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UN: India not safe for infant girls

Abortions in Sri Lanka -

Abortion rates in Sri Lanka are staggeringly high in spite of the prohibitory laws in place. In 2011 the Public Health Bureau claimed that an estimated 800 abortions take place every day. Recent data has suggested that there are around 290,000 abortions per year; a huge figure given that Sri Lanka’s annual birth rate stands at 380,000. The majority of abortions are carried out by unskilled practitioners, backstreet butchers, in unsanitary and unsafe conditions. The repercussions of this can be devastating. Internal bleeding and fatal infection are commonplace; abortion is currently the leading cause of maternal death in the country.

Abortion: A call for calm | Opinion

Population of Sri lanka is 20,859,949

Number of abortions per year - 290,000

So that means 1.4% of Sri lankan population is getting aborted every year.. Consider the small population, some will not laugh at the high rates of abortions happening in their back yard..
Abortions in Sri Lanka -

Abortion rates in Sri Lanka are staggeringly high in spite of the prohibitory laws in place. In 2011 the Public Health Bureau claimed that an estimated 800 abortions take place every day. Recent data has suggested that there are around 290,000 abortions per year; a huge figure given that Sri Lanka’s annual birth rate stands at 380,000. The majority of abortions are carried out by unskilled practitioners, backstreet butchers, in unsanitary and unsafe conditions. The repercussions of this can be devastating. Internal bleeding and fatal infection are commonplace; abortion is currently the leading cause of maternal death in the country.

Abortion: A call for calm | Opinion

Population of Sri lanka is 20,859,949

Number of abortions per year - 290,000

So that means 1.4% of Sri lankan population is getting aborted every year.. Consider the small population, some will not laugh at the high rates of abortions happening in their back yard..

Abortions per year? lol seems you didn't find article about baby girls. :D Sri Lankan parents don't kill their babies based on gender!
Abortions per year? lol seems you didn't find article about baby girls. :D Sri Lankan parents don't kill their babies based on gender!

Abortions don't see genders.. You are killing 1.4 % of your population every year (that includes baby girls) apart from the uncounted Tamil girls.

You are laughing like you are really proud of illing 290000 of your babies.. you kill babies who knows gender came into play or not..
Abortions don't see genders.. You are killing 1.4 % of your population every year apart from the uncounted Tamil girls.

To cover up the reality which is happening in India it is lame to blame on another country.
Legal abortions happening in Sri Lankan hospitals, it is all due to health condition of mother. Illegal abortions are happening too but any of these incidents are not related due to "having a baby girl"!

apart from Tamil girls? are they live in another planet? Sri Lankans are enjoying a better health service which is free around the country that's why Sri Lanka shows good stats! India has long way to go...............Im very sad about poor baby Indian girls! :)
To cover up the reality which is happening in India it is lame to blame on another country.
Legal abortions happening in Sri Lankan hospitals, it is all due to health condition of mother. Illegal abortions are happening too but any of these incidents not related due to "having a baby girl"!

apart from Tamil girls? are they live in another planet? Sri Lankans are enjoying a better health service which is free around the country that's why Sri Lanka shows good stats! India has long way to go...............Im very sad about poor baby Indian girls! :)

I am not trying to hide anything.. We are just sharing the statistics from all over Asia..

and one can make up any story about Abortions but you need to read the below

Recent data has suggested that there are around 290,000 abortions per year; a huge figure given that Sri Lanka’s annual birth rate stands at 380,000. The majority of abortions are carried out by unskilled practitioners, backstreet butchers, in unsanitary and unsafe conditions.

Majority of abortions done by unskilled practitioner, backstreet butchers. I am sure none of them are legal.. The legal abortion count would be different.. but In any case babies equivalent to 1.4% of the size of your population, you are killing every year..

Good health services like "The majority of abortions are carried out by unskilled practitioners, backstreet butchers, in unsanitary and unsafe conditions." Nice Story!!

I said apart from Tamil girls because those numbers will never be shown to world by brave Sinhalas..

One more thing, your annual birth rate is 3,80000 and no of abortions per annum is 290000. Looks like every other child is aborted in S Lanka.. Is the health of mothers so bad in Sri lanka?

Now, Laugh!!
I am not trying to hide anything.. We are just sharing the statistics from all over Asia..

and one can make up any story about Abortions but you need to read the below

Recent data has suggested that there are around 290,000 abortions per year; a huge figure given that Sri Lanka’s annual birth rate stands at 380,000. The majority of abortions are carried out by unskilled practitioners, backstreet butchers, in unsanitary and unsafe conditions.

