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Saudi Royals

this is false. religious police exist only in Iran, known as revolutionary guards.

What is being discussed in the thread has been discussed many times by same people.

Subject has nothing to do with any of the post.

Here is a gay lord of Iranis and there loyalists for no good reason.

yeah this picture i would see a hundred times. same propaganda to say we are gays .
i don't understand how hatred and bullsit can be accepted to be said here.

i give link to explain why some people believe or said zionist origin and YOU come here
to insult the Iranians and i can read
"pseudo Iranians" .. hey what do you mean mosa?

by the way i am from a country that there is a lot of propaganda anti zionist in the media
so how could you say the Iran regime is pro Zionist or Zionist???

there is another points i didn't like in some discussions here:
1/ it is possible to understand and accept the existence of Israel with borders before 67 but NOT being a zionist.
2/ there is a difference between zionist and Jew.

If someone again say Iranians are gay i don't think i can stay in this forum
when the mods don't do anything about it

Like mosa i don't understand why it is acceptable to say wahabi is made to destroy islam

respect is a word we should learn in this forum, thanks.
by the way, do you know who is in the picture?
i am waiting for your answer so i can laugh ;)

for me it is clearly photo-shopped anyway
interesting that your source is an anti islam source
congrats to trust these people brother ;)


pop is gay? LOL
yeah this picture i would see a hundred times. same propaganda to say we are gays .
i don't understand how hatred and bullsit can be accepted to be said here.

i give link to explain why some people believe or said zionist origin and YOU come here
to insult the Iranians and i can read
"pseudo Iranians" .. hey what do you mean mosa?

by the way i am from a country that there is a lot of propaganda anti zionist in the media
so how could you say the Iran regime is pro Zionist or Zionist???

there is another points i didn't like in some discussions here:
1/ it is possible to understand and accept the existence of Israel with borders before 67 but NOT being a zionist.
2/ there is a difference between zionist and Jew.

If someone again say Iranians are gay i don't think i can stay in this forum
when the mods don't do anything about it

Like mosa i don't understand why it is acceptable to say wahabi is made to destroy islam

respect is a word we should learn in this forum, thanks.

Psedu-Iranians are ones who are kissing Iran's *** so hard their lips are about to fall off while they are not Iranians themselves.
I respect Iranians I really do but psedu-Iranains are the worst of the bunch. They insult disrespect and spread their hate and lies everywhere.

I know not all Jews are zionists and not all zionists are Jews either.

---------- Post added at 11:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:48 AM ----------

And just like you saw this picture a hundred times to spread propaganda I saw this news a thousand times myself.
Um, this maybe a stupid question. But just how many Saudi princes are there? :blink:

What are Psedu-Iranians?
I get paid for the honest work i do- i am living and raising my family as a normal expat Pakistani will do- i am not brainwashed nor blind- i can see how much misconceptions had hatred has been spread by the evil Zionist lobbies- and i feel no shame to say- you are a victim of that evil Zionism plan to divide the Muslims-- You think Allah was not that wise to leave the order of his house on the hands of these dumb saudies?- what if i say to you keep in mind the miserable state of muslims around the globe- and think who you think were worthy?- Why you think that they were lucky to have oil- why not think like Allah has blessed the region and its people-- They arent saints but not like devils as we are-

Assalam alaikum

very well said it brother actually it was a cheap shot that i didnot want to respond so it won't be called being personnel but whoever can be bought think everyone is like him with a price tag


iranians r nice ppl and we love and respect them a lot just as we respect the arabs a lot but we have some grp of ppl who still feel the pain of persian empire and blame arabs particularly from saudi arabia and they don't miss a chance to insult them everywhere which is unacceptable.

It is an Insult by the way to call Saudis Wahhabis etc. like we came up with some new religion. I dare you, No I double dare you to find anything in Saudi Arabia's religion that goes against Islam.

First if u believe in Islam then you should no there is no such thing as Royalty in Islam second if u don't wanna be called wahabi then stop being one be a Muslim.you did come up with a new religion modified to fit the self proclaim royalty.

