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Stop violence against Christians in Karnataka

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You seem to have nothing to say except keep on repeating the same thing over and over.

And talking of the non existent Dharmic Taliban, when the real Taliban comes in only the Islamic variety.

For obvious reasons. ;)

whatever Dharmic thing read post this is all i have to say about you. Extremism in its every harmful .

Dharmic Taliban should allow ppl to live with their liberty.

whatever Dharmic thing read post this is all i have to say about you. Extremism in its every harmful .

Dharmic Taliban should allow ppl to live with their liberty.


Incidents of violence against Christians in Karnataka:

Karnataka – Hindu extremists belonging to the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Bajrang Dal attacked Gnanodya Church at Yellapura, Karwar district, on Sept. 26. The All India Christian Council reported that the assailants broke into a church worship service after having filed a complaint against Pastor Shiva Ram of “forcible conversions.” In the presence of the police, the attackers started to vandalize the church, pulling down calendars and breaking furniture. Church members said their pastor was targeted because of his social service works. Police took the pastor into custody and jailed him.

Karnataka – Karnataka police on Sept. 26 arrested a Pentecostal pastor, Shivanda Siddi, on false charges of “forceful conversions” in Mundgod. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) reported that at about 11 a.m. five Hindu extremists from the Bajrang Dal stormed the church building while Christians were praying and began arguing with the pastor. They beat him, stripped him of his clothes and took Bibles from those present. The extremists later telephoned police in Yellapur, about three kilometers away (less than two miles), and an inspector arrived and took the pastor, seven women and two young children to the police station. The extremists continued to threaten the Christians in front of police, who watched in silence. With GCIC intervention, police released the women and children without charges, but Pastor Siddi was charged with “defiling a place of worship with intent to insult the religion of any class.” He was put in Uttar Kananda’s Sirsi prison.

Karnataka – On Sept. 19 in Santhemarnalli, police led by Inspector Madhava Swamy threatened a pastor with harm if he did not stop alleged “forceful conversion” activities. The All India Christian Council reported that police threatened Pastor Mhades of Good Shepherd Community Church after Hindu extremists filed the complaint against him. Police barged into his church, questioned him and told him that they would take action against him if he did not stop trying to convert people. Area Christian leaders claimed that there was no case of forceful conversion, and that Christians were only conducting their regular worship services.

Karnataka – Police on Sept. 1 stopped a pastors’ meeting in Mysore, claiming that they were being trained to “convert people,” though conversion and persuading to convert is legal in India. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) reported that the Mysore Pastors Association organized a two-week pastoral training program with about 50 local church leaders and evangelists in attendance. Police arrived and ordered the organizers to vacate the premises by the next day. Even though such trainings are legally permitted in India, the Christians called off the meeting.

Recent Incidents of Persecution
Persecution in any form should be discouraged. Especially those of the minorities. Hope the government will take stringent action.

So you believe extremism is bad. I am with you.

Would you say that breaking idols in an active worship place in Arabia was wrong and extremist? You want a hint here or you get it?

Would you say killing millions and destroying hundreds of thousands of worship places, destroying entire cultures and religions (like in Iran as just one example) and forcibly converting people is extremist?

Would you say Gazani (your hero even though he killed Pakistanis' ancestors) was a fil.thy extremist?

Would you say that ethnically cleansing an entire country (much bigger scale than Bosnia) and forcing Hindus and Sikhs from their homes was extremist?

Glad that you agreed.

Concentrate on thread my friend don't DE-rail it (i condemn all extremism).
Incidents of violence against Christians in Karnataka:

Karnataka – Hindu extremists from the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and Bajrang Dal on Jan. 28 locked up five Christians and beat them in Kanakagiri, Koppal district. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) reported that the Christians – identified only as J. Ravi, Lawrence, Williams, Manjula and James – were beaten mercilessly for being Christians. The assailants told the Christians that they either had to convert to Hinduism or move to another place, according to the GCIC. The Christians later received police protection.

