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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

i said this on another thread as well.
The war in the Middle East is not over land. It is over religious beliefs.
muslims hate jews so gutterly that they dont wanna see them alive.((obviously this doesnt include 100 %)
Hamas terrorists keep shelling Israeli populated towns and the world accepts this while if a Palestinian civilian is killed collaterally, Israelis are to be blamed, even though these civilians are deliberately places close to the shelling stations for the purpose of making them martyrs.
these people have have no conscience. They commit any crime just to win. When the winning is the goal every heinous act is justifiable. They think their children will be sent to paradise so it is okay if they are killed. They know they cannot win this war militarily, so they are waging a war of propaganda through victimization game at the cost of sacrificing their own children. How despicable! How low these people have descended.
12-11 reasons REASON # 1> a state out of control killing humans everyday like they are trash shall any more reasons be stated and plus the show they put on just a few days ago against the turkish ship should be a eye opener for the world i rest my case .
palestine is actually a land of jews. palestinians have no right over that land.

You need to do some serious homework speak out of knowledge rather then showing love for israel go read the histroy books boy then come back and state something that makes sense.:tdown:
Israel is a country of 7.3 million people. Only Tehran has twice as many inhabitants. Despite that Israel has withstood all the attacks from Arabs. But no country is invincible. Israel can be obliterated in a nuclear attack. That is why they have to do what they have to do. Israelis have nowhere to go. They have to fight to the end.
But why do stupid things? Why instead of this much hate, u people talk peace with them..??
i said this on another thread as well.
The war in the Middle East is not over land. It is over religious beliefs.
muslims hate jews so gutterly that they dont wanna see them alive.((obviously this doesnt include 100 %)

Who made you the world speaker and jews hate muslims so.. are you going to fix that just shut it up you have no idea what the hell you are talking trying to cause tensions here you seem fresh out of hatched egg..:angry:
You need to do some serious homework speak out of knowledge rather then showing love for israel go read the histroy books boy then come back and state something that makes sense.:tdown:

i never claimed i am a history professor.
if u have better knwoledge of history then plz tell me who were the actual inhibitants of that land.???
u wanna prove me wrong..???
plz try...
Who made you the world speaker and jews hate muslims so.. are you going to fix that just shut it up you have no idea what the hell you are talking trying to cause tensions here you seem fresh out of hatched egg..:angry:

why instead of replying to my arguements , ure trying to insult me ?
Turkey of no interest to us, says Israeli foreign minister

June 5, 2010

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is willing to consider easing the blockade on the Gaza Strip but has vowed not to allow any protest ships to reach the impoverished Palestinian territory.

As pressure continued to mount for an international commission of inquiry into Israel's interception of a Gaza-bound aid flotilla of six ships on Monday that resulted in the deaths of nine passengers on board the Turkish ferry Mavi Marmara, the Israeli Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, declared that Turkey was ''simply of no interest'' to Israel.

He added that while Turkey once may have been a friend of Israel, ''internal changes in Turkish society'' had caused a split similar to that between Israel and Iran after the Islamic Revolution there in 1979.

''We didn't start this provocation, we did not send bullies with knives and metal rods to Turkey,'' he said. ''The entire blame, all of it, from beginning to end, is that of Turkey. We have nothing to apologise for.''

Turkey's President, Abdullah Gul, has warned that Israel would regret this week's events, and relations between the two countries would never be the same.

Eight Turks and an American of Turkish origin were killed in Israel's raid on the flotilla, Turkey's Anatolia news agency reported.

On Thursday, thousands of mourners in Istanbul hailed the dead activists as martyrs, hoisting their coffins to cheers of "God is great".

Turkey has declared diplomatic war on Israel, with Ankara recalling its ambassador to Israel and freezing all business deals with Israel in the fields of energy and water, but not a number of agreements to buy Israeli-made weapons systems.

An Israeli Navy investigation of the events on board the Mavi Marmara said activists tried to take captive three Israeli commandos whom they had beaten unconscious. The three were dragged below deck and held there for several minutes.

After dozens of other commandos began searching the ship, the three soldiers regained consciousness and managed to join their comrades.

The Israeli Navy has rejected claims that it was poorly prepared, and officials have commended the commandos' performance in a situation in which they were confronted by activists who attacked them as they rappelled from helicopters.

''They were terrorists, hired killers who came to murder soldiers, not to assist the residents of the Gaza Strip,'' one navy officer told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

Among the steps Israel is reportedly willing to take to ease the blockade is to allow civilian goods, particularly food items and humanitarian equipment, to enter Gaza more easily.

Benjamin Netanyahu to consider easing the blockade
i never claimed i am a history professor.
if u have better knwoledge of history then plz tell me who were the actual inhibitants of that land.???
u wanna prove me wrong..???
plz try...

Good then don't act like a school teacher cuz you don't know jack.. moving along as i stated you need to do some homework and see to whom this land belonged too before it was given to israel.. the jews had no land they were all over europe.. and other places simple as that gain some knowledge by reading up since you are online rather then arguing about something you have no idea about and stop trolling or you will find your self out of here real quick.:angry:

simple question.
plz tell me truthfull doesnt muslims hate jews..???
plz dnt try to give any diplomatic answer..??
Good then don't act like a school teacher cuz you don't know jack.. moving along as i stated you need to do some homework and see to whom this land belonged too before it was given to israel.. the jews had no land they were all over europe.. and other places simple as that gain some knowledge by reading up since you are online rather then arguing about something you have no idea about and stop trolling or you will find your self out of here real quick.:angry:


The Jews have historic right over Israel. There is a detailed history about them, and not just their own that traces them to that land for almost $3,500 years. Many ancient towns in Israel, like Jerusalem, Bethlehem, etc, still have Hebrew names. In fact the Quranic stories narrated by Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) about Moses and the Israelites, confirm that the Jews called that part of land home at least 2000 years before Islam was invented.

---------- Post added at 08:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 PM ----------

The truth is that the Jews never deserted Israel completely. Many of them have been living there forever. But their land was under the domination of other powers, such as the Romans, the Caliphs of Islam and the Ottoman Empire.
why instead of replying to my arguements , ure trying to insult me ?

Iam not insulting you iam just responding in the manner you deserve look at what you are writting you seem to think its ok to say such hatful things as muslims hate jews.. dude i have friends that are jews you are making it a one sided affair and you think i will let you do that hell no iam behind you . Plus the facts are that this land was not the jews and you need to read up once you stop trolling i will stop jumping on your back talk about peace and friendship share views in a proper decent respectful manner rather then stating things that are fake understand its only fair.:coffee:
You ask what about the Palestinians. That is a fair question. But who are the Palestinians? Palestinians are partly Egyptians and partly Jordanians. They are not people of the land. Most of them are recent migrants. Palestine is a region. There has never been a country called Palestine for you to say Israelis have stolen our lands. And the Palestinians have enough land to build their country and live happily.

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