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Slower growth, healthier economy


Feb 23, 2015
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NBS spokesperson Sheng Laiyun said Q1 economic growth was within a "reasonable range" and the slowdown was within expectation.

A "new normal" of slower growth is a desirable outcome as China seeks to wean the economy off its reliance on exports and state-directed investment, and instead encourage private sector growth and consumer spending to ensure sustainable expansion in the long run.

Progress has been made to shift to a more balanced and greener economy.

The service sector accounted for 51.6 percent of GDP in Q1, up from 48.2 percent in 2014 and 46.9 percent in 2013. Energy consumption per unit GDP continued to fall, recording adrop of 5.6 percent in Q1, after last year's 4.8 percent decline.

Thanks to efforts to cut red tape, simplify administrative procedures and cultivate new growth engines, newly registered companies mushroomed and high-tech industries blossomed.

The number of newly registered companies surged 38.4 percent in Q1,while new energy automobiles and robotics saw industrial output gain more than 50 percent during the same period.

Ample ammunition

Policy makers have repeatedly stated that the country has the firepower to avert a hardlanding, and should the slowdown cause widespread unemployment or a drop in citizens' incomes, it would not hesitate to intervene.

Analysts expect the central bank, which has cut interest rates twice since November and oncelowered the amount of cash the banks must hold as reserves, to roll out more policy easing measures.

Additional action is needed to contain pressure and to ensure the economy continues to run within a "reasonable range", according to Wang Tao.

Potential measures may include the acceleration of infrastructure projects, cutting benchmark interest rates, increasing liquidity provision or speeding up pro-growth reforms, she said.

Bob Liu, an analyst at the China International Capital Corp., expects the central bank to cut the benchmark interest rate once, and the reserve requirement ratio (RRR) six times this year. Barclays economist Chang Jian forecast one interest rate cut in Q2 and two RRR cuts.

Wang expects supportive polices to buttress real activity in Q2/Q3, helping GDP growth backup to 7.1 percent in Q2. However, she added, any revival will be hard to sustain if the property downturn, the biggest drag on growth, continues to intensify to the end of the year.

To avoid a sharper slowdown, policy makers have unveiled supportive measures, including relaxed home purchasing rules and more investment in major infrastructure projects.

Longer-term development plans include further reform and three major strategies -- the Belt and Road initiative, coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and development of the Yangtze River economic belt. All of which are designed to unleash growth potential.

Sheng Laiyun expressed confidence that China will maintain stable and healthy growth, adding that the economy has the potential and condition to maintain a medium-high level ofgrowth.

Ongoing industrialization, urbanization, agricultural modernization and digitalization will be the major source of growth momentum for the economy, Sheng said. When combined with macro-economic control measures, the official said, the economy is poised to maintain stableand heathy development.

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屏幕快照 2015-04-18 23.03.44.png

@Shotgunner51 @TaiShang @Edison Chen @Yizhi @cnleio @zeronet @Keel et al
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last 20 years were higher growth .. healthier economy ! All heil CPC!
5 to 7 percents economic growth is sustainable for long term progress

US of A is capable to sustain at least 3 to 4 per-cent of Economic growth although once in decade they must cope with economic slump, thanks to consumer spending and large scale of financial and service sector they can still growth till today
5 to 7 percents economic growth is sustainable for long term progress

US of A is capable to sustain at least 3 to 4 per-cent of Economic growth although once in decade they must cope with economic slump, thanks to consumer spending and large scale of financial and service sector they can still growth till today
3-4 percent of economic growth for US is really huge. The same case is of China, 6-7 percent is also huge, compared to 10 percent ten years ago.
We want to achieve not just an approximately 7 per cent growth, but also fairly sufficient employment, an increase in household income and improvement of the environment.
Yeah you stupid troll, last 30 year's high growth is not healthy of course, that's why we are fixing it now at the cost of lower growth.
yes yes .. i got the new memo ! two legs bad four legs good!
Awesome article!

I hope China can grow even slower, so CCP and mainlanders can even happier.

Everyone can sleep well tonight and forever.
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The aches and pains of transitioning from a developing country to a developed one. The goal now for China is to maintain long term growth!


slower growth , healthier economy???

How possible ???:o:

Of course, China has achieved developmental gains as compared to India. When India reaches the level of overall national development as China then you will see similar trends.
The aches and pains of transitioning from a developing country to a developed one. The goal now for China is to maintain long term growth!


Of course, China has achieved developmental gains as compared to India. When India reaches the level of overall national development as China then you will see similar trends.

Was JP a developing country right after WW2 or still considered as a developed nation?
The aches and pains of transitioning from a developing country to a developed one. The goal now for China is to maintain long term growth!


Of course, China has achieved developmental gains as compared to India. When India reaches the level of overall national development as China then you will see similar trends.
To maintain a 6-7% growth in the next ten years is still a marvel. I'd like to see more efforts are made in improving the quality of growth.
Was JP a developing country right after WW2 or still considered as a developed nation?

What kind of question is that ? We were pulverized by incessant American carpet bombing. Whatever industry we did have was targetted as were major civilian centers.

But to answer your question, Japan, at the eve of WWII , was still developing. Much like China was during the 1960s and early 1970s.

After WWII , both our countries were starting from scratch. Same playing field. It's just that Japan bounced back fast because we had prior experience in massive infrastructure development and , industrialization and modern urban planning.

Of course during this time the Yanks were breathing down our necks making sure we weren't doing anything "Imperial" haha. Always concerned about excessive development, lol. It's only recently , since China has developed in power that theyve slowly switched from cautioning Japan from becoming too militarized to softly approving. LOL!

So, thanks China. ;)

Our politicians can't say it openly but deep down inside, thank you. :)

To maintain a 6-7% growth in the next ten years is still a marvel. I'd like to see more efforts are made in improving the quality of growth.

The 6-7% range is very good , especially for a country the size of China. The goal now is to develop the interior of the country , and spread the wealth of coastal China to the interior provinces.

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