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Stop demeaning Indian soldiers

With respect you miss understand. I do not support the Indian army or any of their defence establishments. I also am with you when it comes to highlighting their atrocities in Kashmir. I think they are way more cruel then the Germans and other nations.

I do object to calling them names and their questioning their religious practices as it blunts our argument and reinforces their narrative of Muslims and Pakistanis being bigots and hot heads.

With respect you miss understand. I do not support the Indian army or any of their defence establishments. I also am with you when it comes to highlighting their atrocities in Kashmir. I think they are way more cruel then the Germans and other nations.

I do object to calling them names and their questioning their religious practices as it blunts our argument and reinforces their narrative of Muslims and Pakistanis being bigots and hot heads.

as you may know, Indians are quite provocative and are always abused in retaliation or when they step out line. PDF members are over tolerant of the Indians on the forum who spread their lies and propaganda on a daily basis.
as you may know, Indians are quite provocative and are always abused in retaliation or when they step out line. PDF members are over tolerant of the Indians on the forum who spread their lies and propaganda on a daily basis.

Brother They are Indians and their culture upbringing is different from us. We are Muslims. Our country was born to serve Allah and Islam. We Muslims have to win them over with our good behavior. It’s what differentiates us.
We all know how much struggle has it been for us over the ages.

on the field of battle we will show them our bravery. But in discourse we should win them over with our attitude and behavior

I do object to calling them names and their questioning their religious practices as it blunts our argument and reinforces their narrative of Muslims and Pakistanis being bigots and hot heads.

You have been overruled by nearly every Pakistani posting here. New reality is different. You need to accept this.

You posted your same thoughts in OP, no need to keep posting the same again and again.
I see a lot of my countrymen and women’s demean Indian soldiers. They say they are cowards, afraid and unworthy. This is not true. They are honorable men and women sent on the orders of their country and we belittle our selves when we make fun of them or their religion. It is against our religious and cultural value. I know some Indians say things about our brave soldiers but we should avoid responding to them as it belittles our argument. We should strategically increase the motivation and bravery of our enemies as it will help us plan better and come up with ingenious solutions.

An Indian soldier is as brave , motivated and professional as our soldiers. he Or she is there following orders of their government. Orders they may or may not agree with but this is their duty.

the motivation can be seen in Kargil , despite every thing the Indians charged Pakistani mountain positions. I can only imagine the thinking in ones head when charging up a mountain facing the business end of a Pakistani MG-3 manned by our brave soldiers. They in the initial phases had significant losses but eventually were able to use air power to dislodge our troops. We failed our troops by not engaging our air force to cover them but that is a different matter

The Indian colonel who with his men fought the Chinese was equally as brave. He did not retreat and tried to fight as best as he could and bravely gave his life for his country. He did not run! He was failed by his goverment , he should never have been there but he fulfilled his duty. So belittling this brave man is bellow our teachings.

in conclusion , I humbly request that we consider the Indian solider highly motivated, professional and trained, they will not run or falter. We need to develop tactics to outsmart them and meet our objectives.

We should not make fun of them and their religion. This is against our teachings.


An honorable notion which will fall on deaf ears however take solace that many of our own military men, including the respectable military professional @PanzerKiel, give Indian soldiers their due bravery and if you would read accounts of the fights between the two nations, you would see that bravery, by both sides of soldiers is displayed. The jingoism that is shown here is ofcourse just that, a mere show whereas those that are students of such topics or look into such topics keenly and with interest, they think differently and they have to think differently, because strategic thinking demands they think differently. You can see this with the @Joe Shearer and @PanzerKiel thread which marked the brilliance of such and unfortunately both have not posted on it much recently.
You read accounts and books and you would understand that among those that matters, it is done as such.

As for religious insult. Absolutely not and it should be condemned but insult is when one has nothing else to add so we witness insults and abuses and often this comes in a form of religious targets however mods do remove such posts when reported so report such posts so that this religious abuse can end.

The thing that truly angers me is when we send ill-equipped soldiers to battle without a care in the world. They are brothers, fathers and sons and they are sacrificing their lives to defend their lands. They came willingly and they are serving willingly so the least they should get is absolute proper equipment so that the maximum chances of their survival can be reached rather than working with the minimum odds.

In the end, absolutely our raising and our culture is against such actions and this must be brought to light repeatedly and the best way i can feel is by implementing such in the posts one types. That is the first step and eventually it will grow. This is what our religion and culture teaches us.
You have been overruled by nearly every Pakistani posting here. New reality is different. You need to accept this.

You posted your same thoughts in OP, no need to keep posting the same again and again.

Brother I respect your decision. As you can see from my other posts I believe in using strategy like my master used at Badar, uhud, khandq, that amazing document called Sullah e hudabia. He was such a great leader, his detractors threw stones at him but he responded with a smile. I pray Allah gives us all the strength and ability to follow his Sunnah.

I will follow my heart. with , respect , zeal and forcefulness Of purpose I will respond to our opponents across the border In defence of my country.

May Allah forgive my sins and give me foresight

An honorable notion which will fall on deaf ears however take solace that many of our own military men, including the respectable military professional @PanzerKiel, give Indian soldiers their due bravery and if you would read accounts of the fights between the two nations, you would see that bravery, by both sides of soldiers is displayed. The jingoism that is shown here is ofcourse just that, a mere show whereas those that are students of such topics or look into such topics keenly and with interest, they think differently and they have to think differently, because strategic thinking demands they think differently. You can see this with the @Joe Shearer and @PanzerKiel thread which marked the brilliance of such and unfortunately both have not posted on it much recently.
You read accounts and books and you would understand that among those that matters, it is done as such.

