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Survey findings: Pakistanis warmer towards India


Apr 27, 2012
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Survey findings: Pakistanis warmer towards India


ISLAMABAD: More Pakistanis than Indians favour “cooperative” relations between Islamabad and New Delhi but people from both countries consider either state the “least friendly” country, said a survey released by Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency (Pildat).

The survey was conducted nationwide by Pildat with the support and assistance of Danish International Development Agency (Danida) and the Centre of the Study of Developing Sciences (CSDS) Delhi.

The purpose for the survey was to measure various trends in both countries on democracy, trust of the people in different state institutions, their expectations of their elected representatives and impact of television and newspapers.

The ‘Views on State Democracy in South Asia: 2013 Pakistan Report’ was jointly launched by Danish Ambassador to Islamabad Jesper Moller Sorensen and Pildat executive director Ahmed Bilal Mehmood at a local hotel where experts on the subject and parliamentarians expressed their views on the report.

The ‘Indian Report’ was released by CSDS director Sanjay Kumar, who specially flew to Islamabad to attend the event.

According to the survey, 33% of Pakistanis think India is a friendly country while only 11% Indians say Pakistan is a friendly country. When Pakistanis were asked about China, 96% responded that it was the ‘friendliest’ country to Pakistan while 77% regarded Bangladesh as a friendly country.


When people were asked how much were they satisfied with functioning of democracy in Pakistan, 53% said they were ‘satisfied’, which showed an increase of 21% in satisfaction with democracy. In Pakistan, 56% male and 50% women were found satisfied with the functioning of democracy.

Sanjay Kumar said 55% Indian people were satisfied with democracy while 33% were dissatisfied, adding, 62% males while 54% females were satisfied with the functioning democracy. Interestingly, 54% of Indian people did not know the meaning of democracy, he added.

In his remarks, Bilal Mehboob said many Pakistanis were rightly proud of the elections in 2013, where one democratically elected government succeeded another. “Yet democracy is still fragile, so we must continuously keep an eye on the political development and make demands to our politicians to consolidate democracy.”

Published in The Express Tribune, February 17th, 2014.
Not surprising...given that India is huge. A South Indian, East Indian or North East Indian will not feel the same way towards Pakistan as does a North Indian or West Indian.
If they take a similar survey of PDF members, it might read like...0.1% of Pakistani members think India is a friendly country while a similar percentage of Indian members would say Pakistan is a friendly country.

That sucks, what? :undecided: :lol:
Not surprising...given that India is huge. A South Indian, East Indian or North East Indian will not feel the same way towards Pakistan as does a North Indian or West Indian.
And why?
If they take a similar survey of PDF members, it might read like...0.1% of Pakistani members think India is a friendly country while a similar percentage of Indian members would say Pakistan is a friendly country.

That sucks, what? :undecided: :lol:
irrespective of what pdf members think,i still believe that an avg Pakistani doesnt hate India and same goes for an average north Indian................but now the hatred is increasing.......the youth of both country hate eachother and its not a good thing :undecided:
Not surprising...given that India is huge. A South Indian, East Indian or North East Indian will not feel the same way towards Pakistan as does a North Indian or West Indian.

that's actually true..you will see more north indians (myself included) hanging out with Pakistanis in US than with south indians...cuz of factors like language barriers, etc...
96% of Pakistanis say China is the 'friendliest' country.

If they take a similar survey of PDF members, it might read like...0.1% of Pakistani members think India is a friendly country while a similar percentage of Indian members would say Pakistan is a friendly country.

That sucks, what? :undecided: :lol:

because you are trying to find a rabbit in a fox hole.

This is a "defense" forum not a more "relaxed" forum of cultural assimilation. If we go in to those kinds of forums, there will be more friendly interaction than here.
Pakistan is just anti-thesis to india,you see some gains in business from india so you view india as positive ,we see only threats of mujahideens crossing over and blowing up ,its that simple.

We don't gain anything from you ,feeling of hope goodwill doesn't arise when a normal citizen hears pakistan,its not something where an indian wishes to go or can inspire from .

Pakistan is a security concern not an Indian dream

We don't like china but it inspires us :|
33% pipedreamers.

May be you are generalizing too much? 33% is a pretty big percentage and maybe they have some good thoughts about it. All of them pipe dreamers because they have a different opinion from you? As a "moderator" you are "eliminating" one side of the views and propagating your side? acceptance of everyone's views no matter how diverse they are , as long as they are not destroying the decorum (rules) is a very important aspect towards a healthy society.

Yin and Yang in equal measures to counter balance each other.
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