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The Political Impact of Chinese President's Proposed Visit

All the parties are supporting NS.

Now tell me:

On what grounds will they hold election rallies, what would be their slogans and against whom? If they will talk against the other parties then won't it be hypocrisy again. And if they will not talk against them it means all are hands in hands with each other, then why hold this drama of elections.

Big parties have agreement between them that whoever fools the public most and does the most rigging in elections gets to have the title of head of government, or time share government and rule policy.

Now some will not get fooled by the big parties or let us say they have their own candidate who are like the above but on a smaller scale (fazlur rehman etc…) so we have around 280+ parties this act itself is being allowed to facilitate the bigger parties and not for the sake of political freedom.

The smaller players will after winning, side with one of the big parties. The followers of the smaller parties do not want to vote for the bigger parties but they do not mind giving their vote to their own candidate and that candidate in turn openly is hands in hand with the bigger ones.
Syed Talat Hussain ‏@TalatHussain12
Chinese prez's security team gets OK frm Army high command and govt.

1. No more Dharna.
2. No threat of Martial Law.
3. Indirect Support from China to current government, if the visit takes place.
4. IK must accept some sort of face-saver before Qadri's PAT gets cleaned out from Red Area.
5. NS wins a repreive, but we do not know if he will learn his lesson or not. I have enjoyed parliamentarians blasting NS for his imperial airs, bad advisers, and general incompetence in handling PAT/PTI combine. I can not say for sure if NS will perform better despite all this.

@Aether , @Oscar , @Horus , @AgNoStiC MuSliM , @xyxmt , @ice_man , @Spring Onion , @Manticore , @blain2 , @Joe Shearer , @cb4 , @JonAsad , @Fracker , @faisal6309 , @TheFlyingPretzel , @AZADPAKISTAN2009 , @balixd , @Syed.Ali.Haider , @Slav Defence , @SBD-3 , @farhan_9909 , @Jazzbot , @Mugwop , @nair , @Dillinger, @Devil Soul , @Counter-Errorist , @WebMaster , @Secur , @Bratva , @Irfan Baloch , @WishLivePak , @Meengla , @scorpionx , @genmirajborgza786 , @syedali73 , @Devil Soul , @Mav3rick , @orangzaib , @saiyan0321 , @Bratva , @Major Sam , @Ghareeb_Da_Baal, @FaujHistorian , @S.U.R.B.
Nothing like that is going to happen yes it may delay a little nawaz government end but INSHALLAH really soon Nawaz government will end
This is why we should find alternative to NS, and it better not be PPP. Who then? I am scratching my head.... Any suggestions? BTW this is a good next thread idea. Who shall lead Pakistan post-Nawaz Sharif?

IK's successes over the last few years shows that people are ready for a new political force even though IK didn't really make the cut. NS and future PMs will now be forced to improve education (among other sectors) which will eventually rid them of their own votebank.

What's your take on a purely technocratic party? I am hard pressed to think of a trigger to cause such a party to emerge, but if it did happen, I feel that would be an ideal party for any democracy.
@Chak Bamu I could see lot of similarity in IK and kejriwal......

1) Both are from non political background
2) Both are founder of their own party
3) Both are arrogant
4) Both know how to use people sentiments
5) Both get carried away with the support they get
6) Both started of well and people had faith and belief in their way of politics. Eventually they got over confident and become more arrogant.
7)Both of them has an ideology which is very different from other parties in respective countries
8) Both won a state/province assembly (i hope i am right on IK in KPK)
9) Both did very bad in their national elections.

You know why IK is relevant and Kejriwal is not???? Because India has a government which is stable with wide majority and going on the right direction (atleast from the early indications). This reduced the significance of him and his party. If India had a unstable government and if the government was formed with a coalition of regional parties, he would have been a different man and his party would have been on street every day doing what IK and Quadri is doing.

The best thing to avoid such political turmoil is Having a Stable government with a powerful leader as its head, The leader should be able to generate support from its people rather than looking at Army or any other country.....

Note: my points on IK is based on the articles and discussion i have read in PDF (apologies if u find me wrong in any of the points)
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IK's successes over the last few years shows that people are ready for a new political force even though IK didn't really make the cut. NS and future PMs will now be forced to improve education (among other sectors) which will eventually rid them of their own votebank.

What's your take on a purely technocratic party? I am hard pressed to think of a trigger to cause such a party to emerge, but if it did happen, I feel that would be an ideal party for any democracy.

There is no way around having an experienced politician in the front rank. The Technocrat setup / party / solution will stay a dream. PTI's latest fiasco proves it. Technocrats like Asad Umar were ineffectual in influencing disastrous policy choices. A bunch of Technocrats will never make it. Politics is a profession - a full time profession. A good politician is a specialist; a technocrat of his field. Why do we keep forgetting this?