As for religious insult. Absolutely not and it should be condemned but insult is when one has nothing else to add so we witness insults and abuses and often this comes in a form of religious targets however mods do remove such posts when reported so report such posts so that this religious abuse can end.

The thing that truly angers me is when we send ill-equipped soldiers to battle without a care in the world. They are brothers, fathers and sons and they are sacrificing their lives to defend their lands. They came willingly and they are serving willingly so the least they should get is absolute proper equipment so that the maximum chances of their survival can be reached rather than working with the minimum odds.

In the end, absolutely our raising and our culture is against such actions and this must be brought to light repeatedly and the best way i can feel is by implementing such in the posts one types. That is the first step and eventually it will grow. This is what our religion and culture teaches us.
Thank you

Look Kashmiri women in the eye and tell them that you respect Indian soldiers.

Bunch of traitors here.

While Indians commit acts of unspeakable barbarity against Kashmiris, you guys want to have tea with them and exchange pleasantries, shame.


Shame on all Aman ka Tamasha followers.
An honorable notion which will fall on deaf ears however take solace that many of our own military men, including the respectable military professional @PanzerKiel, give Indian soldiers their due bravery and if you would read accounts of the fights between the two nations, you would see that bravery, by both sides of soldiers is displayed. The jingoism that is shown here is ofcourse just that, a mere show whereas those that are students of such topics or look into such topics keenly and with interest, they think differently and they have to think differently, because strategic thinking demands they think differently. You can see this with the @Joe Shearer and @PanzerKiel thread which marked the brilliance of such and unfortunately both have not posted on it much recently.
You read accounts and books and you would understand that among those that matters, it is done as such.

As for religious insult. Absolutely not and it should be condemned but insult is when one has nothing else to add so we witness insults and abuses and often this comes in a form of religious targets however mods do remove such posts when reported so report such posts so that this religious abuse can end.

The thing that truly angers me is when we send ill-equipped soldiers to battle without a care in the world. They are brothers, fathers and sons and they are sacrificing their lives to defend their lands. They came willingly and they are serving willingly so the least they should get is absolute proper equipment so that the maximum chances of their survival can be reached rather than working with the minimum odds.

In the end, absolutely our raising and our culture is against such actions and this must be brought to light repeatedly and the best way i can feel is by implementing such in the posts one types. That is the first step and eventually it will grow. This is what our religion and culture teaches us.

Oh please!! Go become a think tank on that Turkish forum you've joined at the behest of your Indian buddies!!

These Indian scum soldiers are committing genocide and rape of Kashmiris and you want us to give them respect.

@waz ... Is this what we want on PDF now? Give respect to Indian soldiers who are killing and raping our people daily in Kashmir?

Look Kashmiri women in the eye and tell them that you respect Indian soldiers.

Bunch of traitors here.

While Indians commit acts of unspeakable barbarity against Kashmiris, you guys want to have tea with them and exchange pleasantries, shame.


Shame on all Aman ka Tamasha followers.

i am with you brother, I am as horrified at this action and condemn this cowardly act by the Indian army.

how can we avenge our brethren in Kashmir ?
This is what our religion and culture teaches us.

Your understanding of religion is skewed.

Remember Muhammad bin Qasim RA invaded Sindh because Raja Dahir only slapped a Muslim woman from a captured Muslim ship.

Here you have 10,000+ Kashmiri women raped by Indian soldiers on a periodic basis and large numbers of Kashmiri young boys raped, tortured, and dumped in mass graves.

You want us to respect such people, when Muslims of the past didn't let a Muslim woman even suffer a slap?
Your understanding of religion is skewed.

Remember Muhammad bin Qasim RA invaded Sindh because Raja Dahir only slapped a Muslim woman from a captured Muslim ship.

Here you have 10,000+ Kashmiri women raped by Indian soldiers on a periodic basis and large numbers of Kashmiri young boys raped, tortured, and dumped in mass graves.

You want us to respect such people, when Muslims of the past didn't let a Muslim woman even suffer a slap?

Did he disrespect them and called them names? Or did he win the hearts of the local Hindus to tell him that the flag in the fort is raja dahirs weakness. We all read this in class 5-6. His morals were amazing as I recall

I am with you and am saddened at the atrocities committed by the Indians in Kashmir. We will inshallah avenge them

Your understanding of religion is skewed.

Remember Muhammad bin Qasim RA invaded Sindh because Raja Dahir only slapped a Muslim woman from a captured Muslim ship.

Here you have 10,000+ Kashmiri women raped by Indian soldiers on a periodic basis and large numbers of Kashmiri young boys raped, tortured, and dumped in mass graves.

You want us to respect such people, when Muslims of the past didn't let a Muslim woman even suffer a slap?

It's shocking that a TTA is telling us to respect these thugs, killers and rapists scum Indian soldiers! That too in the name of Islam!

The Yale Review of International Studies

Honorable Mention – Understanding Sexual Warfare in Kashmir: Prevalence, Consequences, and a Feminist Critique

It's shocking that a TTA is telling us to respect these thugs, killers and rapists scum Indian soldiers! That too in the name of Islam!

I am not asking to respect rapists and murderers. Rather I want to focus on how to avenge them

@waz is it not in the rules of this forum to respect other people’s religion and not call them names as it belittles our point of view and gives credence to the Indian narrative that Muslims and Pakistanis are bigots and hot heads


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