Karnataka – Acting on false complaints by Hindu nationalists, police on Jan. 25 arrested Christians in Kanakagiri village, Koppal district. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) reported that at around 6:30 p.m., more than a dozen Christians had met for worship led by pastors John Harris and Ravi Kumar of the Evangelical Church of India when a mob of nearly 20 extremists from the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh stormed into the service. Led by an area extremist identified only as Purushotham, they shouted profanities as they falsely accused the Christians of forced conversion, threw chairs and broke musical instruments, according to the GCIC. After chasing the Christians out, they hit Pastor Harris and Pastor Kumar with their fists. The extremists telephoned the police, who took the two pastors into custody. Kanakagiri police officials told Compass that the pastors have been charged with “deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting religion or religious beliefs.” At press time, the pastors were still in custody at Ganagavati sub-jail.

Karnataka – Police in Hirekerur, Haveri district, on Jan. 23 detained a pastor after Hindu extremists disrupted the prayer service at the home of Rajanna Handijogar, where nearly 45 believers had assembled. The Global Council of Indian Christians reported that Pastor Suresh Yakob of the Christ’s Discipleship Prayer Fellowship was leading the weekly worship when nearly 50 extremists from the Bajrang Dal, led by extremists identified only as Shivakumar, Raghu and Veera, forcibly entered the house, took their Bibles, spoke in foul language and accused them of forced conversion. Pastor Yakob told Compass that Hirekerur police arrived and took him and at least 10 other Christians into custody, including a man identified only as Handijogar, his wife Girijima and their two daughters. The pastor said police also interrogated the Hindu extremists at the station. After nearly three hours of questioning, police reprimanded the extremists, saying the Christians had not violated any laws. “Police told me to give a written application requesting that they provide security,” Pastor Yakob said.

India Briefs Feb 7 2011
The facts speak for themselves.

The small number of Hindu and Sikh minorities (who were the real owners of the land) shrinks every year in Pakistan and is killed and has to pay the Islamic zaziyah.

In India the Muslim population share goes on increasing every year.

But some people need to be repaid in the only language they understand. They get away with all this extremism in their Islamic countries while the rest of the world gives them full rights.

May not last very long, this hypocrisy.

---------- Post added at 11:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 PM ----------

I am glad we agree on something.

How are you fighting all the acts that I mentioned?

Hindu Taliban strikes again.:P

Dude concentrate on thread.
Incidents of violence against Christians in Karnataka:

Karnataka – Hindu extremists from the Bajrang Dal on January 11 beat Pastor David Paul, 29, and his wife Prasanna Kumari, 25, and drove them from their home in J.P. Nagar, Bangalore, Karnataka state. Local Christians were too terrified to offer the couple any assistance. The next day, Paul and his wife, who lead an independent church with 40 members, rented a small room in a slum colony in a neighboring locality. On January 15, a Hindu mob kicked open the door, ransacked the house and thrashed them again, accusing them of forcible conversions. Paul staunchly denied the allegations and demanded to be taken to the police station. Infuriated, the extremists verbally abused them for nearly an hour and then marched them off to the police station, where the pastor and his wife were questioned for nearly two hours before being released. – NC

Karnataka – Hindu extremists with saffron flags on January 19 caused a commotion outside a house where two pastors – the Raj Shekhar, 42, and Raja Naik, 46 – were holding a prayer service in Gokul village, near Hubli in north Karnataka state. They hurled loud, angry insults at Shekhar and called the police, accusing the pastors of forcible conversions. They then entered the house and attacked the pastors and others. Police arrived during the assault, and instead of apprehending the extremists took the pastors and two Christian women to the police station. Police released Naik immediately but freed Shekhar and the two women five hours later.

