English speaking world.
You can't fix a broken glass. The same way Syria will never be the old Syria. Assad has committed to many crimes to get his legitimacy back.
1. First of all nobody will recognize Assad other than rogue states
2. Majority of Syrians are not pro-Assad


Best would be that Russia starts accepting a more productive role. It can do this by pressuring Assad to step down. Majority of Syrian refugees would go back to Syria to build up their country and form their own army to beat ISIS. The dark side in Syria doesn't want this. Assad, Russia or Iran doesn't want to beat ISIS. ISIS at the moment is spreading butter on their bread.

I have yet to meet a Syrian here in KSA who have anything good to say about Assad..Ive asked many Syrians and all of them supports FSA but people on this forum are delusional as f .They might be ignorants or minions of Khomeni I dont know what the hell is wrong with them. There are torture and killing videos of regime forces way before ISIS came to power.There is so much evidence against Assad but still they choose to side with him. May Allah teach them a lesson in their lifetime for supporting the oppressor.
I am afraid to say but Turkey (my brotherly nation) has his hands full of blood of innocent syrian civilians. A day will come when Turks will see the same thing in their nation. Sorry to say but you lost your respect in front of many people like me. You have been trusted as guardian of Ummah and see what you did in Syria.

Turkey is the only Muslim country which truly helped Syrians and on the other hand Iran and Russia made things worse for Syrian people by supporting a butcher.
You can't fix a broken glass. The same way Syria will never be the old Syria. Assad has committed to many crimes to get his legitimacy back.
1. First of all nobody will recognize Assad other than rogue states
2. Majority of Syrians are not pro-Assad


Best would be that Russia starts accepting a more productive role. It can do this by pressuring Assad to step down. Majority of Syrian refugees would go back to Syria to build up their country and form their own army to beat ISIS. The dark side in Syria doesn't want this. Assad, Russia or Iran doesn't want to beat ISIS. ISIS at the moment is spreading butter on their bread.
no, seems more like the saudi american wahhabi forces want to turn Syria into a sharia run hell hole, not very different from a talib run afghanistan or ISIS land itself.

if they care, which I really don't think they do, these jihadists must stop hiding within the civvie populations or else there will be more collateral.
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