Majority of abortions done by unskilled practitioner, backstreet butchers. I am sure none of them are legal.. The legal abortion count would be different.. but In any case babies equivalent to 1.4% of the size of your population, you are killing per annum..

Good health services like "The majority of abortions are carried out by unskilled practitioners, backstreet butchers, in unsanitary and unsafe conditions." Nice Story!!

It's not related to the topic posted here.

Unwanted pregnancy is a different story! Sri Lankan girls are very active and fun loving, and of course Sri Lankan guys aren't second to them. XD We should promote use condoms more! :D
India, one of the most barbaric places on earth know for among other thing female infanticide, no toilets for 40% population,
the largest slums in the world, honor killings, suicide by peasants, largest HIV population, human traffiking, drug traffiking, caste
based social hierarchy, largest lab for multinational pharmaceutical trails of drugs (turning poor indian into gunie pigs) and bhramin supremacy theory. There is a reason that gays and HIV are on a rise in india. These guys are still living in stone age times and ignorant foul mouth siv sena indians have the audacity to bash ISLAM and muslims, the only religion that in clear terms forbid child infentacide. One of the worst palces on earth, a dirt poor hell hole talks about illegal migration of "bangladeshis". These PDF Indians have no shame and lives in another world far away from reality.

I thanked you so that your thanks become 1000 and i like your hatred toward INDIA.

Have a Good Day.
It's not related to the topic posted here.

Unwanted pregnancy is a different story! Sri Lankan girls are very active and fun loving, and of course Sri Lankan guys aren't second to them. XD We should promote use condoms more! :D

Why not?

The aborted baby can be girl. Who knows? Yeah, so you mean to say once a women is carrying an unwanted child she will taken to back street Butcher.. That's funny in fact, I am hearing the use of butchers to get rid of pregnancy for the first time and that too from Sri Lankans.. This must be the good medical service that you were talking about..

Read again

Majority of abortions done by unskilled practitioner, backstreet butchers. I am sure none of them are legal.. The legal abortion count would be different.. but In any case babies equivalent to 1.4% of the size of your population, you are killing every year..

Good health services like "The majority of abortions are carried out by unskilled practitioners, backstreet butchers, in unsanitary and unsafe conditions." Nice Story!!

I said apart from Tamil girls because those numbers will never be shown to world by brave Sinhalas..

One more thing, your annual birth rate is 3,80000 and no of abortions per annum is 290000. Looks like every other child is aborted in S Lanka.. Is the health of mothers so bad in Sri lanka?

and now, Laugh!!
Why not?

The aborted baby can be girl. Who knows? Yeah, so you mean to say once a women is carrying an unwanted child she will taken to back street Butcher.. That's funny in fact, I am hearing the use of butchers to get rid of pregnancy for the first time and that too from Sri Lankans.. This must be the good medical service that you were talking about..

Read again

and now, Laugh!!

yep, can be a girl but those abortions here do not happen BECOZ of that baby is a "girl". Read the topic again!

"back street butchers" , article is referring to private medical centres on the roadside. These small scale medical centres do not have legal rights to do a abortion!

Over 50% of indian children have been sexually abused too. You indians don't even spare innocent children. So sad :cry:

Would some Indian forum members be in a position to confirm this. I mean according to this half of Indian members have been abused. Can this be true?

Pakistani's talking about women rights? funny have you people ever seeing national geographic ,discovery or BBC channels?

It is obvious that there are some seriously evil things going on with child and female abuse in India. Why are you Indians not coming on here and condemning it. Instead most of you are trying to apportion blame on to other countries etc. How does that change the hell that India has become today if these UN stats are correct?
You can see more than half of the indian members have been sexually abused as children. That's why they feel so inferior and filled with hate and envy ;)

I thought the statistics quoted by CD were half not more than half??
Yeah the numbers do sound a bit ridiculous, but the UN and the WHO are also looking into this, for the UN to release such a damning report means that this is very prevalent in India, not sure if India and its citizens are taking this seriously, I mean if the educated and elite of India are doing this themselves, it's pretty damning on Indian society as a whole.

I don't disagree that the situation is grim. I regret that as well. But I was countering someone claiming 50% death rate for girls which should have showed in the statistics.
I don't disagree that the situation is grim. I regret that as well. But I was countering someone claiming 50% death rate for girls which should have showed in the statistics.

To be honest I am surprised and shocked by these statistics. Could they be wrong?
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