Karnataka – A group of Hindu extremists from the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) on January 24 surrounded and accused evangelist Subba Rao of forcible conversion in Harippana Halli, in Davangere district, Karnataka state. They accused him of luring innocent Hindu villagers to follow Jesus by inviting them to prayer meetings. When Rao denied their allegations, one of the RSS members slapped him. They then took him to the local police station, where they vehemently accused him of converting Hindu villagers. A policeman was a mute spectator to the incident. The extremists warned the 48-year-old Rao, of the Church of Christ, that they would force his wife Mary to mark her forehead with the tilak (red dot) if he did not stop his evangelical work. After these threats, they allowed Rao to leave. On January 22, a group of RSS members warned Pastor Neil Armstrong of Full Gospel Assembly that they had been keeping a surveillance on him and his activities. They warned him not to preach about Christ and stop his prayer meetings in Haripanna Halli.

News Briefs
I remember this guy (Billu) went on a trolling spree earlier about Naredra Bhai Modi, copy pasting from all over.

He didn't even leave out Lalit Modi of IPL fame in his blind copy paste frenzy!

Expect something similar. ;)

Not to leave out our Islamic Taliban warrior who stands for Islamic Shariah justice.

Can you stop talking about me or Islam, & concentrate on the topic of the thread? Expecting too much from you, aren't I? ;)
my father had a transfer to a very hilly area(kandhamal ,where 2008 or 09 riot happened) back in the 90's.. my father says that the christian people used chloroquine tab. to cure malaria and said to the illiterate and poor tribal dat it is Jesus who is curing them.
Another incident he saw that 2 locket of Jesus(made of steel) and Krishna(made of plastic) thrown into fire. obviously the former came out without burning , and they said to the tribal to see who is powerful enough to withstand fire.. hilarious but TRUE
Violence against Christians in Karnataka:

Karnataka, September 17 (Compass Direct News) – A mob of about 300 people attacked and torched a Christian prayer hall on Sept. 7 in Bada village, Davangere district just after prayers concluded at about 9 a.m., according to the The Hindu. The assailants broke the asbestos ceiling and windows and set fire to material inside, including Bibles, a cross and a pulpit, the daily reported. A pastor identified only as Lukas E., who was at the site of the attack, described the attackers as “locals” but refused to name them. Police have registered a case, though the pastor said he did not wish to file charges against anyone because they were his “own people.” Villagers who accused the pastor of “converting the locals” by luring them with gifts and by “demeaning Hindu gods and religious customs” told the newspaper that the attack was “spontaneous.” A police official told Compass that 10 persons have been taken into custody. The incident occurred even as prohibitory orders were in force for an area within a 200-meter radius of three other prayer halls in Davangere town, which have been under attack since mid-August. The Hindu nationalist Hindu Jagarana Vedike had threatened to forcibly close down these “unauthorized places” if the district administration did not do so by Sept. 6, stated the daily.

Karnataka – Police on Sept. 6 arrested a pastor in Terekere, Chikmagalur district. Dr. Sajan K. George, national president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) said that on Aug. 31 nearly 40 Hindutva (Hindu nationalist) extremists had disrupted Sunday worship of Emmanuel Church and threatened pastor C.S. John, warning him to hold no further Christian worship. On Sept. 6 nearly 25 intolerant Hindus came to Emmanuel Church, shouting anti-Christian slogans and making false conversions allegations against Pastor John. A GCIC representative told Compass that the Hindu extremists forced Pastor John to a local police station and filed a false complaint against him for “malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings,” and insulting a class of people’s religion or religious beliefs. With GCIC intervention, the pastor was released on bail on Sept. 8.

