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Swords Axes Spears

Your Favorite Warrior Weapon

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Kashmiri Pandit

Oct 12, 2015
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Though they have lost their shine , they still have a place in the hearts of the Fantasy Buffs . Which of the 3 Warrior weapons do you like the most . Suppose you are transported into a Magical Medieval World , Which of the 3 will you choose as your weapon ?

I like Swords slim ones ( Neither too slim nor too heavy )
Swords, the bigger the better. No toothpick is going to slay a Frost Giant, now is it?


The Dane Axe was a trusty staple of the Viking too.


Double sided axes are pure fantasy BS:angry:.

Peasant classes had access to woodcutting axes and spears, so they too weren't uncommon.


So I guess the answer to the question "Spears, Swords or Axes?" is all three:partay:.

But I like swords better.
Last edited:
Though they have lost their shine , they still have a place in the hearts of the Fantasy Buffs . Which of the 3 Warrior weapons do you like the most . Suppose you are transported into a Magical Medieval World , Which of the 3 will you choose as your weapon ?

I like Swords slim ones ( Neither too slim nor too heavy )
My favourite .

Definitely a Sword

My favorite character from soul blade game



Indian steel sword is one of the famous one , Now they call it wootz steel after british renamed this technique

One of my favorite sword Katana
Axe, it's brutal and causes the most pain upon impact.

Especially if a man the size of a large tree is swinging it at your face:butcher:.

It's kind of gross:D, but a neat video from Cold Steel on the damage a Viking Dane Axe can do:

The pigs, chickens and the cow skulls in our video are real. They are sourced from our local butcher, and the meat used in our videos is donated to our local rescue mission, where it feeds a lot of hungry people.

Those Bamboo mats simulate the density of a human femur along with its flesh and sinew.
Historically the spear dominated. Swords are secondary weapons.

Remember when you were a kid? All boys played with stick fighting and the kid with the longest stick have the advantage.

Heres a qin soldier from 2000 years ago.
Spear (dagger axe) first, sword is last resort.

He is Jewish.

He's Welsh, which the Viking raiders brought back to Scandinavia during raids... it's how red hair began to show up in Scandinavian populations. Besides, he's a f*cking Dwarf!!! That's as Scandinavian as Folklore gets.

Despite being adorable, this isn't native to the Nordic nations:


It only came about in our population following raids of the British Isles.

He is one of us.
Definitely a Sword

My favorite character from soul blade game



Indian steel sword is one of the famous one , Now they call it wootz steel after british renamed this technique

One of my favorite sword Katana

Katana is super overated.

It is also a rip off copy of Chinese swords during the Tang dynasty.

Why dont you post the heavy Indian sword with the blunt top? Its much better than that curved one with the middle eastern looking grip.

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