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Tibet in Trumoil

sorry 23march, guess I was just going nuts.

I've concealed the pic as it might be kinda harsh to usual sensations, and also ask gpit for the same coverage in his quote. my apology to all disturbed.
any one of you ever heard of "burning sky lamp"?

it's an old crucifixion used by latifundists to punish their serfs at will in the dark feudal age in Tibet before 1951.

if you never heard of it, now the Free Tibet mobs have made an abominable demo.

on March 14, they trashed a shop and caught the han ethnic owner,father of 3 kids. they beat him on the ground, teared up all his clothes, and then wrapped him up with woven belt, drenched him with gasoline, finally hung him up to a wooden pole (the lampstage) and, lit him from his feet.

the last step sounds like lighting up a ghee lamp,holy,gravely with joy.
but an innocent man, leaving his family awaiting, watched and smelled himself dying out like a candle.

Is this a reaction of peaceful Tibetan populace to the "long-term Chinese oppression"? or more likely, from the method,

a cast out feudal baron using tools to repeat his bloody glory?

I wont expect any accusation over this from those fu*king rights group, they've been busying in cutting clips of indian cops beating protesters and putting them right in front of Lahsa riot, in order to make an inspiring video of "Tibetans reacting to chinese high level oppresion".

you can find it on youtube.

Atrocities by anyone cannot be condoned, no matter how great the cause is.

It, however, is immaterial as to what was done in the medieval times since that is not relevant. The Chinese are no greenhorns in the art of torture either, but then that is again not relevant to the current crisis.

The fact that tourists and foreigners have been sent out of Tibet indicates that repressive measures are being taken and will be taken.

It is obvious that the Tibetans are not overjoyed at the mutation being done to their religion by the State, nor are thrilled at the denouncement of their spiritual leader.

The Hanisation of Tibet and the economic disparity between the Han immigrants and the indigenous population is also another reason for this problem as it is in Xinjiang.

One should not get disturbed by the pictures that you post. The reality of the situation has to be understood. One must face the truth, no matter how gruesome it is. Indeed, there is enough of photos likewise of the repression that is being done by the Chinese forces and so one must also know what the Tibetans are doing too!

No one is purer than the snow of Mount Etna.

Just for your info, the Dalai Lama has stated that if the violence continues, he will step down!

Unfortunately Pakistan seems to be in even worst position! Our President is in a trap set by Zionist controlled Amerika. for the sake of survival of the nation, he allied with the west on their WAR ON TERROR. Musharraf shakes hands with Bush in front of Media to show west that he is with them, but deep inside he knows that this god dam Zionist remote controlled bush is a Satan send from hell! This so called “Democracy” will bring destruction to our country:(


The so called "Democracy" may indeed destroy Pakistan if one is so steeped in gloom as you. However, I would like to believe that you are wrong to think that Pakistan is to collapse like a pack of cards.

The elections was hardly a Zionist conspiracy, Neither was the way the Pakistanis voted. The Pakistani people have selected their leaders and not the Zionists! So,why blame them?

Your illustration of Musharraf comes out as if he is a weakling and a puppet. I daresay if that is a correct image. He has done much for Pakistan and has steered the ship rather well in the troubled times. Therefore, do give him credit and not paint such a wimpish picture of him. I am sure he shook hands with Bush knowing exactly what he was doing,

Bridle your self pity a bit and don't blame everyone else. It appears that you wish to state that the woes of Pakistan is the doings of others and that Musharraf was but a tool in their hands!

I would prefer to believe that Pakistanis are in total control of their destiny and are not remote controlled.
The so called "Democracy" may indeed destroy Pakistan if one is so steeped in gloom as you. However, I would like to believe that you are wrong to think that Pakistan is to collapse like a pack of cards.

The elections was hardly a Zionist conspiracy, Neither was the way the Pakistanis voted. The Pakistani people have selected their leaders and not the Zionists! So,why blame them?

Your illustration of Musharraf comes out as if he is a weakling and a puppet. I daresay if that is a correct image. He has done much for Pakistan and has steered the ship rather well in the troubled times. Therefore, do give him credit and not paint such a wimpish picture of him. I am sure he shook hands with Bush knowing exactly what he was doing,

Bridle your self pity a bit and don't blame everyone else. It appears that you wish to state that the woes of Pakistan is the doings of others and that Musharraf was but a tool in their hands!

I would prefer to believe that Pakistanis are in total control of their destiny and are not remote controlled.

i totally agree with you:cheers:, but you did not get my point. just to let you know that i am a true patriotic Pakistani and i love President Pervaiz Musharraf!:pakistan:
my point was that Zionist conspiracy was to defame Pakistan army to its public eyes by engaging it with pro Taliban elements and to the world that the ISI is pro taliban. To the pakistani public eyes pak army is fighting for the "kafirs" and think Pak army is anti-islam.:frown: but little do they know that these pro taliban movement is nothin but anti islam and anti-pakistan and eventually will cause us to lose huge chunk of pakistan if not dealt with Military FORCE!
now that pakistan army is not meeting US requirements.....
1. allow US troops and "combat planes" in pakistan.
2. allow US to supervise our NUKE installments.
they are playing another dirty game of defaming our military that military action must be taken in pakistan because pakistan is likely be run over by Pro-Taliban?? what crapp is this??

So even allying with them, Pakistan is not getting enough support from America as once it use to get back in the 50s and early 80s.. this BUSH administration is not as friendly as others such as the GREAT Ronald Reagan!

I refuse to accept that Zionist can control the mind of Musharraf or any other leader in the world.

If they can, then these people are no leaders. They are then merely puppets.

God help the country run by puppets!
I refuse to accept that Zionist can control the mind of Musharraf or any other leader in the world.

If they can, then these people are no leaders. They are then merely puppets.

God help the country run by puppets!

no no.. Musharraf is not a puppet.. he is so not controled by the Zionist..
tell me then why doesn’t he let US troops or even Warplanes in our territory? or hand over A Q Khan and most of all Nukes?
Just my point.

Musharraf know his onions.

And he shakes hands with confidence!

Got that?
In idiomatic English, it means he knows his beans i.e. knows his job!

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