Karnataka – Hindu extremists on Aug. 31 stormed Sharon Church in Holalkere block of Chitradurga district, Karnataka beat the pastor, dragged believers out of Sunday worship and forcibly applied Kumkum red circles on their foreheads. As is customary in India, police were mute spectators. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) reported that as pastor N. Kumar had finished preaching, nearly 25 intolerant Hindus led by area extremists identified only as Srinivas, Hanumantha and Basavaraj barged into the church shouting “Jai Bajrangi [Hail Lord Hanuman].” Armed with wooden clubs and saffron flags, the extremists slapped Pastor Kumar and made false accusations of forcible conversions. According to GCIC, the extremists threatened the assembly of around 35 believers that they had to convert to Hinduism or else be smacked with clubs. Grabbing him by his collar, the extremists dragged the pastor outside the church, other frightened believers were made to follow, and kumkum was applied to their foreheads. The believers were warned that they would be tonsured if they worshipped in Sharon Church again. The watching policemen then took Pastor Kumar to Hollakera police station. The GCIC brokered a compromise between the Hindu extremists and the church: Pastor Kumar did not file a complaint, and the extremists agreed not to harass the believers. Kumar was given first aid at Hollakera government hospital for a bleeding ear.

Karnataka – Hindutva (Hindu nationalist) extremists on Aug. 31 stormed Full Gospel Church at Sharavati Nagar, Old Hubli, beating a pastor and others and making false allegations of forced conversions. Dr. Sajan K. George, national president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), reported that as worship was going on a group of nearly 30 extremists led by D. Kabadi, Jagadish Katti Satish and another person barged in shouting Hindu devotional chants, walked up to the dais and slapped and punched the Rev. David Perumal. When pastor Thankaraj Dhansingh rushed to the aid of Perumal, he too was repeatedly hit on his head and back. The Hindu extremists cursed congregants and chased them away. Police arrived and took Rev. Dhansingh and Perumal to the police station, with the intolerant Hindus following shouting anti-Christian slogans. With the GCIC’s intervention, a First Information Report was filed against the extremists, George said. Perumal was admitted to a medical clinic for treatment. At press time no arrests had been made.

Karnataka – About 30 Hindu extremists belonging to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council) on Aug. 24 handed over a pastor and 10 others to the Frazer town police station for preaching the gospel and pressured police to file a case against them in Bangalore. The Global Council of Indian Christians reported that the pastor, identified only as Nelson, and the 10 others were preaching and distributing gospel tracts in Doddigunta when the extremists began threatening them and took them to a police station, where they were arrested for “hurting religious sentiments,” statements conducive to public mischief and unlawful assembly. The Christians were released on bail after two days.

Karnataka – Hindu extremists on Aug. 27 disrupted a prayer convention, accused a pastor of forced conversions and beat him in Kala Bhavan, Gadag. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) reported that Hindu extremists from the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council) disrupted the two day-prayer meeting held with prior police permission, brutally beat a pastor identified only as Santosh and dragged him to the police station. The extremists forced the pastor to give a written statement saying he would not conduct future prayer meetings or share the gospel with anyone. He was released after he was forced to submit a written statement to police. Again on Aug. 28, the intolerant Hindus threatened the pastor at his house, saying that they would burn him and his family if they did not leave the area within 24 hours. The pastor filed a police complaint. GCIC told Compass that a First Information Report was not filed, and that the two parties reached a compromise.

Karnataka – Police on Aug. 27 arrested a pastor on charges of hurting religious sentiments and “uttering words with intent to insult the religion of any class” after Hindutva (Hindu nationalist) extremists filed a false complaint of forcible conversion against him in Arasikere, Hobli, Davangere. Dr. Sajan K. George of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) said that nearly 100 extremists belonging to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and Bajrang Dal came by van to the Full Gospel Assembly Church. Pastor K.P. Rajshekar was not at the church building, and the Hindu extremists angrily asked four Christians identified only as Nagappa, Umesh, Yogaraju and Mallesha Naik, about allurements they supposedly received to convert to Christianity. Asha Devi, a GCIC representative, told Compass that the extremists also forced the four believers to the Yellamma Temple, smeared vermillion on their foreheads and made them bow to Hindu idols. “However, they have not renounced Jesus Christ,” Devi told Compass. As is customary in India, police jailed the victims of Hindu extremist aggression. At press time, the GCIC was seeking their release on bail. The extremists had also demanded that the four Christians provide details about the pastor and other families who worshiped there and subsequently went to Pastor Rajshekar’s house, dragged him out and shoved him into the van along with his wife Anapoorna and daughter Geetha. They took them to a police station and filed bogus charges of fraudulent conversion against the pastor and his family.