Mullhas fatwa you cannot question you rulers really that's not invented religion then what is i can go on and on about other reasons but i am giving you one as u asked.
=Hussein;2219704]by the way, do you know who is in the picture?
i am waiting for your answer so i can laugh ;)

for me it is clearly photo-shopped anyway
interesting that your source is an anti islam source
congrats to trust these people brother ;)

Ahhhhhhhhh at least batman has discovered Photoshop that's a big time improvement .
Sharief Hussien of Makkah was the one who betrayed the Ottoman Empire not Sauds you can see their way of thinking on that Zionist's post up there.
Sorry, but the Sauds accepted the Brits' money and arms just as eagerly as the Husseins. It's just that they weren't faithful to the purpose: while the Hashemites fought for Arab liberation, the Sauds fought the Hashemites not for the Turks but for themselves.
Sorry, but the Sauds accepted the Brits' money and arms just as eagerly as the Husseins. It's just that they weren't faithful to the purpose: while the Hashemites fought for Arab liberation, the Sauds fought the Hashemites not for the Turks but for themselves.

and the Israelis crucified jesus :argh:-
whose money did you take?- Satan's?-
I'm a Zionist, but I'm not one who endorsed Mubarak, but one who stood with Egyptians (in D.C.) to protest against his dictatorship. "Soon our dumbness will overwhelm you" is pretty much what Mubarak's diplomats told us back in 2007.

Those guys had four years left. How long do you think the Sauds have? After all, oil-rich Arabia is a much more attractive target than poverty-stricken Egypt.

and just to remind you guys of what zionists are :

I believe that zionism is racism, because 53 years after being exiled from their homeland, in defiance of the four Geneva Conventions, UN Resolutions 181, 194, 242, 338, and others, and other multilateral and international human rights conventions, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the disinherited refugees of Palestine, continue to endure merciless punishment from the Zionist entity, most recently in the bulldozing of makeshift homes in the Khan Younis refugee camp in Gaza.

I believe that zionism is racism, because I am a Palestinian, and without recognizing the colonialist component in zionism, I cannot explain its racist character, a western movement uprooting the native peoples of Palestine, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Samaritan alike, a people bound to their land, through centuries of raising orange groves, and herding sheep, lending grace to the Hills of God, historically, religiously and culturally.

I believe that zionism is racism, because it fails to appreciate or acknowledge the Palestinians' ties to their homeland, their love for their historical capital, Jerusalem, and the 53-yar plight they have endured as refugees worldwide, in Europe, in North America, in camps Dheishe, Shatila, Wehdaat and others, never giving up hope or struggle in yearning to return home.

I believe that zionism is racism, because it fails to admit the reality that the minority indigenous Jewish community in Palestine, that lived there for the last two thousand years, was an undistinguishable people from its Christian and Muslim Palestinian brethren, and that the leader of the Jewish community of the Jewish quarter of Old Jerusalem, Rabbi Lamram Blau, stood on the side of his Palestinian brothers and sisters being exiled in 1948.

I believe that zionism is racism because in modern times, the promise of liberal democracy and justice is a double-edged sword, preached by the Western powers, yet only paid lip-service to in the case of Israel, where Palestinian are continuously expelled, ethnically cleansed, and subjugated, and in the cases where they are assimilated, they are granted, limited, if any, civil rights.

I believe that zionism is racism, because in establishing the racially exclusive state of Israel, in 1948, and expelling the indigenous Palestinians from the land, the zionists severed a relationship that people had to the land for over 4,000 years, uninterrupted, since before Abraham.

I believe that zionism is racism, because in building Israel, the zionists were revising history, embracing the notion of racial superiority, an ideology that has empowered them to discriminate, with all of its associated social ills, injustices, and moral bankruptcy.

I believe that zionism is racism because it fails to distinguish between the nationalism of the American, based on multi-cultural harmony, and the racial exclusivity, separatism, ethnic cleansing, and brutality of zionism, that stands in clear violation of the most basic elements of international law and human rights practices, as most recently highlighted by reports issued by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

I believe that zionism is racism because in our world of post-modern identities, I know that we do not have to be "either-ors", we can be "ands and buts" – a zionist and a settler, an American citizen of Polish heritage but a soldier in the Israeli army.