The great reservoir of resentment remains. Like I have said plenty of times, PML-N is not our future. However, I see many educated Pakistanis supporting PML-N, and therefore I have to disagree with the view that improvement in education will rob PML-N of its vote. If PML-N changes its priorities and makes meaningful investment in Social services, it will improve its popularity and chances.

If IK remains just as stubborn as he is now, I see PTI breaking along fractures and crumbling. To save PTI, IK should go into a non-electoral role like Sonai Gandhi and not jump on his instincts whenever a decision is to be made. He must make a high council and keep himself from practicing veto powers like the one that made JH walk away.
..... Because India has a government which is stable with [size=]wild majority[[/size] ....

Nair bhai,

I am sure you meant to say "wide majority".

there may be some similarities with Kejarwal.

But IK is not some romantic upstart like Kejar

In fact IK will be called a curse word rhyming with Kejar. But I won't say out of respect for IK supporters on this forum.


Nair bhai,

IK has been in politics for 20 years (or close to it). He knows his way around.

Unfortunately he has picked the wrong kind of dirty smell $hitty company and now stunk up our political scene.

I hope you understand.
Nothing like that is going to happen yes it may delay a little nawaz government end but INSHALLAH really soon Nawaz government will end

Zarvi, there is a reason why nobody takes you seriously any more. You never learn form anything. You are a typical inflexible mullah. You refuse to see reality even when it knocks on your head. You've been wrong - doesn't that mean something to you?
Nair bhai,

I am sure you meant to say "wide majority".

there may be some similarities with Kejarwal.

But IK is not some romantic upstart like Kejar

In fact IK will be called a curse word rhyming with Kejar. But I won't say out of respect for IK supporters on this forum.


Nair bhai,

IK has been in politics for 20 years (or close to it). He knows his way around.

Unfortunately he has picked the wrong kind of dirty smell $hitty company and now stunk up our political scene.

I hope you understand.

Sorry for that typo....

I know he was there in politics for a long time and i had that in my mind while typing that post. But experience counts when that is converted into a meaningful actions, otherwise it is just a number.
Guys I need to remind everyone (me included) that the thread title is being ignored. We may discuss rolling up of this circus of crapistan as a failed operation being tipped aside because of visit from Chinese President. We've seen the first signs of the roll back. How long do you all think it will take for this circus of crapistan to be wrapped up?
Guys I need to remind everyone (me included) that the thread title is being ignored. We may discuss rolling up of this circus of crapistan as a failed operation being tipped aside because of visit from Chinese President. We've seen the first signs of the roll back. How long do you all think it will take for this circus of crapistan to be wrapped up?

I posted that post thinking the other thread where you mentioned me (10 wrong things by IK) i posted here assuming it to be that thread. Can you move this post to that thread?
Nothing like that is going to happen yes it may delay a little nawaz government end but INSHALLAH really soon Nawaz government will end

You are still asleep in a cloud. Wake up and look down, there is sunlight. The darkness is gone. All the evil spirits were taken away by the Giant alien ship
Nair bhai,

I am sure you meant to say "wide majority".

there may be some similarities with Kejarwal.

But IK is not some romantic upstart like Kejar

In fact IK will be called a curse word rhyming with Kejar. But I won't say out of respect for IK supporters on this forum.


Nair bhai,

IK has been in politics for 20 years (or close to it). He knows his way around.

Unfortunately he has picked the wrong kind of dirty smell $hitty company and now stunk up our political scene.

I hope you understand.
Though I agree with @nair's overall analysis, I agree with you on this count - IK is far more experienced than Kejri. On one hand Kejri is a romantic fool(this is a compliment) while IK is a shrewd calculating politician suited for the dirty subcontinental politics.

But then just like Kejri got some real bad company, and still continues to have, IK also has a number of shady characters (and I am being generous) in his clique. Though one may repose faith in IK, there remains doubts on what the coterie will do once they have the power they strive for. The IK group needs more dependable faces on whom the administration can rely upon. A one man show is great for the emotionally charged desis(like us) but in the long run everyone's contribution is necessary.

It only takes two fools in the IK gang to discredit the entire movement.

Plus Pakistan, unfortunately has not seen a lot of stability in electoral politics. So, if IK comes to power, the Macbeth's problem will stare at them hard. They will face challenges to the very legitimacy of their mandate. They will require more than the iron will of IK to survive all that.

Breaking a habit(coups and counter coups) will require a lot of strength. No offense.
Plus Pakistan, unfortunately has not seen a lot of stability in electoral politics. So, if IK comes to power, the Macbeth's problem will stare at them hard. They will face challenges to the very legitimacy of their mandate. They will require more than the iron will of IK to survive all that.

If IK manages to comes to power by toppling the government thru this agitation, How long will it take PMLN to start another agitation with in 3 months of his inauguration???? When i look from outside i see this as a wrong precedent.....

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