Karnataka – Police on Aug. 24 detained a pastor after Hindu extremists stormed an evangelistic meeting, attacking the pastor and bringing forth false witnesses to testify against him in Ramalingeshwara Camp, Koppal district. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) reported that Pastor Jeeva Prakash of the Bethesda Prayer House was preaching at a gospel meeting in Ramalingeshwara Camp, where nearly 100 believers had congregated, when a mob led by two local extremists identified only as Virupakshappa and Giri of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh barged into the assembly shouting curses. They slapped Prakash and attempted to make him chant “Jai Sri Ram [Hail Lord Rama].” In spite of repeated hitting and punching on his stomach and head, Pastor Praskash staunchly refused to give in, at which point the extremists dragged the pastor and a few others to a police station, the report stated. GCIC regional coordinator Laxminarayan Gowda told Compass, “The extremists brought two persons identified only as Chinnappa and Lakshmamma, who falsely testified that Prakash had promised them money to attend the meeting.” With GCIC intervention, the pastor and believers were released at around 10:45 p.m. without being charged.

Karnataka – Hindu extremists in Chikka Savananoor village, Gadag district on Aug. 20 beat an evangelist, made false accusations of forced conversion, dragged him to the village temple and tied him to a pillar to mock him. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) reported that Nagaraj Yellappa Limbuji, a private tutor who worships in Shalom Prayer Hall, was en route to work when a group of nearly 20 intolerant Hindus stopped him on the road and made false allegations of forcible conversions. The extremists slapped Limbuji before taking him to the village temple and tying him to one of the temple pillars. The GCIC’s Sajan K. George told Compass that the extremists kept him tied to the pillar for nearly one and a half hours, continuously mocking and cursing him. “One of the believers in the village informed the police, who arrived and set him free,” George said. “Limbuji has refused to register a complaint as he has forgiven the extremists.”

News Briefs

---------- Post added at 11:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 PM ----------

What about you starting to focus on your own final and perfect thingys and leaving out India?

May be focus on your native Iraq, there is enough happening there. ;)

This thread is about Karnataka, in India, not Iraq.

Have you read the news related to pakistan on Compass Direct News main page, or you want to provide me the link, kindly search for some valid source, not some missionery website.
Violence against Christians in Karnataka:

News Briefs

---------- Post added at 11:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 PM ----------

This thread is about Karnataka, in India, not Iraq.

There are hundreds of articles where unilateral aggression is done against other religions or faiths in other Islamic countries as well. And tht too when these communities do nothing to provoke an attack.

You want me to highlight them?

See wrong actions are wrong. I never denied that there is some un-intended aggression as well which is not good but these missionary varieties start it always. Maybe you should offer them your country to begin their mission. After all, I don't think Pakistan should have a problem with becoming Christians since you Muslims also respect Jesus as a respected prophet.
:woot: Is this thread still running. ?

@ Tshering and Vinod Sir, Don't waste your time on the posts of that StandForIns@f's posts. If you followed the thread carefully he is just trolling and spamming the thread with same thing in his each end every post. Any way I have mentioned the Government's Stand on this matter in my earlier post.