I believe that zionism is racism because it self-propagates itself as a democratic movement. However, a democracy, cannot, by definition, only be representative of one community in a bi-national and tri-religious contiguous geographic area. A democracy cannot exist for one people and not for another. This as called Apartheid in South Africa, and is now called zionism in Palestine.

I believe that zionism is racism, because it espouses an independent and sovereign Jewish state, in a land where there is no Jewish majority. It espouses that such a sovereign state be at peace and harmony with its neighbors without allowing the Palestinian refugees dwelling within their borders, who were expelled from their homes in Palestine by zionist militias, as is clearly documented by numerous sources including the memoirs of David-Ben Gurion himself, to return to their homes, which is a basic human right guaranteed by Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

I believe that zionism is racism because it is presented by its champions, from Gil Troy to Elie Wiesel, as a romantic movement, which allowed zionists to reclaim the desert and build a model nation-state. This is racism at its most acute, since there was no desert in Palestine, other than the Negev in the South. This is simply a myth that has been propagated by racists who have supported Israel for the last 53 years, and economic data on agricultural exports to Europe from Palestine dating to medieval times easily rejects and exposes this as a blasphemous claim.


Gosh Solomon2 Im pleased you are on here so i can inform the world what you stand for.

BTW on topic - its only a matter of time before the Saudi Royals are shown to the rest of the world what and who they really are. Its really sad that they have the opportunity to be world leaders and dominators and instead they want to be lead by Zionism.
First if u believe in Islam then you should no there is no such thing as Royalty in Islam second if u don't wanna be called wahabi then stop being one be a Muslim.you did come up with a new religion modified to fit the self proclaim royalty.

Mullhas fatwa you cannot question you rulers really that's not invented religion then what is i can go on and on about other reasons but i am giving you one as u asked.

So now we are Kuffars?? Takfiri much cheetah??
you are a victim of that evil Zionism plan to divide the Muslims--
What do Muslims do when they are united, as Pakistan was? That's right, they fall into civil war. Zionism has nothing to do with it.

Even Al Qaeda sees this. After the USS Cole attack (and before 9/11) some of these were captured and interrogated. They stated their ultimate objective: a Muslim Central Asia with each chieftain sending his warriors out to battle warriors of other chieftains. The chiefs themselves to remain in their strongholds to enjoy the exercise of power over others as the land about them turned to desert and became depopulated through war.

Rather than "Zionism", a truer explanation may be that Islam, as currently conceived, allows such strong privileges to those who serve as a strong intermediary between G-d and the weak that almost every Muslim wishes to compete for it.

The Sauds, having gathered the wealth of Croesus to themselves, are now strong enough to contract out violence as necessary - which is where Pakistan comes in. In the 1980s Pakistani officers and soldiers served in the Kingdom directly and the Sauds took control Pakistan's education system so they could have the assurance that they would be faithful and subservient. While that ended after 1991 (when some of the Pakistani leadership took Saddam Hussein's side) their influence upon education remained, exercised through the madrassas. (I suppose the Sauds aren't the only deep pockets - other Gulf royals may be involved.)
So now we are Kuffars?? Takfiri much cheetah??
I agree with you.
A good muslim is in its attitude it's not because of the governance of his country (of course except if he is killing its own people like gaddafi or al assad or khamenei)
So now we are Kuffars?? Takfiri much cheetah??

Assalam alaikum

They not only can be takfiries but they have the ticket of heaven and hell and can distribute them to their opponents just get involve with any one of them in deep discussion and u will know and at the end they will apart by making themselves mazloom and calling u a takfiri

Actually no need to respond to most of these ppl

Gosh Solomon2 Im pleased you are on here so i can inform the world what you stand for.
No, that's just what somebody else says I stand for. Most Muslims never hear or read from a Zionist so they make up self-justifying screeds like the one you quoted. But such things have been and continuously are contradicted by reality. Otherwise you are led to such absurdities as concluding that the Sauds are really Zionist Jews in thobes!

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