I didn't expect from a sane member like bilal (Or may be I am wrong ? :what:) to loose his cool and spam the thread, with sources which are not credible and sources of propaganda. :no:
Anyway this thread has lived more than its life, and time for moderators to close this thread.
Violence against Christians in Karnataka:

Karnataka – Hindu extremists from the Bajrang Dal and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh on Feb. 15 attacked Christians in Gokalam, Mysore. A source told Compass that Hindu extremists attacked church members of Shekinah Assembly of God Church because of their faith. Running from one house to another, the extremists beat the Christians in their homes, took Bibles and Christian literature and burned them. A Christian identified only as Shivmurthy sustained serious head injuries, lost four teeth and underwent an operation on his right ear. Jaylaxmi Puram police refused to register a complaint filed by the Christians, who left the area out of fear of further attacks; at press time 22 families had taken refuge among Christians in a neighboring area.

Karnataka – Hindu extremists on Feb. 14 stopped the inaugural service of Native Village Vision Church’s new building and accused Christians of forceful conversion in Mysore. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) reported that at about 5 p.m. a mob of intolerant Hindu radicals barged into the inaugural service of the new church building, verbally abused the Christians and accused them of forceful conversion. The extremists filed a complaint against the Christians of forceful conversion at the Beechanahalli police station. Officers told the Christians to cease future worship, though GCIC reported that Pastor N.S. Suresh had obtained permission from the village head to construct a church building and had produced required legal documents. Nevertheless, revenue officials locked up the church building on Feb. 15. At press time area Christian leaders were meeting with authorities to resolve the matter.

Karnataka – Hindu extremists from the Rakshana Vedike, affiliated with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, on Feb. 8 attacked a pastor identified only as Timothy G. and two Bible students in Bangalore. An Evangelical Fellowship of India representative reported that the extremists attacked the Christians, who belong to Lord Living Hope Church, as they made their way home after visiting a sick Christian in the area. The extremists verbally insulted them and manhandled them, shoving them and threatening to do more harm if they continued Christian activity in the area. The Christians reported the matter to the police and continued to conduct worship meetings in the area.

Karnataka – On Jan. 24 in Bidarikere, Chitradurga, Hindu extremists from the Rashtriya Swayamsavak Sangh broke into the worship meeting of Indian Evangelical Mission and assaulted a Christian worker. The Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) reported that at about 10:30 a.m. the extremists barged into the meeting shouting slogans and started beating H. Raju, who was leading the meeting, and accused him of forceful conversion. They also burned Bibles and Christian literature and dragged him out to the streets, forcing him to identify Christians’ homes in the area, according to EFI. Entering three Christian houses, the Hindu hardliners threatened to harm Christians if they did not stop worshipping Jesus. Local Christian leaders on Jan. 27 filed a police complaint with Jagalur police, and the next day police arrested three extremists.

Karnataka – Hindu extremists accompanied by local police stopped the worship service of Calvary Gospel Church (CGC) on Jan. 24 in Dudda, Hassan. Two local police stopped the Sunday worship in the rented house of Sekhar Chandra and his wife, Kala Chandra, and chased the Christian worshippers out of the house. Hindu extremists had filed a complaint against the couple, whose rented home was being used for the worship service. After the Jan. 24 disruption, Hindu extremists announced to all villagers they were not to allow any house be used for Christian worship. Subsequently, the landlord along with an agitated mob threw the couple out of their rented house, along with their household goods. The Christian workers are now renting the house of another Christian in the same area and are continuing their ministry.

Recent Incidents of Persecution

---------- Post added at 11:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 PM ----------

:woot: Is this thread still running. ?

@ Tshering and Vinod Sir, Don't waste your time on the posts of that StandForIns@f's posts. If you followed the thread carefully he is just trolling and spamming the thread with same thing in his each end every post. Any way I have mentioned the Government's Stand on this matter in my earlier post.

I didn't expect from a sane member like bilal (Or may be I am wrong ? :what:) to loose his cool and spam the thread, with sources which are not credible and sources of propaganda. :no:
Anyway this thread has lived more than its life, and time for moderators to close this thread.

I am not spamming anything brother, I am just posting different events on Christians in Karnataka.
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